



dog and pony show -

curry favour - 拍马屁

run circles around someone - 遥遥领先于(某人)

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

for a song - 廉价地

flex one’s muscles - 显示实力

smoke and mirrors - 障眼法;骗局

win by a nose - 险胜

grease someone’s palm - 贿赂

nest egg - 储蓄金

turn the tables - 转败为胜

in a pickle - 处境困难

be up in arms - 愤怒;发火

a square meal - 令人满足的

give somebody the hook - 炒某人鱿鱼

spill the beans - 泄露秘密

hat in hand - 帽子拿在手上

go against the grain - 违背常理

go pear-shaped - 搞砸了

get in one’s hair - 惹怒某人

inside track - 有利地位

make no bones about - 对…直言不讳

go to the dog - 走向毁灭

in the black - 盈亏,有结余

go up in smoke - 化为乌有

lovey-dovey - 情谊绵绵的

water under the bridege - 陈年往事

under a cloud - 不被信任

rub one’s nose in it - 揭某人伤疤

at the drop of a hat - 不加思索地,毫不犹豫地

green-eyed - 绿眼睛的

fly-by-night - 趁着夜色飞

up to one’s neck - 忙的不可开交

long in the tooth - 年纪大

carry the ball - 承担责任;担当要职

call someone on the carpet - 被训斥或者责备

have a bun in the oven - 怀孕

sink or swim - 自己去闯,成败全凭自己

white elephant - 昂贵却无用的东西

bring home the bacon - 养家糊口

have butterflies in stomach - 做某事前极度紧张,心里七上八下的

brown study - 出神;忧思

be out of the woods - 脱离险境

Keep cards close to chest - 保守秘密

Speak with a forked tongue - 口是心非

cupboard love - 有所企图的爱

throw the book at someone - 给某人以最严厉的惩罚

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施,恩威并重

chew the fat - 闲聊

blow smoke - 蒙人

let the cat out of the bag - 泄露秘密

bite one’s tongue - 缄口不言

churuch mouse - 一贫如洗

sit on the fence - 保持中立

steal one’s thunder - 抢某人风头

bell the cat - 自告奋勇,挺身而出

New york minute - 非常短的时间;瞬间

a monkey on one’s back - 大难题,无法承受的负担

be all ears - 洗耳恭听

an elephant in the room - 明明存在但人们不愿意提及的棘手问题

bad apple - 害群之马

talk turkey - 坦率地讲,打开天窗说亮话

be in each other’s pockets - 形影不离

fat city - 兴旺

jump the gun - 抢跑;过早行动

go out on a limb - 未得到众人赞同的,孤立的

feel under the weather - 生病

down to the wire - 直到最后一刻

salad days - 年少不谙世事的岁月

hold all the cards - 掌控全局;处于优势

cut to the chase - 开门见山

a bed of roses - 十分安逸自在的生活

closed book - 一无所知的学科

a rough diamond - 外粗内秀的人

have a cow - 突然激动起来;勃然大怒

call it a day - 结束工作,到此为止,收工

let your hair down - 放松

have a ball - 尽情狂欢

bread and butter - 生活来源,生计

fish or cut bait - 做出抉择

beef up - 增强

big talk - 大话;吹牛

break a leg - 祝你成功

eat one’s words - 吃掉自己的话,说错了收回

an apple of love - 西红柿

a dog’s dinner - 一团糟

black sheep - 害群之马

go bananas - 情绪失控

an open book - 坦率的人

go Dutch - AA制

dead meat - 处境艰难

in clover - 养尊处优

pull up one’s socks - 年轻人,好好干

best man - 伴郎

mall rat - 喜欢逛商场的年轻人

face the music - 承担自己言行的后果

pencil in - 临时安排

child’s play - 简单的事

no dice - 不行

Greek gift - 图谋害人的礼物

busybody - 爱管闲事的人

Where is the john - 厕所在哪

Sunday best - 一个人最好的衣服

Dutch courage - 酒后之勇

a bag lady - 无家可归的女人

bite the bullet - 咬住子弹

eleventh hour - 最后关头

browned off - 厌烦的

top brass - 高层

knock on wood - 祈求好运

gravy train - 美差

walk down the aisle - 结婚

mad money - 应急钱

dog day - 夏天最热的日子,三伏天

cash cow - 摇钱树

green hand - 新手;菜鸟;没有经验的人

the coast is clear - 已无危险;没有被发现

catch some Z’s - 小睡一会

have the last word - 一锤定音

a fly in the ointment - 美中不足之处;令人扫兴的东西或人

talk of the town - 街谈巷议

silly season - 蠢季节

bread-and-butter letter - 接收款待后写的感谢信

drop someone a line - 给(某人)写信(尤指非正式的简短书信)

faint of heart - 胆小懦弱

a nod is as good as a wink - 心照不宣

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

carry coals to Newcastle - 多此一举

rule of thumb - 根据实践或经验总结出的法则

lay an egg - 完全失败

rock the boat - 惹麻烦

rain check - 延期,改天再约

see the light of day - 诞生,问世;为人所知

close to home - 扎心了

blank cheque - 空白支票;自由处置权

climb the wall - 焦躁不安

beat the drum for - 极力鼓吹

turn tail - 夹着尾巴逃跑

pull one’s leg - 拉某人的腿

be wet behind the ears - 耳朵后边还是潮湿的

below the belt - 暗中伤人

pull the strings - 幕后操纵;暗中控制

out to lunch - 疯狂的;神志不清的;懒散的

be in the doghouse - 因做错事使某人生气,受冷落,失宠

carry the can - 背负责任

a shot in the arm - 刺激因素;兴奋剂

push the boat out - 为庆祝某事而话费一大笔钱

wait on hand and foot - 招待得无微不至

spin one’s wheels - 白费力气

pinhead - 蠢蛋

be bananas for - 疯狂的

jump ship - 跳槽

rise and shine - 快起床

climb on the bandwagon - 见风使舵

on the worng foot - 出师不利

a black look - 狠狠地瞪一眼

backseat driver - 多管闲事的人

salt away - 储蓄

go to seed - 不休边幅,变得破败

whistle in the dark - 虚张声势

be up in the air - 悬而未决

take … with a grain of salt - 半信半疑

on the back burner - 搁置一旁

mum’s the world - 听妈妈的话

Hobson’s choice - 别无选择

a stone’s throw - 一步之遥

gild the lily - 画蛇添足

ring a bell - 听起来耳熟

touch a raw nerve - 触到痛处

cpedal to the metal - 全速前进

off the cuff - 即兴地

on the rock - 岌岌可危

shoot the breeze - 闲聊

in a nutshell - 一言以蔽之

tie the knot - 结婚

the Midas touch - 点石成金

be joined at the hip - 关系紧密

a pipe dream - 白日梦

three sheets to the wind - 喝醉酒

cut the mustard - 符合条件

cut someone some slack - 网开一面

lead the life of Riley - 过着轻松舒适的生活

know the ropes - 知道事情的真相

put a bug in one’s ear - 委婉暗示

up the creek - 处于困境

touch base with someone - 和某人联系

hold all the aces - 占尽上风

soft soap - 奉承

on a shoestring - 命悬一线

run a temperature - 发烧

sock away - 储蓄

get hitched - 结婚

have a chip on one’s shoulder - 动辄发火

cat and dog life - 争吵不休的生活

pizza face - 长满痘痘的脸

play it by ear - 见机行事

clutch at straws - 抓住救命稻草

out of the blue - 出人意料的

brown-bag - 自带午餐

hit the books - 用功学习

dressed to the nines - 衣冠楚楚

jump in at the deep end - 在没有准备的情况下开始做一件事情

have stars in one’s eyes - 满怀憧憬

get one’s back up - 惹怒某人

red herring - 转移注意力的事物

the wirting on the wall - 大难临头,不祥之兆

butterfingers - 笨手笨脚

Achilles’ heel - 致命弱点

also-run - 失败者

have one over the eight - 喝高了

nose out of jonit - 不愉快心烦意乱

carry a torch for someone - 单恋某人

bring down the house - 博得满堂彩

take the plunge - 冒险尝试

in the heat of the moment - 盛怒之下

in the bag - 十拿九稳

in the pipeline - 在进行中

throw in the towel - 认输

a straw in the wind - 预兆

forty winks - 打盹

put someone in the picture - 告知某人有关情况

pull the wool over one’s eyes - 蒙骗某人

stick to one’s ribs - 顶饱的

talk shop - 三句话不理本行

teething troubles - 初期困难

at sixes and sevens - 乱七八糟

out of the count - 失去知觉

keep one’s head above water - 保持头脑清醒

hand to mouth - 仅能够糊口

win hands down - 赢得十分轻松

off the wall - 不同寻常的

fine kettle of fish - 绝佳的才华

fly in the face of - 公然违抗

cut and thrust - 唇枪舌战

on the blink - 出故障

call of nature - 上厕所

cool one’s heels - 久等

go places - 可能成功

lock horns - 开始争论

high horse - 傲慢的态度

iron in the fire - 脾气不好的人

plum job - 美差

be sitting pretty - 生活优裕

shake a leg - 抓紧时间

green around the gills - 脸色苍白

dollars to doughnuts - 十拿九稳

nose of wax - 没有主见的人

light a fire under someone - 激励某人

make the fur fly - 引发骚乱

wear many hats - 身兼数职

rain on one’s parade - 给某人泼冷水

dog and pony show - 盛大表演

curry favour - 拍马屁

run circles around someone - 遥遥领先于某人

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

for a song - 廉价的

flex one’s muscles - 显示实力

smoke and mirrors - 障眼法

win by a nose - 险胜

grease one’s palm - 向某人行贿

nest egg - 储蓄金

turn the tables - 转败为胜

under the table 秘密地
come to the table 谈判讨论如何解决问题
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生计
wait on tables 待侯进餐,在餐馆当服务员

in a pickle - 处于困境

be up in arms - 满腔怒火

a square meal - 一顿饱饭

give somebody the hook - 炒某人鱿鱼

spill the beans - 泄露秘密

hat in hand - 毕恭毕敬

go against the grain - 违背常理

go pear-shaped - 搞砸了

get in one’s hair - 惹怒某人

inside track - 有利形势

make no bones about - 吹毛求疵

go to the dogs - 变糟糕

in the black - 盈利

peter out - 逐渐减少

go up in smoke - 化为乌有

lovey-dovey - 情意绵绵

water under the bridge - 陈年往事

spend money like water 挥金如土
in hot/deep water 处于水深火热之中
pour/throw cold water on sth 泼冷水
like a duck to water没有任何困难

under a cloud - 不被信任

rub one’s nose in it - 揭某人的伤疤

at the drop of a hat - 毫不犹豫地

I can always depend on my dad. Any time I need help, he’s there at the drop of a hat.

a drop in the ocean 大海里的一滴水
the penny drops 恍然大悟
drop into place 放对位置
have the drop on someone/something 占上风

green-eyed - 嫉妒的

I thought I’d got over my ex,but when I saw him with his new girlfriend, the green-eyed monster got me!

in the green(wood) 再青春旺盛的时代
keep the memory green 永远不忘
a green hand 生手

fly-by-night - 不可靠的

up to one’s neck - 忙得不可开交

There’s no way I can take a vacation right now.I’m up to my eyes in work at the moment!

long in the tooth - 年纪大

in the prime of life 时值盛年
past one's prime 迟暮
look one's age 容貌和年龄相称
come of age 成熟

carry the ball - 承担责任

call someone on the carpet - 训斥某人

brown study - 优思

brown-bag 盒饭
be / get browned of 对..厌烦
brown-nose 谄媚的人

sink or swim - 自己去闯

white elephant - 昂贵缺无用的东西

bring home the bacon - 养家糊口

have a bun in the oven - 怀孕

baby shower 准妈妈派对
start a family 准备生孩子
in the famliy way 怀孕了

be out of the woods - 脱离险境

keep cards close to chest - 保守秘密

speak with a forked tongue - 说谎

People tend to believe Fred because he seems plausible, but we know he always speaks with forked tongue.

(one's) tongue hangs out 像狗狗期待某种事情的时候会将舌头伸出来一样→极其渴望,极其期待
give someone the rough side of your tongue 给某人看自己舌头粗糙的一面→严厉批评某人,严厉谴责某人
I cloud have bitten my tongue off 我恨不得咬断自己舌头→对自己刚说的话表示后悔,希望自己没有说过
hold (one's) tongue 握住舌头→闭嘴,保持沉默

kick someone upstairs - 使某人明升暗降

give a wide berth to - 避开某事

fly off the handle - 大发雷霆

paint the town red - 尽情狂欢

Because of graduation form college, Mary is going to paint the town red with her friends next week.

be in red 穿着红色的衣服
be in the red 亏空
red in tooth and claw 残酷无情,绝不宽容
a red rag to a bull 斗牛的红布

eat corw - 被迫做丢脸的事

keep body and soul together - 勉强维生

His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.

make both ends meet 量入为出
from hand to mouth 勉强度日
keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日

a clean slate - 无污点的记录

the acid test - 真正的考验

born to the purple - 出身皇室

a big cheese - 大人物

on cloud nine - 非常高兴

salt of the earth - 社会中坚

red-letter day - 值得纪念的日子

have a sweet tooth - 爱吃甜食

a green old age - 老当益壮

be tickled pink - 开心极了

keep one’s fingers crossed - 祈求好运

full of beans - 精力充沛

donkey’s years - 很多年

by the skin of one’s teeth - 侥幸成功

clear the air - 消除隔阂

call a spade a spade - 实话实说

have a card up one’s sleeve - 留一手

a tough cookie - 很有主见的人

bite the dust - 失败

A shot rang out,and the cowboy bit the dust 一声枪响,牛仔被击毙
His career bit the dust when the lost his job 失业后,他的事业也完蛋了

bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍受困难做某事
bite one's tongue 忍住不说
bite one's nails 紧张

burn the midnight oil - 开夜车

I’ll need to burn the midnight oil to have any chance of finishing this paper before class tomorrow morning.

sit up 坐直
stay up late 熬夜
stay up all night 通宵未睡
do something deep into the night 做某事一直到深夜

beat about the bush - 说话兜圈子

dog’s breakfast - 乱七八糟

turn the table - 转败为胜

stick to one’s guns - 固执己见

let your hair down - 放松一下

make waves - 捣蛋

The merger is almost complete,so we’re all just holding our clooective breath that someone doesn’t make waves at the last minute.

The startup made waves throughout the industry by releasing a device that never needs to be charged.

wave a red flag 摇红旗
wave someone away 挥手示意某人离开
wave of the future 未来的潮流
wave the bloody shirt 挑唆冲突

French leave - 生离死别

an arm and a leg - 价格高昂

I’m sick of paying rent in this town.It’s costing me an arm and a leg!

splurge on something 挥霍
splash out on something 乱花钱
push the boat out 为了庆祝某事而挥金如土
go on a shopping spree 疯狂购物

cupboard love - 有所企图的爱

Ever since I won the lottery,I worry that any woman who expresses a romantic interest in me will just be a case of cupboard love.

Everybody loves a lord 有权有势的人会吸引爱慕和钦佩
fist love 初恋
for love or money = under any circumstances 无论如何
God love a duck! 表示惊讶、沮丧、愤怒、警告或烦恼等的感叹词

throw the book at someone - 惩罚某人

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

chew the fat - 闲聊

Come into my office and chew the fat with me a little bit.David.I want to know how things are going with you.

have a chinwag 闲聊
have a natter 瞎聊;东拉西扯
make samll talk 做简短交谈

blow smoke - 蒙骗人

let the cat out of the bag - 泄密

bite one’s tongue - 缄口不言

Everyone was forced to bite their tongue in order to cover up the truth.

mother tongue 母语
have a bitter/ spiteful tongue 说话刻薄
hold one's tongue 保持沉默
with one's tongue in one's cheek 挖苦地

church mouse - 赤贫的人

sit ont the fence - 保持中立

steal one’s thunder - 抢某人风头

bell the cat - 挺身而出

New York minute - 很短的时间

Everything can change in a New York minute.

meet one's Waterloo 惨遭失败
carry coals to Newcastle Newcastle 做徒劳多余的事
go to Reno 去离婚

a monkey on one’s back - 大难题

be all ears - 洗耳恭听

an elephant in the room - 不愿意提及的棘手问题

bad apple - 大坏蛋

talk turkey - 坦率地讲

be in each other’s pockets - 形影不离

When I was in college,my best friend and I went everywhere together.We were basically in each other’s pockets for four years.

be in one's pocket 受某人控制或影响
dip into one's pocket = pay out of one's(own) pocket 自掏腰包
money is burning a hole in one's pocket 根本存不下钱

fat city - 生活节奏慢的城市

jump the gun - 过早行动

They jumped the gun by building the garage before they got permission from the town council.

wide of the mark 毫不相关
drop the ball 失球
take a shot at 试一下
sink or swim 成败全凭自己

go out on a limb - 未得众人赞同的

feel under the weather - 感觉不舒服

down to the wire - 直到最后一刻

With only a week to go,the polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck.The race is still so close that it may go right down to the wire.

neck and neck 不相上下
win by a neck 险胜
under the wire 勉强来得及
pull the wires 暗中操纵

salad days - 少不更事的日子

Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night.

egg someone on 通常是不太聪明的事情
in a nutshell 长话短说
spill the beans 泄露秘密
chicken out 临阵退缩

hold all the cards - 处于优势,控制全局

cut to the chase - 开门见山

a bed of roses - 顺遂的情况

I hope your life is a bed of roses.

bowl of cherries 美事
be all roses 十全十美
be coming up roses 顺利发展
a path strewn with roses 安乐的一生

closed book - 一无所知的学科

I’m a scientist through and through,so art has always been a closed book to me.

in my book 据我所知
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

a rough diamond - 表面粗鲁但心地善良的人

have a cow - 勃然大怒

call it a day - 结束工作

let your hair down - 放松一下

bad hair day 诸事不顺的一天
keep your hair on 冷静点
not turn a hair 不动声色
hair of the dog 醒酒液

have a ball - 尽情狂欢

The kids really had a ball at the birthday party——they won’t stop talking about it!

a ball of fire 精力充沛的人
on the ball 反应快的
drop the ball 犯错

bread and butter - 生活来源

fish or cut bait - 做出抉择

beef up - 增强

beef about 抱怨
have a beef with someone 与某人有未解决的分歧或争论
beef to the hoof 肥胖的
be/get beefed out 肌肉发达的

big talk - 吹牛

break a leg - 祝你好运

eat one’s words - 收回说过的话

You think I can’t get an A in this class,but I’ll make you eat your words when we get our reprot cards!

Tom said he’d help us move,but he broke his word and failed to show.

someone be as good as (one's) word 某人信守承诺,一诺千金
have a word(with someone) 与某人交谈
have words(with someone) 与某人吵架

an apple of love - 西红柿

He guarded an apple of love sent by his girlfriend like the apple of his eye.

apple pie order 竟然有序
apple of discord 祸根
a bad apple 害群之马

a dog’s dinner - 一团糟

black sheep - 害群之马

The studio is proving to be quite the black sheep of the movie industry,making big-budget films that fly in the face of Hollywood’s conventions.

cast sheep's eyes 送秋波
follow like sheep 盲从

go bananas - 情绪失控

I’ll end up going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day!

Coll banbanas! 太棒了!
drive someone bananas = drive someone crazy 使某人癫狂
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了!

an open book - 极坦率的人

Jane’s an open book.I always know what she is going to do next.

closed book 一无所知的东西
in my book 据我所知
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

go Dutch - AA制

dead meat - 倒大霉

If you or anyone else touches me,you’re dead meat.I mean it.Stay out of my life.

fatty/lean meat 肥猪肉
lamb/mutton chop 羊排
leg beef 牛腱肉
fresh grade breast 鸡胸肉
scallop 扇贝

in clover - 养尊处优

If only I could win the lottery,then I would be in clover,instead of working three jobs to pay my bills.

roll in clover 形容非常快乐或满足
like a pig in clover = (as)happy as a pig in clover 像三叶草中的猪猪一样,形容对现状非常开心或满足
four-leaf clover 四叶草;引申指可以带来好运的人或物

pull up one’s socks - 加油干

We expect our writers to contribute about 15 articles per week.so you’re going to have to pull your socks up if you want to stay a part of his team.

pull oneself together 振作起来,聚集力量应对要做的事情
work(one's) socks off 工作到袜子都掉了,形容工作非常努力
pull(one's) finger out 开始努力工作,赶紧行动起来
pull out all the stops 竭尽全力,费九牛二虎之力

best man - 伴郎

mall rat - 喜欢逛商场的年轻人

Sure,I am a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds,especially those handsome boys.

I'm just browsing 我只是随便看看
Does this color suit my compleion? 这个颜色适合我的肤色吗?
It tooks custom-made for you 看起来像是专门给你定做的一样。
How do you think this top goes with a miniskirt? 你觉得这件上衣搭配一条迷你裙怎么样?

face the music - 承担后果

pencil in - 临时安排

I need to have a date in the system,so I’ll just pencil you in for the middle of July —— just change it online once you’ve picked a date you’re happy with.

pen(someone/something) in 把…关进围栏
in pencil/pen 用铅笔/钢笔写…
sharpen one's pencil 消尖铅笔 开始着手工作

child’s play - 简单的事

Bargaining is child’s play for an old hand like her.

a piece of cake 小菜一碟
as easy as ABC 形容事情非常简单
duck soup 容易处理的问题
as easy as rolling off a log 形容某事非常简单

no dice - 不随机

Greek gift - 害人的礼物

busybody - 爱管闲事的人

where is the john - 厕所在哪

Sunday best - 最好的衣服

quciksliver - 水银

Dutch courage - 酒后之勇

It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman.

Dutch gold 假黄金

a bag lady - 无家可归的女人

bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关应付

I don’t actually enjoy cleaning, but I bite the bullet and do it so that everything in my house isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust.

bite the hand that feeds you 忘恩负义
bite one's head off 大发雷霆
bite one's lip 隐忍不言
bite the dust 失败
bite off more than you can chew 从事自己能力不及的工作

eleventh hout - 最后时刻

I was shocked that they reached an agreement at the eleventh hour after weeks of squabbling.
令我震惊的是,经过 数周的争吵,他们终于在最后一刻达成了协议。

go back to square one 从头再来
two heads are better than one 人多智广
three sheets to the wind 喝醉酒
on all fours 爬行
give me five 击掌,加油
at sixes and sevens 凌乱的
in seventh heaven 处于狂喜之中
one over the eight 酩酊大醉
on cloud nine 非常高兴
ten to one 很有可能

browned off - 厌烦的

By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

(as)brown as a berry 晒得黝黑
in a brown study 出神
borwn suger 红糖
brown bag 自带的午饭

top brass - 高层

The top brass also received benefits not given to the average employee.

Chairman of the Board(Chairman) 董事长
president 总裁
Vice President(VP) 副总裁
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官
Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官
Chief Financial Officer(CFO) 首席财务官
Human Resource Director(HRD) 人力资源总监
Operation Director(OD) 运营总监
Product Manager(PM) 产品经理

knock on wood - 祈求好运

cross one's fingers 祈求好运
break a leg 祝好运
hit the jackpot 走运

gravy train - 美差

Financial services produce very high earnings,and a lot of people are trying to get onto the gravy train.

dining car 餐车
fast track 快速通道
sleeper 卧铺

walk down the aisle - 结婚

mad money - 应急钱

Whenever we travel,my wife and I keep a small purse of mad money with us just in case we find ourselves in a difficult situation.

be up in arms 举起武器
have a chip on one's shoulder 生气
have a cow 勃然大怒
in the heat of the monment 盛怒之下

dog days - 热成狗的日子

In winter,keep exercising during the coldest days.In summer,do the same thing during the dog days.

It's blazing hot! 简直热到着火!
It's like a furnace outside! 外边就像火炉一样!
It's stifling!I can hardly breathe! 我都没法呼吸了
I'm sweating like a pig. 热得我汗流浃背
It's hot enough to melt hell! 现在热的足以把地融化了!
Today is a thermometer breaker! 今天热的温度计都要爆炸了!
It is like being put into a hot oven. 就像是被扔进了火炉一样!

cash cow - 摇钱树

When Bob purchased stock in that software company 10 years ago,he never expected it to become such a cash now.Now that it has quadrupled in value,he wil be able to retire early.

stars 明星产品,高销售、高市场
dogs 疯狗产品,低销售、低市场
question marks 问题产品,低市场
cash cow 现金牛产品,低销售,高市场

Green hand - 新手

A leader full of experience would be calmer and more objective than the green hand in dealing with problems.

old hand 老手,经验丰富的人
green girl 新手
have a green thumb/finger 擅长园艺
green back 美钞

the coast is clear - 已无危险

She looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear,and then ran as fast as she could down the corridor.

Watch Your Step 小心台阶
Caution! 小心!
Wet Paint 油漆未干
Wet Floor 小心地滑
No THoroughfare 禁止通行
Under Construction 正在施工
Adult Only 为唱歌呢年热

catch some Z’s - 小睡一会

We’ve got a pretty long layover before our next flight,so I’m going to try to catch some Z’s at the gate.

get/bag/cop/cut some Z's = catch some Z's 打盹,小睡一会
doze off 不知不觉地打起盹来
take/have forty winks 打盹

have the last word - 最后说了算

Everyone started shouting,trying to have the last word,and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.

be the last word in something 最好的、最时尚的事物
one final word 针对某人或某事给出的最后一条建议/批评/评论
have words with someone 与某人吵架
have a word with someone 和某人谈话

a fly in the ointment - 美中不足的事情

talk of the town - 街谈巷议

My brother was the talk of the town after leading the high school team to a state championship.

silly season - 新闻淡季

It’s the political silly season,and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.

bread-and-butter letter - 感谢信

When I got back from the sales meeting,I took two days to wirte bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.

drop someone a line - 给某人写信

I know you will be busy enjoying yourself,but please,drop me a line on your trip.

faint of heart - 胆小鬼

This game can get rough sometimes.It is definitely not for the faint of heart.

big girl's blouse 缺乏自信和勇气
a scaredy-cat 特别容易受到惊吓
a chicken guy 特别容易受到惊吓

a nod is as good as a wink - 心照不宣

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

Carry coals to Newcastle - 多此一举

We definitely don’t need to bring any toys when we go over their house —— they have so many that bringing more would be like carrying coals to Newcastle.

take snow to Eskimos 多此一举
sell sand to Arabs 多此一举

rule of thumb - 经验法则

As a rule of thumb,I move my houseplants outside in May.

lay an egg - 完全失败

rock the boat - 惹是生非

rain check - 改日再约


The game was canceled because of the storm,but we all got a rain check on it.


The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised,but I got a rain check.


We would love to come to your house,but we are busy next Saturday.Could we take a rain check on your kind invitation?

see the light of day - 诞生问世

close to home - 戳到痛处

His comments struck unpleansantly close to home.

His mon’s lung cancer diagnosis is close to home for him because his dad recently died of the same thing.

make yourself at home 别客气
see you home 送你回家
bring home the bacon 比喻“养家糊口”
home free 稳操胜券

blank cheque - 无法兑现的承诺

climb the wall - 焦躁不安

Her hypothesis is really off the wall,but the facts seem to support it.

a fly on the wall 不为人察觉的观察者
back to the wall 走投无路
climb to the wall 坐立不安
drive someont up the wall 令某人发怒

beat the drum for - 极力鼓吹

I spent a lot of time beating the drum for our plans for the fature.

bang the drum for = beat the drum for 极力鼓吹
beat a retreat 匆忙溜掉
alarmism 危言耸听

turn tail - 逃之夭夭

As soon as they saw we had guns,they turned tail and ran away.

chicken out 临阵退缩
take to one's heels = betake oneself to one's heels 逃之夭夭
take flight 逃走
cut and run 赶紧离开

pull one’s leg - 拖累某人

Don’t believe him.Hi’s just pulling your leg.

be a drag on someone 拖累某人
shake a leg 跳舞
fall on one's legs 化险为夷
find one's legs 能独立行动

Hobson’s choice - 别无选择

pull the strings - 幕后操纵

out to lunch - 神志不清

Janet is out ot lunch right now,but I can give her a message.

takeout 外卖饭菜
get takeout = order takeout 点外卖
place an order 下单

be in the doghouse - 受冷落

He’s been in the doghouse ever since the forgot his girlfriend’s birthday.

dog days 大热天
a dog's breakfast 乱七八糟
a dog's life 艰难困苦的生活
a dog's age 很久
every dog has its day 风水轮流转

a stone’s throw - 一步之遥

a shout in the arm - 刺激因素

Mom’s praise really gave my floundering project a shot in the arm.

push the boat out - 摆阔庆祝

They really pushed the boat out for their daughter’s wedding.

put on the dog 装腔作势
cut a dash 通过炫耀摆阔大出风头
butter-adn-egg man 边远地区的土财主
splash out on something 大手大脚地花钱
splurge on something 挥霍

wait on hand and foot - 照顾得无微不至

I don’t know if Tom’s relationship with Jeremy is healthy.It seems like Tom’s always waiting on Jeremy’s hand and foot.

get off on the wrong foot 出师不利
put a foot wrong 做错事
put one's best foot forward 全力以赴
foot the bill 负担费用

spin one’s wheels - 白费力气

They kept me on to manage what’s left of this division,but to be honest,I’ve just been spinning my wheels here for the last couple of years.

at the wheel 开车,掌权
oil the wheels 给轮子上油
a big wheel/cheese 一个有影响力的大人物
the wheel of fortune will swing around again 风水轮流转

pinhead - 蠢蛋


be bananas for - 痴迷于某物

She is bananas for watching soap operas.

go bananas 激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒
drive someone bananas 惹怒某人
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了

ring a bell - 听起来耳熟

Your description rings a bell,but I don’t think I’ve ever been there myself.

alarm bells start ringing 需要引起警觉
set alarm bells rigning 提起警惕
(as)sound as a bell 极为健康
bell the cat 挺身而出

rise and shine - 快起床

Five more minutes! 再睡五分钟
I don't wanna get up 我不想起床
I'm still drowsy 我还困着呢
Would you turn off the alarm clock? 你能帮我关掉闹钟吗

touch a raw nerve - 触到痛处

I could tell he was touching a raw nerve when he brought up Jane’s former employer and Jane went silent for a moment.

nerve oneself to do something 鼓足勇气做某事
get on one's nerves 刺激某人的神经
strain every nerve 竭力
do not know what nerves are 从不紧张

on the wrong foot - 出师不利

Make sur you’re on time and dressed professionally.You don’t want to start your first day of work on the wrong foot.

put a foot wrong 说错话
be caught on the wrong foot 措手不及
put one's best foot forward 尽量快走
foot in the door 进门的第一步

a black look - 恶狠狠地瞪一眼

I tried to apologize for what I said,but she gave me such a black look that I knew it wasn’t the right time to talk to her yet.

backseat driver - 爱多管闲事的人

Although Mary was capable of completing the project on her own,John couldn’t stop himself from being a backseat driver and telling her what to do.

Sunday dirver 开车很慢的司机
in the dirver's/driving seat 掌握领导权
salve driver 苛刻的上司
a key driver of the economy 促使经济增长的主要因素

salt away - 储蓄

I salted away money from my summer job to pay for college.

take something with a grain of salt 对某事半信半疑,对某事有所怀疑。
eat one's salt 在某人家里做客
worth one's salt = worth one's salary 能力与获得的薪水相匹配。有能力的
salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

go to seed - 不修边幅

Wow,Tim’s really started going to seed ever since he had kids.

run to seed = go to seed 破旧不堪
seed money 本金
good seed makes a good crop 善因结善果
a grain of mustard seed 打有前途的微小事物

whistle in the dark - 虚张声势

be up in the air - 悬而未决

Because the whole town protested plans to build a new shopping center,that proposal is now up in the air.

float on air = walk on air 非常高兴
on the air 在广播(或电视)中
with one's nose in the air 鼻子朝天的
go up in the air 发怒

take … with a grain in salt - 半信半疑

Horoscope is fun,but it’s not necessarily accurate.I always it with a grain of slat.

eat one's salt 在某人家里做客
worth one's salt = worth one's salary 有能力的
salt of the earth 社会中坚

on the back burner - 搁置一旁

I’m goning to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.

put something on the front burner 重视某事
on the middle burner 处于一般地位
cook on the front burner = cook with gas 做得漂亮

be wet behind the ears - 乳臭未干

mum’s the word - 保守秘密

keep mum about it 别声张
seal up one's lips 保密
be tight-mouthed 守口如瓶

below the belt - 暗中伤人

I know she really wants the promotion,but she hit below the belt when she told the boss about my personal problems.

belt up 住口
have sth under one's belt 掌握某种技能
tighten(one's belt) 省吃俭用
give someone the belt 把某人撵走。

carry the can - 背黑锅

The teachers who were criticized said that they would not carry the can for the faults in the school system.

a can of worms 一罐子虫
be in the can 录制完毕准备播放
open a can of beans 惹祸
live out of cans 靠罐头食品过活

gild the lily - 画蛇添足

jump ship - 跳槽

None of the editors liked the new policies,so they all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.

in the same boat(as someone) 与某人在同一条船上
don't give up the ship 不要放弃
like rats leaving a sinking ship 不能共患难的人
ships that pass in the night 萍水相逢的人

climb on the bandwagon - 见风使舵

I can’t stand these people who just climb on the bandwagon after a win.Where were they last year when the team was terrible?

fence sitter/rider 骑在篱笆上的人→墙头草
sit/ride on the fence 骑在篱笆上→抱骑墙的态度
change horses when crossing a stream 骑马过河→临阵换将
trim one's sails 调整船帆以适应风向变化→见风使舵

off the cuff - 即兴地

I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts, so I just spoke off the cuff.

off-the-cuff remarks 即席讲话
give someone a firendly cuff 友好地轻轻拍某人一下
at cuffs 在打架
cuff someone on the side of the head 拍某人的头

on the rocks - 岌岌可危

shoot the breeze - 闲聊

Customers always want to shoot the breeze with me in the store before they buy something.

shoot/throw the bull 闲聊
chat around the water cooler 在办公室里闲聊
engage in chitchat 闲聊

in a nutshell - 一言以蔽之

Let me put it in a nutshell for you — if you show up late again,you’re fired!

egg someone on 通常是不太聪明的事情
spill the beans 泄露秘密
chicken out 临阵退缩

tie the knot - 结婚


We tied the knot in a little chapel on the Arkansas border.


Mr.Bell tied the knot for Nona and Arlen last Monday.

get hitched 结婚
take the plunge 依然结婚
walk down the aisle 结婚

the Midas touch - 点石成金

It seems that she has the Midas touch — she makes lots of money whatever she does.

be joined at the hip - 关系很好


The couple who are almost joined at the hip in their 20s may have become quite distant in their 40s.


Trends in world trade and trends in the environment are supposed to be joined at the hip.

smite hip and thigh 痛打
shoot from the hip 信口开河
have someone on the hip 使某人处于劣势
hip someone to the secrets 告知某人内情

a pipe dream - 白日梦

smoke the pipe of peace 讲和,言好
fill one's pipe 往堰斗里装烟丝
put that in your pipe and smoke it 你好好琢磨琢磨吧
on longer pipe,no longer dance 没有运气就做不成事情

three sheets to the wind - 喝醉酒

On his 21st birthday,Jeff’s friends took him to every bar in town until he was three sheets to the wind.

cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
loose cannon 难以驾驭的危险人物
toe the line 听从命令
a square meal 正餐

cut the mustard - 符合条件

What I really need is a phone that’s much more dependable. This one just does not cut the mustard.

meet the standard/criterion 符合条件
up to snuff 达到要求
up to specification 符合规格
up to the notch 符合规格

cut someone some slack - 对某人网开一面

When you’re new at a job,clooeagues and bosses cut you some slack. They foegive minor mistakes because you’re new.

give someone some slack = cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
pick up the slack = take up the slack 接受某人没做了的工作,收拾残局
slack one's duty 逃避责任
slack up one's effort 懈怠

lead the life of Riley - 过轻松舒适的生活

lead the life of the spirit 过着崇尚精神的生活
lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活
lead a bitter life 过着痛苦的生活
lead a dog's life 惨不忍睹的生活

know the ropes - 知道内情

The moment she got to know the ropes,there was no stopping her.

with a rope around one's neck 拼命地
work the ropes 暗中操纵
throw someone a rope 支持某人
the end of one's rope 山穷水尽

put a bug in one’s ear - 委婉暗示

The boss put a bug in his ear about the importance of meeting this deadline.

up the creek - 处于困境

If you hadn’t hepled us,we would have been up the creek.

be in adversity 处于困境
Adversity Quotient 逆商
Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变

touch base with someone - 与某人联系

Will you please touch base with the marketing team and find out how they’re progressing?

In the middle of something? 正在忙吗?
What are you up to? 你正在做什么?

hold all the aces - 占尽上风

They hold all the aces;they are the champions and the best team in the country and have a full-time manager.

hold all the trumps/cards = hold all the aces 占尽上风
play one's cards right 办事高明
an ace in the hole 杀手锏
have/keep an ace up one's sleeve 由应急的妙计

soft soap - 奉承话


Don’t try to soft soap her.She’s an old battle-ax.


Don’t waste my time with soft soap.I know you don’t mean it.

soft pedal 缓和
soft touch 很好说话的人
have a soft spot for someone 喜欢某人
soft in the head 疯的

on a shoestring - 靠着极少量的资金

We were living on a shoestring for a while after our baby was born,but,luckily,I got a promotion,and our situation has improved a bit.

on a shoestring budget = on a shoestring 靠着极少量的资金
shoestring potatoes 炸薯条
shoestring trading 小额交易
shoestring gambler 赌小钱的人

run a temperature - 发烧

take sb's temperature 量体温
have a temperature 发烧
keep a temperature 保持温度
lower the temperature 降低温度
measure the temperature 测量温度
raise the temperature 升高温度
record a temperature 记录温度
room temperature 室温
take the temperature 量温度
temperature of water 水温

sock away - 储蓄

We’ve been socking little bits away for years in order to put down a deposit on a home.

someone get socked with something 某人因某事受到打击
blow one's socks off 给某人留下深刻印象
put a sock in it 让某人安静
pull one's socks up 加紧努力

get hitched - 结婚

Today’s boys may face a major problem when they become tomorrow’s men - they will find it very difficult to get hitched,simply because there won’t be enough women.

make a big commitment 做出重大的承诺
walk down the aisle 走进婚姻的殿堂
make a match 使结婚
take the plunge 毅然结婚

have a chip in one’s shoulder - 动辄发火

He’s got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.

have one's finger on the pulse 对某事非常了解
have a finger in the pie 掺和某事
have a face like thunder 看上去极为愤怒
have a face like the back end of a bus 某人非常丑陋

cat and dog life - 争吵不休的生活

They have led a cat and dog life almost since the day they were married.

let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚
every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
a dog's life 潦倒的生活

pizza face - 长满痘痘的脸

Wow,a pizza face like you will never get a date to the dance!

beaten by the ugly stick 像被丑杖打过
a face that only your mother would love 只有你妈才会喜欢你这张脸
I'm not good with faces that I never want to see again. 我不太记得不想见的人的长相
There's enough leftover skin from your surgeries to make a bed for my cat 你整容去掉的皮都够给我的猫做张床了

play it by ear - 见机行事

A:”Hey,what do you want to do this weekend?”
B:”I don’t know.We could see a movie or have dinner.Why don’t we play it by ear?”

clutch at straws - 抓住救命稻草

She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job,but she was just clutching at straws.

a man of straw 稻草人
a straw in the wind 风中的稻草
the last/final straw 最后一根稻草
get the short straw 干最苦的差事

out of the blue - 出人意料的

once in a blue moon 千载难逢

brown-bag - 自带午餐

People who brown-bag it each day eat healthier foods than those who go out for lunch.

bring a brown-bag,and we’ll talk and eat at the same time.

hot pot 火锅
spicy hotchpotch 麻辣烫
oden 关东煮
braised pork rice 卤肉饭

hit the books - 用功读书

I gotta go home and hit the books. I have finals next week.

hit the streets (商品) 大量上市
when the shit hits the fan 坐了坏事被发现
hit the sack 睡觉,就寝
hit the mark 达到目的

dressed to the nines - 衣冠楚楚

Every time she went to a dance,she would always be dressed to the nines.

dressed to the teeth = dressed to the niens 衣冠楚楚
dressed to kill 打扮得花枝招展
look like a million dollars 穿着棒极了
not a hair out of place 精致考究

jump in at the deep end - 在没有准备的情况下着手

The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end,making a complete change to their eating habits.

be jumping up and down 跳上跳下->暴跳如雷
jump the gun 抢跑
jump the lights 闯红灯
jump the queue 插队

have stars in one’s eyes - 满怀憧憬

Thinking about their coming marriage,they both had stars in their eyes.

get stars in one's eyes 自鸣得意
believe in one's star 相信自己的运气
see stars 两眼冒金星
be born under a lucky star 生就有福

get one’s back up - 惹恼某人

Just ignore him - he’s only trying to get your back up.

be up in arms 满腔怒火
have a chip on one's shoulder 生气
have a cow 勃然大怒
in the heat of the moment 盛怒之下

red herring - 转移注意力的事情

As Dr.Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.

as close as herrings(in a barrel) 挤得很
as salt as a herring 很咸
Every herring should hang by its own head 冤有头,债有主
throw a sprat to catch a herring 抛砖引玉

the writing on the wall - 不祥之兆

The official saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.

It's a pain in the butt! 这真是太痛苦了
That stinks! 那真是糟透了
What a shame 多可惜
It's absolutely atrocious 这真是一塌糊涂

butterfingers - 笨手笨脚的人

All of us know you are such a butterfingers,so please don’t touch my chinaware.

have sticky fingers 手脚不干净,手不老实

Achilles’ heel - 致命弱点

also run - 失败者

have one over the eight - 喝高了

It seems like Jenny makes a point of haveing one over night every time she goes out on the weekend.

nose out of joint - 心烦意乱

John’s nose was really put out of joint when Jane was promoted and he wasn’t.

blow one's top 大发雷霆
drive someone mad 惹怒某人
get on one's nerve 扰乱神经

carry a torch for someone - 单恋某人

Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years,but she seems not to notice.

puppy love 少年不成熟的恋爱
have/get a crush on someone 暗恋某人
one-sided love 单相思
cradle-snatcher love 老少恋

bring down the house - 博得满堂彩

build a house 建房子
share a house 合租
demolish a house 拆除房子
renovate a house 翻新房子
break into a house 破门而入
live in a house 住在一所房子里
stay at someone's house 待在某人家里
lock yourself out of the house 把自己所在房子外面

take the plunge - 冒险尝试

take care 小心
take on 承担
take over 借用
take up 占用
take back 收回
take down 写下
take in 收留
take on 雇用
take to 喜欢

in the heat of the moment - 盛怒之下

It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.

if you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen
put the heat on someone 劝说某人
take the heat off someone 使某人少受批评
the heat is on 开始一段忙碌又有压力的日子

in the bag - 十拿九稳

Don’t start to think we’ve got this game in the bag,gentlemen.I’ve seen taems make bigger comeback than this,so we cant’t let up.

a bag of bones 皮包骨
leave someone holding the bag 突然把重担推给某人
in the bottom of the bag 作为最后一招
give someone the bag 开除某人

in the pipeline - 在进行中

  • 在进行中

    The theatre company has several new productions in the pipeline for next season.

  • 留给某样东西的预算还没有被花掉

    There’s $ 5 million more in the pipeline for the city schools.

throw in the towel - 认输

You’re not the kind of man who throws in the towel.You’re a fighter and it’s your fighting spirit that is going to save you.

throw a party 举办一个派对
throw good money after bad 花冤枉钱
have/throw a fit = have / throw a temper tantrum 发脾气
within a stone's throw 一步之遥

a straw in the wind - 预兆

She described the theatre’s closure as “a straw in the wind” as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.

A straw shows which way the wind blows 草动知风向;观微知著
the last straw = the straw that breaks the camel's back 最后一根稻草,使人最终崩溃的一击
clutch/grasp at straws 不放过任何微小的机会
man of straw = straw man 稻草人、假想的对手

forty winks - 打盹

I’m going to grab a quick forty winks before everyone starts arriving for the dinner party.

wink at something 睁一只眼闭一只眼
not/gethave a wink of sleep = not sleep a wink 不能入睡
(as)easy as winking 易如反掌
not be able to see a wink 什么都看不见

put someone in the picture - 告知某人内情

His lawyer put him in the picture about what had happened since his arrest.

pull the wool over one’e eye - 蒙骗某人

He tried pulling the wool over our eyes by hiding the profits in separate accounts,but we were quick to catch onto his scheme.

all cry and no wool = more cry than wool 大吵大闹
all wool and no shoddy = all wool and a yard wide 品质高尚
dye in the wool 永久的、牢固的

stick one’s ribs - 食物顶饱的

I’m sick of eating nothing but fruit and vegetables—give me something that will stick to the ribs.

stick one's neck out 脖子伸出去——冒险一搏
stick in one's throat 喉咙里粘了东西——令(某人)气愤
stick in one's mind/head/memory 粘在脑子里——铭刻在(某人)的脑海里
stick to someone like glue 像胶水一样粘着——与某人形影不离

teething troubles - 初期困难

In any case,teething troubles with a few new members should not become an excuse for slamming the door on others.

in trouble 处于困境中
be in trouble 陷入困境
look for trouble 惹事生非
ask for trouble 自讨苦吃
borrow trouble 自找麻烦
trouble shooting 排除故障
out of trouble 摆脱困哪
get into trouble 闯祸
make trouble 捣乱
cause trouble 引起麻烦
take the trouble 费事
get in trouble 碰到麻烦

at sixs and sebens - 乱七八糟

out for the count - 失去知觉


It took medical staff several minutes to revive O’Neill in the dressing-rooms.He was out for the count for two to three minutes.


At 10.30am he was still out for the count after another night disturbed by the baby.

keep one’s head above water - 勉强应付过去

Before the new highway was built,I could easily fill every table in my retaurant.These days,with fewer diners,it’s become a struggle to stay in business.I’m barely keeping my head above water.I don’t know how much longer I can affotf to stay open.

be in hot water 难受的处境
be in deep water 处于困境
water over the dam 木已成舟-无法改变的事情
hold water 站得住脚,说得通
throw cold water(on sth) 给某事泼凉水

hand to mouth - 仅够糊口的

It’s been pretty hand to mouth these days.If I don’t find work soon,I don’t know how we’ll get by.

After she lost her job,she was living from hand to mouth.

live paycheck by paycheck 每个月都必须等老板发工资才能维持生活
live on a tight budget 资金紧张
I don't have a cent to my name 我现在一分钱都没有了
as poor as a church mouse 非常贫穷

win hands down - 赢得十分轻松

He predicted that the French would win hands down in the play-offs.

beat someone hands down = win hands down 赢得十分轻松
win by a hair / neck / nose 以毫厘之差取胜
win(one's) heart = win the heart of(someone) 获得某人的爱
win ugly 付出大量的努力

off the wall - 荒诞疯狂的

Her hyothesis is really off the wall,but the facts see, to support it.

a fly on the wall 墙上的苍蝇->不为人察觉的观察者
back to the wall 背后是墙->处于困境
climb the wall 翻墙,失常
drive someone up the wall 把某人气到墙上->令某人发怒

fine kettle of fish - 尴尬的局面

This is a fine kettle of fish.My husband is not here to meet me at the train station,and there’s no phone here for me to call gim.

a different kettle of fish 完全两回事

fly in the face of - 公然违抗

They want to change the entire direction of the project,completely flying in the face of all the hard work we’ve done so far.

fall flat on your face 摔趴下
not just a pretty face 并非徒有其表
save (sb's) face 保全面子
show your face 公开见人
be staring sb in the face 明摆着
be written all over sb's face 表现十分明显

cut and thrust - 唇枪舌剑

She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.

cut and paste 复制粘贴
cut and dried 老生常谈的
cut across 抄近路穿过
cut lunch 盒装午餐

on the blink - 出故障


Our wahser is on the blink,so I’m on my way to the laundromat.


Do you remember last night at the bar at all?You were really on the blink!

before one can blink 很快速
in the blink of an eye 眨眼之间->十分迅速
blink back tears 眨回眼泪->阻止自己哭
without(even) blinking an eye 眼睛都没眨->没有表现出任何正常该有的情绪

call of nature - 上厕所

cool one’s heels - 久等

Do not make your guests cool their heels when you have appointments with them.

as cool as a cucumber 比喻一个人非常淡定和冷静、镇定自若
Cool bananas! = Cool beans! = Awesome!Great! 哇!太棒了!
Cool your jets! 冷静一下
blow one's cool 失态

go places - 可能成功

Alice is definitely going to go places with that singing voice of hers.

lock horns - 开始争论

When I was younger, I always locked horns with my mother about eating spinach!I hated it,and she always insisted I finish it.

Nonsense! 放屁!
You asked for it 这是你自找的
Enough is enough! 够了!
You piss me off 气死爸爸了

up to one’s neck - 忙的不可开交

neck of the woods 附近地区

if you’re ever in our neck of the woods,please look us up.

neck and neck 齐驱并驾

When we got there,the two teams were still neck and neck.

irons in the fire - 同时要做的很多事情

I have many irons in the fire at work right now and it’s going to be tricky to balance all of them over the next few weeks.

hold one's fire 停止射击
draw one's fire 吸引火力
play with fire 玩火
Where's the fire? 急什么

plum job - 美差

it’s more than my job’s worth.

a good job 描述很幸运

be sitting pretty - 生活优裕

They bought their house while prices were low,so now they’re sitting pretty.

sit in the catbird seat 处于必胜无疑的地位
be in fat city 过上富裕优越的生活
live/be in clover 生活或处境优裕、安逸

shake a leg - 赶快,抓紧/起床

green around the gills - 脸色苍白

Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gills after the trip!

as pale as a ghost 面无人色
at death's door 生命危在旦夕
under the weather 身体不舒服
back on one's feet 痊愈

dollars to doughnuts - 十拿九稳

Well,Alex,I’ll bet you almost dollars to doughnuts that’s I’ll wake up at 3 am,as I do every morning now.

It’s dollars to doughnuts that Kevin will be late tonight——he’s never on time.

bet one's bottom/last dollar(on something) 绝对有把握
feel like a million dollars 精力充沛
look like a million dollars 荣光焕发
more for your dollar 物美价廉

nose of wax - 没有主见的人

wear many hats - 身兼数职

Both our editorial assistant and our copywriter left the company at the same time,so I’ve been wearing many hats ever since.

wear one's particular profession's hat 职业病
I'll eat my hat! 这事要真的能发生,我就把我的帽子吃了!

light a fire under someone - 激励某人

Whether you’re racing against the clock or competing with a co-worker,competition lights a fire under you.

come under fire 遭受批评
fire in your belly 指向
fire someone up 使某人发怒
go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

make the fur fly - 引发牢骚

He made the fur fly by demanding to see proof.

make the feathers/dust fly = make the fur fly 引发骚乱
all fur coat and no knickers 金玉其外败絮其中
rack one's brains 冥思苦想
push the boat out 把船推出去

by the book - 循规蹈矩

hit the books 学习
one for the books 出乎意料的
be on the books 属于
in one's book 我的看法

rain on one’s parade - 给某人泼冷水

I’m sorry to rain on your parade but you’re not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.

give someone a rain dance 设盛宴招待某人
take a rain check 改期或推迟的约会或邀请
(as)right as rain = (as) right as a trivet 非常健康的

dog and pony show - 盛大表演

The car dealership had quite the dog and pony show his weekend in an attempt to sell their old inventory.

pony up 付钱
show a leg 赶快

curry favour - 拍马屁

They have lowered taxes in an attempt to curry favour with the voters.

kiss one' ass 拍马屁
lick one's boots/shoes 对某人阿谀奉承
yes-man/yes-people 只会、只敢对老板说”yes”的人

run circles around someone - 遥遥领先于某人

Her presentation on the way molecules bind together was so polished and well researched——she absolutely and circles around the other students.

run across 偶然遇到
run away 潜逃
run away with 私奔
run down 撞倒
run into 变成

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

flex one’s muscles - 显示实力

The parade is the first sign of the new regime flexing its military muscles.

get beer muscles 酒壮怂人胆
muscle in 强行参与
strain every nerve and muscle 竭尽全力
not move a muscle 一动不动

for a song - 廉价的

Beacuse the shop’s closing down,most of the stock is going for a song.

a song in(one's) heart 一种强烈、信息的幸福感和满足感
be on song 表现出色
song and dance 长篇唠叨
sing a different song 改变自己的看法或态度

smoke and mirrors - 障眼法

The new budget isn’t smoke and mirrors;it’s and honest attempt to reduce the deficit.

(all) done by / with mirrors 通过欺骗或诱导来实现
a friend's eye is a good mirror 朋友可以提供诚实的意见
able to fog a mirror 会在镜子上产生雾气,证明这个人还活着

win by a nose - 险胜

I ran the fastest race I could,but I only won by a nose.

win by a hair/neck/whisker = win by a nose 险胜
win hands down 轻松取胜
win one's spurs 出名
win one's way 奋力前进

grease one’s palm - 向某人行贿

stew in one's own grease 自作自受
palm grease 小费
Elbow grease gives the best polish 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针
melt one's grease 精疲力竭

green-eyed - 嫉妒的

green paper 钞票
the green stuff 美钞
green girl 新手
a green old age 老当益壮
look green 脸色惨白

Turn the tables - 转败为胜

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.

under the table 秘密地
come to the table 开会以谈判或讨论如何解决特定问题。
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生计
wait on tables 在餐馆当服务员

in a pickle - 处于困境

be up in arms - 满腔怒火

fly-by-night - 不可靠的

He struck me as a fly-by-night worker,so I was shocked when he came back the next day to finsih the job.

fly a kite 放风筝
make the feathers/dust/fur fly 惹麻烦
go fly your kite = leave me alone 你好烦
fly off the handle 发飙

give somebody the hook - 炒某人鱿鱼

He has published a number of papers that are considered very valuable.I’m not going to give him the hook just because he made a minor mistake.

someone gets off the hook 脱身
take a phone off the hook 未挂上
phone is ringing off the hook 响个不停

be hooked into something = hook into something = get involved with something 涉足
hook into the internet 上网

spill the beans - 泄露秘密

spill out 说出
spil into 涌出
spill over 溢出

hat in hand - 毕恭毕敬地

It’s amusing seeing the governor have to grovel hat in hand before the state senate in order to get his budget requests approved.

at the drop of a hat 立即马上
take A's hat off to B 对B的行为表示钦佩
pull a rabbit out of a hat 找到一个出人意料的解决难题的绝招
wear many hats 身兼数职

go against the grain - 违背常理

There days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.

a grain of mustard seed 大有前途的微小事物
take something with a grain of salt 半信半疑地
separate the grain from the chaff 区分善恶

go pear-shaped - 事情搞砸

We’d planned to go away for the weekend,but it all went pear-shaped.

the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠
a lemon 柠檬
top banana 高级香蕉
You're a peach 你是个桃子

get in one’s hair - 惹怒某人

inside track - 有利形势

I hope I have the inside track on the competition,thanks to my extensive student teaching experience.

in inside dope 内部机密
inside job 监守自盗
on the inside 知内情的
inside baseball 有关棒球的专业知识

make no bones about - 对某事直言不讳

When training a new employee,I make no bones about my expectations,so that they’re not surprised by anything down the road.

close to the bone 太过直率
in one's bones 凭借直觉
throw someone a bone 仅仅施以小恩小惠,却不满足其最主要的要求
be cut to the bone 到最小化

go to the dogs - 衰败

in the black - 盈利

I’m pleased to announce that our company is in the black for the fifth consecutive year.

a black lie 用心险恶的谎言
show the white feather 示弱
black and blue 遍体鳞伤的

peter out - 逐渐减少

The fighting which started in the night had petered out by morning.

rob Peter ot pay Pual 借债还债
Peter Principle 彼得定理(公司员工可升迁至不能胜任为止)
hoist the blue peter 离开或准备离开
Peter Pan syndrome 依赖他人

go up in smoke - 化为乌有


I can’t believe you left the oven on! Do you want the house to go up in smoke?


When the business went bankrupt,twenty years of hard work went up in smoke.

the big smoke 大城市
smoke and mirrors 掩饰之辞
(there is)no smoke without fire 无风不起浪

lovey-dovey - 情意绵绵的

We had gone for lunch with our boss and his wife,but it was pretty awkward with a couple getting lovey-dovey a couple of tables away from us.

love affair 强烈爱好
love token 爱情纪念品
love apple 西红柿
love seat 双人座椅

water under the bridge - 陈年旧事

Yes,we did have our disagreenments but that’s water under the bridge now.

spend money like water 挥金如土
in hot/deep water 处于水深火热之中
pour/throw cold water on sth 劝阻或阻止某人
like a duck to water 没有任何困难

under a cloud - 不被信任

rub one’s nose in it - 揭某人

Sue failed her exam,so just to rub her nose in it,I put my certiicate up on the wall.

poke/stick one's nose into = nose into 管闲事
a nose of wax 容易受人左右的人
win by a nose 毫厘之差胜利
follow one's nose 凭直觉或本能行事疮疤

at the drop of a hat - 毫不犹豫地

I can always depend on my dad.Any time I need help,he’s there at the drop of a hat.

a drop in the ocean 九牛一毛
the penny drops 恍然大悟
drop into place 产生理想或期望的结果

nest egg - 储蓄金

a square meal - 一顿饱餐

high horse - 傲慢的态度

My sister was a troublemaker as a teenager,yet she’s always on her high horse lecturing me about my life choices.

a horse of a different color 不同颜色的马
beat a dead horse 多此一举
talk horse 吹牛

long in the tooth - 年纪大

He’s a little long in the tooth to be wearing shorts,don’t you think?

You’d better buy some new pants——those ones are getting a bit long in the tooth.

in the prime of life 时值盛年
past one's prime 迟暮
look one's gae 容貌和年龄相称
come of age 成年

carry the ball - 承担责任

After I implemented that important initiative,the boss asked me to carry the ball on our next big project.

call someone on the carpet - 训斥某人

When our team lost that big client,the boss called us on the carpet.

be on the carpet 被考虑
blood on the carpet 地毯上的血
roll out the red carpet 铺开红地毯
laugh at the carpet 呕吐

brown study - 忧思

She sat at her desk in a brown study,carefully planning how to word her thesis proposal.

He didn’t hear me at all.He was in a brown study.

brown-bag 盒饭
be/get browned of 对…恼怒
brown-nose 马屁精
do up brown 把事情做得彻底完美

sink or swim - 自己去闯

My employer gave me no help when I started my new job - I was just left to sink or swim.

something swim before one's eyes 头脑眩晕
be in a swim 头晕眼花
in the swim of things 积极参加某活动
swim with sharks 与危险打交道

white elephant - 昂贵却无用的东西

The stadium is likely to become a white elephant after the championships are over.

white lie 善意的谎言
black hope 被寄予厚望的人
big white chief 大人物

bring home the bacon - 养家糊口


My wife brings home the bacon,while I watch the kids.


George went to Washington and brought home the bacon — he got the funding we needed.

make yourself at home 就像在自己家一样
see you home 送你回家
home free 稳操胜券

have butterflies in stomach - 感到非常紧张

I had butterflies in my stomach before I gave that talk in Venice.

be all of a jump 心惊胆战
full-on 神经紧张
on edge = edgy 烦躁不安
tense up 肌肉紧绷

have a bun in the oven - 怀孕

You’re having a baby shower for Carla today?Wow,I didn’t even know she had a bun in the oven.

baby shower 准妈妈派对
start a family 成为真正的家庭
in the family way 怀孕了

be out of the woods - 脱离险境

The project has been given funding for another year,but it’s not out of the woods yet.

a babe in the woods 天真幼稚的人
neck of the woods 附近一带
set the woods on fire 某人成名

keep cards close to chest - 保守秘密

You never quite know what Barry’s going to do next - he keeps his cards very close to his chest.

play/hold cards close to chest=keep cards close to chest 保守秘密
poker-faced 扑克脸
play one's trump card 打出王牌
hold all the card 占上风

speak with a forked tongue - 说谎

People tend to believe Fred because he seems plausible,but we know he always speaks with a forked tongue.

(one's) tongue hangs out 极其期待
give someone the rough side of your tongue 严厉谴责某人
I could have bitten my tongue off 希望自己没有说过
hold(one's) tongue 保持沉默

kick someone upstairs - 使某人明生暗降

They couldn’t sack him,so they kicked him upstairs onto the board of directors,where he could do less damage.

kick in the teeth 严重打击
kick one's ass 狠狠教训某人
kick the habit 改掉旧习

give a wide berth to - 避开某事

fly off the handle - 勃然大怒

paint the town red - 尽情狂欢

Because of graduation from college,Mary is going to paint the town red with her friends next week.

be in the red 亏空
be in red 穿着红色衣服
red in tooth and claw 绝不宽容
a red rag to a bull 领人及其恼怒的事物

keep body and soul together - 勉强维生

His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.

make both ends meet 收支相抵
from hand to mouth 勉强度日
keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日

eat crow - 被迫做丢脸的事

He wanted to make his critics eat crow.

eat dirt 低头认错
eat humble pie 低头认错,赔罪道歉
eat one's hat 坚信某事一定不会发生
eat one's salt 吃某人的盐

a clean slate - 无污点的记录

You were very lazy last term,but we’ll start again whit a clean slate this term.

a clean sheet = a clean slate 无污点的记录
a clean break 一刀两断
clean(one's) clock 彻底击败某人
clean sweep 大获全胜

the acid test - 真正的考验

It tooks good,but will people buy it?That’s the acid test.

babysitter test 信任度测试
duck test 通过常识来判断
test of time 时间的考验

bron to the purple - 出身皇室

You were born to the purple,so you are destined to live in the public eye.

have a purple patch 过着顺风顺水称心如意的日子
purple prose 辞藻华丽的文章
purple state 摇摆州

a big cheese - 大人物

on cloud nine - 极度开心

salt of the earth - 社会中坚


You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you.


Mrs.Jones is the salt of the earth.She never appropriates what is not hers.

please sit above the slat 请上座
worth one's salt 称职的
salt away 存钱
rub salt in/into the wound 伤口上撒盐

red-letter day - 值得纪念的日子

Today is a real red-letter day for all of us.

(as)red as a rose 脸色红润的
paint it red = paint the town red 把某物描绘成骇人听闻的样子
see red 狂怒
go into(the) red 出现亏损
be/get out of the red 赢利

have a sweet tooth - 爱吃甜食

If you’re looking for a snack,go talk to Jenny —— she has a real sweet tooth,so she probably keeps candy bars in her desk.

sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食的人
I have a craving for sweets 我喜欢吃甜食
Tiramisu 提拉米苏
Rum baba 朗姆酒蛋糕
Tutti Frutti 水果塔

a green old age - 老当益壮

From the appearance,we can see that the old man is still in a green old age.

in the green(wood) 在青春旺盛的时代
keep the memory green 永远不忘
a green hand生手
the green-eyed monster 妒忌

be tickled pink - 开心极了

My family loves my boyfriend as much as I do,so they were just tickled pink to hear that we’re getting married.

in the pink 气色红润
turn/go pink 因为害羞或尴尬而脸红
pink slip 解雇通知书
pink tea 午后茶会

keep one’s fingers crossed - 祈求好运

I hope you pass the exam.I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.

keep cards close to chest 守口如瓶
knock on wood 祈祷好运
burn one's fingers 烧到手指
have a/one's finger in every pie 参与很多事情

full of beans - 精力充沛


I‘ve never known anyone to be so full of beans before breakfast.


His explanation is totally full of beans and doesn’t answer the question at all.

a bean head 傻瓜
old bean = old top 老兄
spill the beans 泄露秘密
not have a bean 一文不名

donkey’s years - 许多年

I haven’t been here in donkey’s years—— I can’t believe how much the town has changed.

dog's years / age 很多年
one's autumn years 某人的暮年
golden / sunset years 退休时期
salad days / years 少不更事的时期

by the skin of one’s teeth - 侥幸成功

clear the air - 消除隔阂


Open some windows and clear the air.It’s stuffy in here.


Some groups in our community seem to suffer from dicrimination.An independent inquiry could clear the air and sort out the problem.

up in the air 挂在空中
dead air 意外中断
with(one's)nose in the air 趾高气扬
dance on air 非常开心

call a spade a spade - 实话实说

I know you like Jason,but he’s a jerk!I’m sorry,but I have to call a spade a spade.

have a card up one’s sleeve - 留一手

She has a card up her sleeve if they ever try to fire her,since she knows about the boss’s unscrupulous business parctices.

play/hold cards close to chest = keep cards close to chest 保守秘密
paly one's trump card 打出王牌
hold all the cards 占上风

a tough cookie - 很有主见的人

Self-confident,ambitious and positive,Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to be a success.

a smart cookie 聪明人
a sharp cookie 超级聪明的人
cookie-cutter 千篇一律
cookie pusher 马屁精

bite the dust - 失败

  • 因失败而死亡

    A shot rang out,and the cowboy bit the dust.

  • bite the dust 企业破产

    His career bit the dust when he lost his job.

bite one's tongue 咬舌头
bite one's nails 咬指甲

brun the midnight oil - 开夜车

beat about the bush - 说话兜圈子

dog’s breakfast - 乱七八糟

I really need to clean out my closet——it’s starting to look like a dog’s dinner in there.

a dog's breakfast = a dog's dinner 一团糟
be done like a(dog's) dinner 做的一团糟
dressed(up) like a dog's dinner 打扮得太显眼

trun the table - 转败为胜

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.

under the table 私下里地
come to the table 开会以谈判或讨论如何解决特定问题
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生计
wait on tables 在餐馆当服务员

stick to one’s guns - 固执己见

let your hair down - 放松一下

make waves - 捣蛋

  • 捣蛋,引起麻烦或争议

    The merger is almost complete,so we’re all just holding our collective breath that someone doesn’t make waves at the last minute.

  • 做出引起广泛关注与争议的创新

    The startup made waves throughout the industry by releasing a device that never needs to be charged.

wave a red flag 做使人生气的事情
wave someone away 挥手示意某人离开
wave of the future 未来的潮流
wave the bloody shirt 挑唆冲突

French leave - 不辞而别

The official story is that he’s sick,but I think he’s just taking French leave.

French novels 低俗的小说
pardon/excuse my French 抱歉我口出秽言
English disease 英国式疾病
the best of British 祝某人好运

an arm and a leg - 价格高昂

I’m sick of paying rent in this town.It’s costing me an arm and a leg!

splurge on something 乱花钱
splash out on something 大手大脚的花钱
push the boat out 挥金如土
go on a shopping spree 疯狂购物

cupboard love - 有所企图的爱

Ever since I won the lottery, I worry that any woman who expresses a romantic interest in me will just be a case of cupboard love.

first love 初恋
for love or money = under any circumstances 无论如何
God love a duck! 表示惊讶、沮丧、愤怒、警告或烦恼的感叹词

throw the book at someone - 惩罚某人

He was formally charged with breaking ranks while in formation,felonious assault,indiscriminate behavior,mopery,high treason,provoking… In short,they threw the book at him.

chew the fat - 闲聊

Come into my office and chew the fat with me a little bit,David.I want to know how things are going with you.

have a chinwag 闲聊
have a natter 瞎聊
make small talk 闲聊

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

Congress wants to use a carrot and stick approach to force both sides to negotiate an end to the war.

carrot on a stick 为激励某人完成某项任务的奖励
dangle a carrot in front of someone = offer someone a carrot 用奖励来激励某人
use something as a carrot 用某物作为奖励来说服某人做某事

blow smoke - 蒙骗人

I think they’re blowing smoke about giving regular raises to their employees— I couldn’t find my evidence to support that claim.

Holy smokes/cow! 表示惊讶
smoke and mirrors 欺骗行为,骗局
there's no smoke without fire 谣言背后必有真相
smoke eater 善于在浓烟和高热中工作的消防员

let the cat out of the bag - 泄密

How did Mom find out we were planning a surprise party for her?Who let the cat out of the bag?

buy a pig in a poke 未见实物而瞎买东西
Cat in gloves catches no mice 不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业
put/set the cat among the pigeons 招惹是非
A cat can look at a king 小人物也有权利

bite one’s tongue - 缄口不言

I had to bite my tongue as my elder sister gushed about her new boyfriend yet again.

mother tongue 母语
have a bitter tongue 说话刻薄
lose one's tongue 说不出话来
hold one's tongue 保持沉默

church mouse - 赤贫的人

She’s poor as a church mouse,so you can’t expect her to donate anything.

I don't have any money now.I'm broke 我破产了
live from hand to mouth 上顿不接下顿
on one's uppers 一贫如洗
(as)poor as a rat 一贫如洗

sit on the fence - 保持中立

When Jane and Tom argue,it is best to sit on the fence and not make either of them angry.

be/stay on the fence = sit on the fence
adhere to / keep / maintain neutrality 中立
sit on the rail 在围栏上
take a wait-and-see attitude 持观望态度

steal ont’s thunder - 抢某人风头

  • 窃取某人的创意或想法

We had the idea for “digital paper” years ago,but I see they’ve stolen out thunder and have their own version of it on the market.

  • 抢某人风头

My brother is the star athlete of our high school,so on matter what I succeed in, he’s constantly stealing my thunder.

steal one's show/spotlight = steal one's thunder 抢某人风头
cut a dash 通过炫耀摆阔大出风头
cut a swath 炫耀、出风头
hold the limelight 抢风头

bell the cat - 挺身而出

Someone has to ball the cat and tell the boss we arent’s going to come into work on Saturdays anymore.

Cat in gloves catches on mice 不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业
let the cat out of the bag 说漏嘴
lead a cat-and-dog life 敌对的生活
put the cat among the pigeons 招惹是非

New York minute - 很短的时间

a monkey on one’s back - 大难题

This project is such a monkey on my back right now —— I can’t wait for it to be over.

get the monkey off one's back 摆脱困难,走出困境
make a monkey of someone 愚弄某人
get/put one's monkey up 使某人生气
monkey around/about(with sth) 调皮捣蛋,胡闹

be all ears - 洗耳恭听

Go on, tell me what happened —— I‘m all ears.

grin from ear to ear 咧嘴大笑
turn a deaf ear to something 用聋了的耳朵来听
something fall on deaf ears 未被理睬
have big ears 耳朵尖

an elephant in the room - 不愿提及的棘手问题

We all sat sipping our tea quietly,no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Joel’s expulsion from college.

have a memory like an elephant 记忆里超群
see the elephant = get a look at the elephant 见过世面
white elephant 无用且累赘的东西

bad apple - 害群之马

It’s an opportunity for them to make clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the Untied States Senate.

apples and oranges 天差地别的事物
The Big Apple 美国纽约的别称
polish the apple 拍马屁

talk turkey - 坦率的讲

We don’t have much time,so let’s dispense with the formalities and start talking turkey.

be stuffed like a turkey 形容吃的很多,肚子都塞满了
go/quit cold turkey 一下戒掉原来上瘾的习惯
like turkeys voting for an early Christmas 形容做了不符合自身利益的选择

be in each other’s pockets - 形影不离

When I was in college,my best friend and I went everywhere together.We were basically in each othe’s pockets for your years.

be in one's pocket 受某人控制或影响
dip one's pocket 偷走某人的钱或其他贵重物品
money is burning a hole in one's pocket 一有钱就想花掉

fat city - 生活优裕

He thinks he’s going to win the lottery,and be in fat city ever after.

a clean bill of health 身体健康
life is just a bowl of cherries 一切都很完美
life of Riley 安逸的生活
ride the gravy train 轻易地赚大钱

jump the gun - 过早行动

go out on a limb - 未得众人赞同的

He does not want to go out on a limb and try something completely new.

fell under the weather - 感觉不舒服

I was under the weather last week,but I’m feeling much better now.

Do you remember last night at the bar at all?You were really under the weather!

We were out celebrating Valerie’s birthday last night——that’s why we’re all under the weather today.

have a face like thunder 看上去极为愤怒的
fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友
not have a snowball's chance 希望渺茫
a strom in a teacup 小题大做

down to the wire - 直到最后一刻

salad days - 少不更事的日子

Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night.

The global financial crisis has temporarily ended the salad days of 9 per cent growth,enjoyed over the past three years.

egg someone on 通常是不智的事
in a nutshell 长话短说
spill the beans 泄露秘密
chicken out 临阵退缩

hold all the cards - 掌控全局

Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.

wild card 未知因素,无法预测的人
hole card 底牌
face card 重要的人
play one's card right 处理得当
put/lay one's cards on the table 直抒己见

cut to the chase - 开门见山

All right,le’s stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase.

a cut above average 稍高于平均水平
cut(one's)eyeteeth 变得懂事
Cut it out! 住手

a bad of roses - 顺遂的情况

Life is not a bed of roses.

bowl of cherries 美事,乐事。
be all roses 十全十美,情况顺遂

closed book - 一无所知的学科

I’m a scientist through and through,so art has always been a closed book to me.

read someone like a book 对某人了如指掌
in my book 在我看来
bring someone to book 处罚某人
by the book 依照惯例

a rough diamond - 表面粗鲁但心地善良的人

Don’t be put off by your first impressions—he’s something of a rough diamond.

The young actor was a rough diamond.With some training,he’d become a superstar.

a diamond in the rough = a rough diamond 有潜力的人
diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手

have a cow - 勃然大怒

My mother will have a cow if we get a stain on the new sofa.

Holy cow 我的老天鹅
cash cow 摇钱树
(as)awkward as a cow on a crutch 就像拄着拐杖的牛一样,形容非常笨拙或不协调

call it a day - 结束工作

When we still couldn’t find the source of the discrepancy,we decided to call it a day and revisit it tomorrow.

He’s finally decided to call it a day and retire as manager.

call it a night 今晚先到这里
knock off(work) 下班,收工
get off(work) 下班,收工
out of work 丢了工作,失业了

let your hair down - 放松一下

Come on,Jim,this is a party!Let your hair down and go a little wild!

Let your hair down and tell me all about it.

bad hair day (头发坏掉的一天)诸事不顺的一天
keep your hair on (保持发型)冷静点
not turn a hair (不改变你的头发)不动声色
hair of the dog (狗的毛)醒酒液

have a ball - 尽情狂欢

The kids really had a ball at the birthday party——they won’t stop talking about it!

a ball of fire 有抱负有热情的人
on the ball 反应快的
drop the ball 犯错

bread and butter - 生活来源

I’m an artist on the weekends,but being a tutor is my bread and butter.

The mobile phone business is actually our company’s bread and butter.

fish or cut bait - 做出抉择

Are you going to go back to medical school or not?It’s time to fish or cut bait.

beef up - 增强

We need to beef up our services in order to rival our competitors’ more comprehensive offerings.

beef about 抱怨
have a beef with someone 与某人有未解决的分歧或争论
beef to the hood 肥胖的
be/get beefed out 肌肉发达的

big talk - 吹牛

Lucy is always full of big talk,but she rarely follows through on it.

pep talj 鼓舞士气说的话
be all talk(and no action) 光说不做
double talk 故弄玄虚

break a leg - 祝你好运

You’re better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam.Beak a leg!

Here's mud in your eye! 祝你健康或干杯
keep one's fingers crossed 祈求平安
knock on wood 祈求好运
hit the jackpot 中大奖

eat one’s words - 收回说过的话

You think I can’t get an A in this class,but I’ll make you eat your words when we get our report cards!

someone be as good as(one's) word 一诺千金
have a word(with someone) 与某人交谈
have words(with someone) 与某人争吵

an apple of lvoe - 西红柿

He guarded an apple of love sent by his girlfriend like the apple of his eye.

apple pie order 井然有序
apple of discord 引起不和的整段、祸根
a bad apple 害群之马

a dog’s dinner - 一团糟

I really need to clean out my closet —— it’s starting to look like a dog’s dinner in there.

a dog's breakfast = a dog's dinner 一团糟
be done like a(dog's)dinner 做的一团糟,形容失败
dressed(up) like a dog's dinner 打扮得太显眼

black sheep - 害群之马

The studio is proving to be quite the black sheep of the movie industry,making big-budget films that fly in the face of Hollywood’s conventions.

go bananas - 情绪失控

I’ll end up going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day!

Cool bananas! 太棒了
drive someone bananas = drive someone crazy 使某人发狂
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了

an open book - 极坦率的人

Jane’s an open book. I always know what she is going to do next.

closed book 一无所知的东西,难以理解的东西
in my book 在我看来,我认为
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

go Dutch - AA制

You don’t have to treat me to dinner——let’s go Dutch.

dead meat - 倒大霉

If you or anyone else touches me,you’re dead meat. I mean it.Stay out of my life.

If he can’t get the votes,he’s dead meat.

fatty/lean meat 肥猪肉/瘦猪肉
lamb/mutton chop 羊排
leg beef 牛腱肉
fresh grade breast 鸡胸肉
scallop 扇贝

in clover - 养尊处优

If only I could win the lottery,then I would be in clover,instead of working three jobs to pay my bills.

roll in clover 像猪猪在三叶草中打滚一样,形容没有经济压力
like a pig in clover = (as)happy as a pig in clover 像三叶草中的猪猪一样,形容对现状非常开心或满足
four-leaf clover 四叶草,幸运草;引申指可以带来好远的人或物

pull up one’s socks - 加油干

We expect our wirters to contribute about 15 articles per week,so you’re going to have to pull your socks up if you want to stay a part of this team.

pull oneself together 振作起来
work(one's) socks off 形容工作非常努力
pull(one's) finger out 开始努力工作,赶紧行动起来
pull out all the stops 竭尽全力

best man - 伴郎

Henry Joe,you are already the best bro,and my very best friend,so will you please say yes and be my best man?
Herry Joe,你已经是我最好的兄弟,也是我最好的朋友,所以请你答应做我的伴郎可以吗?

mall rat - 喜欢逛商场的年轻人

Sure,I am a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds,especially those handsome boys.

I‘m just browsing 我只是随便看看
Is this the latest fashion 这是最新款吗?
Does this color suit my complexion? 这个颜色适合我的肤色吗?
It tooks custom-made for you 看起来像是专门给你定做的一样
How do you think this top goes with a miniskirt? 你觉得这件上衣搭配一条迷你裙怎么样?

face the music - 承担后果

I told you not to try to sneak in,and now that you’ve been caught,you’re just going to have to face the music.

take the consequence/consequences 承担后果
pay the fiddler 承担后果
stand the racket 承担后果

pencil in - 临时安排

I need to have a date in the system,so I’ll just pencil you in for the middle of July—just change it online once you’ve picked a date you’re happy with.

pen(someone/something) in 把…关进围栏
pencil/pen pusher 在办公室工作的人
in pencil/pen 用铅笔/钢笔写…

child’s play - 简单的事

Bargaining is child’s play for an old hand like her.

a piece of cake 小菜一碟
as easy as ABC 像字母表中ABC一样简单,形容某事非常容易
duck soup 容易打败的对手
as easy as rolling off a log 像滚动圆木一样简单,形容某事非常简单

no dice - 不行

no go = no soap = no dice 不行
dice with death 冒着巨大的风险
roll the dice 孤注一掷
load the dice 使用不正当手段

greek gift - 害人的礼物

He is always buying you expesive clothes.I’m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.

it's all greek to me 我对此一窍不通
When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war 两雄相争,必有一争。

busybody - 爱管闲事的人

Where is the john - 厕所在哪

Sunday best - 最好的衣服

Instead of some big party,let’s all get dressed up in our Sunday best and go for lunch at a fancy restaurant for my birthday!

Sunday punch 对付敌人最厉害的一击
When two Sundays meet 绝无可能
month of Sundays 很久
Sunday school truth 老生常谈

quicksilver - 水银

mercury 水银,汞;水星

Dutch courage - 酒后之勇

It was Dutch courgae that made the football fan attack the policeman.

Dutch gold 荷兰人的黄金,假黄金
Dutch comfort 荷兰人的舒适,贪图安逸
Dutchman's land 荷兰人的地,海市蜃楼
in Dutch 像荷兰人一样,失宠
Dutch treat 荷兰人请客,要自己掏钱的聚餐
beat the Dutch 打荷兰人,好得出奇

a bag lady - 无家可归的女人

When the young boy noticed a bad lady rifling through the garbage can looking for something to eat,he immediately offered to give her his sandwhich.

an old bag 每天抱怨不停的女人
mixed bag 混合体
be one's bag 某人特别喜欢的、渴望拥有的、在意的东西

bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关应付

I don’t actually enjoy cleaning,but I bite the bullet and do it so that everything in my house isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust.

bite the hand that feeds you 恩将仇报
bite one's hand off 大发雷霆
bite one's lipe 隐忍不言
bite the dust 失败
bite off more than you can chew 从事自己能力所不及的工作

eleventh hour - 最后时刻

I was shocked that they reched an agreement at the eleventh hour after weeks of squabbling.

go back to square one 从头再来
two heads are better than one 人多智广
three sheets to the wind 喝醉
on all fours 爬行
give me five 击掌
at sixes and sevens 凌乱的
in seventh heaven 处于狂喜之中
on over the eight 七歪八倒
on cloud nine 非常高兴
ten to one 很可能

browned off - 厌烦的

By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

(as) brown as a berry 晒得黝黑的
in a brown study 沉思,出神
brown suger 红糖
brown bag 自带午饭

top brass - 高层

The top brass also received benefits not given to the average employee.

Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官,行政总裁
Chief Operating Officer(COO) 首席运营官
Chief Financial Officer(CFO) 首席财务官
Chief Information Officer(CIO) 首席信息官
Chief Technology Officer(CTO) 首席技术官

knock on wood - 祈求好运

cross one's fingers 祈求好运
break a leg 祝好运
hit the jackpot 走运

gravy train - 美差

Financial services produce very high earning,and a lot of people are trying to get onto the gravy train.

a cushy job 美差
plum job 钱多事少的工作
get the short straw 干最苦的差事
hold the baby 干苦差事

walk down the aisle - 结婚

I have thought you’d be the first one to walk down the aisle —— you used to say you’d never marry!

mad money - 应急钱

Whenever we travel,my wife and I keep a small purse of mad money with us just in case we find ourselves in a difficult situation.

be up in arms 满腔怒火
have a chip on one's shoulder 生气
have a cow 勃然大怒
in the heat of the moment 盛怒之下

dog days - 热成狗的样子/三伏天

cash cow - 摇钱树

When Bob purchased stock in that software company 10 years age,he never exected it to become such a cash cow.Now that it has quadrupled in value,he will be able to retire early.

green hand - 新手

A leader full of experience would be calmer and more objective than the green hand in dealing with problems.

old hand 老手
green girl 新手
green with envy = green eyed 眼红
have a green thumb/finger 擅长园艺
green back 美妙

the coast is clear - 已无危险

She looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear,and then ran as fast as she could down the corridor.

Watch Your Step 小心台阶
Caution! 小心
Wet Paint 油漆未干
Wet Floor 小心地滑
No Thorouhfare 禁止通行
Under Construction 正在施工
Adult Only 未成年禁止入内

catch some Z’s - 小睡一会

We’ve got a pretty long layover before our next flight,so I’m going to try to catch some Z’s at the gate.

get/bag/cop/cut some Z's = cathc some Z's 打盹,小睡一会
doze off 不知不觉打盹起来
take a nap 打盹
take/have forty winks 打盹

have the last word - 最后说了算

Everyone started shouting,trying to have the last word,and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.

be the last word in something 最好的、最时尚的事物
one final word 针对某人或某事给出的最后一条建议/批评/评论
have words with someone 与某人吵架
have a word with someone 和某人谈话、和某人交谈

a fly in the ointment - 美中不足

It was an amazing party.The only fly in the ointment was that the host got drunk and started abusing everybody!

talk of the town - 街谈巷议

My brother was the talk of the town after leading the high school team to a state championship.

One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is... 人们热烈讨论的话题之一就是…
Recently the issue/problem of...has been brought into foucs/brought to public attention/ in the limelight/posed among the public 近来,……的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。
Nowadays,it is commonly/widely/generally believed/thought/held that...,but I wonder/ doubt that... 如今,人们普遍认为….,但是我怀疑….

silly season - 新闻淡季

it’s the political silly season,and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions,

bread-and-butter letter - 感谢信

When I got back from the sales meeting,I took two days to wirte bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.

bread and butter 生计
have(one's) bread buttered on both sides 左右逢源
bread always falls on the buttered side 屋漏偏逢连夜雨
know which side of the bread is buttered 知道哪种情况对自己有利

drop someone a line - 给某人写信

I know you will be busy enjoying yourself,but please, drop me a line on your trip.

faint of heart - 胆小鬼

This game can get rough sometimes.It is definitely not for the faint of heart.

big girl's blouse 缺乏自信和勇气
a scaredy-cat 特别容易受到惊吓
a chicken guy 胆小鬼

a nod is as good as a wink - 心照不宣

We need to tell me what you were up to last night —— a nod is as good as a wink.

wink at something 睁一只眼闭一只眼
not get/have a wink of sleep 不能入睡
not be able to see a wink 什么也看不见
forty winks 小睡

rob the cardle - 老牛吃嫩草

Are you sure it doesn’t bother you how much older I am?I feel like people are judging me for robbing the cardle.

carry coals to Newcastle - 多此一举

We definitely don’t need to bring any toys wehn we go over their house——they have so many that bringing more would be like carrying coals to Newcastle.

take owls to Athens 象征智慧的猫头鹰给雅典人,多此一举
sell snow to Eskimos 雪卖给爱斯基摩人,多次依据
sell sand to Arabs 沙子卖给在沙漠的阿拉伯人,多此一举

rule of thumb - 经验法则

As a rule of thumb,I move my houseplants outside in May.

lay an egg - 完全失败

Long before they had finished making it,Stamp knew that the movie would lay an egg.

Go lay an egg! 别来烦我
Never cackle before your egg is laid 在事情完成前别着急炫耀
kill the goose that lays golden eggs 杀鸡取卵

rock the boat - 惹是生非

Look,everthing is going fine here.Don’t rock the boat!

rain check - 改日再约


The game was canceled because of the strom, but we all got a rain check on it.


The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised,but I got a rain checke.


We would love to come to your house,but we are busy next Saturday.Could we take a rain check on your kind invitation?

see the light of day - 诞生问世

This book might never have seen the light of day without the enthusiasm and support of my editor.

see the light 领悟过来
see the light at the end of the tunnel 看到希望的曙光

close to home - 戳到痛处

His comments struck unpleasantly close to home.

make yourself at home 别客气
see you home 送你回家
bring home the bacon 养家糊口
home free 稳操胜券

blank cheque - 自由处理权

climb the wall - 焦躁不安

If she makes another foolish blunder like that,I’ll be ready to climb the wall.
The doctor hasn’t called me with the test results yet,so I’ve been climbing the wall.

up the wall 焦虑的
drive someone up the wall = drive someone bananas 疯狂
up against the wall 走投无路
go to the wall 破产

beat the drum for - 极力鼓吹

turn tail - 逃之夭夭

As soon as they saw we had guns,they turned tail and ran away.

chicken out 临阵退缩
take to one's heels = betake oneself to one's heels 逃之夭夭
take flight 逃走

pull one’s leg - 开某人的玩笑

Don’t believe him,He’s just pulling our leg.

ride one's coattails 借东风
be a drag on someone 拖累某人
shake leg 跳舞
break a leg 祝好运

TV dinner - 冷冻快餐

I’m way too lazy to cook,so I’ll just nuke a TV dinner in the microwave.

Hobson’s choice - 别无选择

pull the strings - 幕后操纵

out of lunch - 神志不清

Don’t listen to a word he says,h’sout to lunch.

go out 出去吃饭
go out for lunch/dinnr 出去吃午饭/晚饭
takeout 外卖饭菜
get some takeout = order takeout 点外卖
place an order 下单

bit in the doghouse - 受冷落

He’s been in the doghouse ever since he forgot his girlfriend’s birthday.

dog days 三伏天
a dog's breakfast 一团混乱
a dog's life 悲惨的生活
a dog's age 很久
every dog has its day 风水轮流转

a stone’s throw - 一步之遥

Success lies a stone’s throw from failure.Why not advance a bit?

be carved/set/written in stone 一成不变
have a heart of stone 铁石心肠
hit two birds with one stone 一石二鸟

to have January chicks - 老来得子

This couple had January chicks when they were fifty-five,so this naughty boy is really the apple of their eye.

May and December 老夫少妻
a cold day in July 小概率事件
mad as a March hare 疯狂
April weather 喜怒无常

a shot in the arm - 刺激因素

The chief’s unexpected praise really gave my floundering project a shot in the arm.

push the boat out - 摆阔庆祝

They really pushed the boat out for their daughter’s wedding.

put on the dog 装腔作势
cut a dash 通过炫耀摆阔大出风头
butter-and-egg man 资助人
splash out on something 乱花钱
splurge on something 挥霍

wait no hand and foot - 照顾得无微不至

I don’t know if Tom’s relationship with Jeremy is healthy.It seems like Tom’s always waiting on Jeremy’s hand and foot.

get off on the wrong foot 出师不利
put a foot wrong 犯错误
put one's best foot forward 全力以赴
foot the bill 负担费用

spin one’s wheels - 白费力气

They kept me on to manage what’s left of this division,but to be honest,I’ve just been spinning my wheels here for the last couple of years.

at the wheel 开车
oil the wheels 给轮子上油
a big wheel/cheese 一个有影响力的大人物
the wheel of fortune will swing around again 风水轮流转

pinhead - 傻瓜

The pinhead couldn’t manage his own sock drawer,let alone a huge project like this!

  • head后缀傻瓜
    airhead 空气脑壳
    blockhead 砖头脑壳
    harmmerhead 锤子脑壳
    junhead 水壶脑壳
    muddlehead 泥巴脑壳

thick 犯二的
dorky 呆呆傻傻的
clown 小丑

be bananas for - 痴迷于某物

She is bananas for watching soap opera.

go bananas 激动
to drive someone bananas 惹怒某人
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了!

ring a bell - 听起来耳熟

You description rings a bell,but I don’t think I’ve ever been there myself.

alarm/waring bells start ringing 需要引起警觉
get(one's)bell rung 受到猛烈的打击或伤害
set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟,提起警惕

rise and shine - 快起床

Five more minutes! 再睡5分钟!
I don’t wanna get up. 我不想起床。
I’m still drowsy. 我还困着呢。
Would you turn off the alarm clock? 你能帮我关掉闹钟吗?

touch a raw nerve - 触到痛处

I could tell he was touching a raw nerve when he brought up Jane’s former employer and Jane went silent for a moment.

nerve oneself to do something 鼓起勇气做某事
get on one's nerves 使某人焦虑不安
strain every nerve 尽全力
do not know what nerves are 从不紧张

on the wroing foot - 出师不利

Make sure you’re on time and dressed professionally. You don’t want to start your first day of work on the wrong foot.

put a foot wrong 说错话
be caught on the wrong foot 措手不及
put one's best foot forward 尽量快走
foot in the door 进门的第一步

a black look - 恶狠狠地瞪一眼

I tried to apologize for what I said,but she gave me such a black look that I kenw it wasn’t the right time to talk to her yet.

backseat driver - 爱多管闲事的人

Although Mary was capable of completing the project on her own,John couldn’t stop himself from being a backseat driver and telling her what to do.

in the driver's/driving seat 掌握领导权
slave dirver 苛刻的上司
a key driver of the economy 促使经济增长的主要因素

salt away - 储蓄

go to seed - 不修边幅

seed money 本金
good seed makes a good crop 善因结善果
sow the seeds of doubt 种下怀疑的种子

whistle in the dark - 虚张声势

He seems confident that we’ll get the money we need,but I think he’s just whistling in the dark.

as clean as a whistle 非常干净
pay dear for one's whistle 出高价买无价值的小东西
bells and whistles 花里胡哨的装饰
dance after one's whistle 听某人的指挥

be up in the air - 悬而未决

Because the whole town protested plans to build a new shopping center,that proposal is now up in the air.

float on air = walk on air 洋洋得意
on the air 在广播
with one's nose in the air 目中无人
go up in the air 暴跳如雷

take … with a grain of salt - 半信半疑

Horoscope is fun,but it’s not necessarily accurate.I always take it with a grain of salt.

on the back burner - 搁置一旁

I’m going to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.

put something on the back burner 将某事搁置一旁
put something on the front burner 重视某事
cook on the frnot burner = cook with gas 做的很棒
on the middle burner 处于一般地位

mum’s the word - 保守秘密

keep mum about it 别声张
seal up one's lips 保密
be tight-mouthed 守口如瓶

below the belt - 暗中伤人

I know she really wants the promotion,but she hit below the belt when she told the boss about my personal problems.

belt up 住口
have sth under one's belt 掌握某种技能
tighten (one's) belt 省吃俭用
give someone the belt 抽打某人

carry the can - 背黑锅

The teachers who were criticized said that they would not carry the can for the faults in the school system.

a can of worms 一罐子虫
be in the can 已拍摄好
open a can of beans 惹祸
live out of cans 靠罐头视频过活

gild the lily - 画蛇添足

You’re beautiful the way you are,and makeup would be gilding the lily.

lily-livered 懦弱的
lily-white 为人非常诚实的
as fair as a lily/rose 美极了
lilies and roses 美貌

jump ship - 跳槽

None of the editors liked the new policies,so they all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.

in the same boat(as someone) 与某人处境相同
don't give up the ship 不要屈服
like rats leaving a sinking ship 在困境之中
ships that pass in the night 萍水相逢的人

climb on the bandwagon - 见风使舵

I can’t stand these people who just climb on the bandwagon after a win.Where were they last year when the team was terrible?

fence siter/rider 墙头草
sit/ride on the fence 持观望态度
change horses when crossing a straem 临阵换将
trim one's sails 见风使舵

pedal to the metal - 全速前进

Pedal to the metal,boys—we need to get these packages shipped by the end of the day.

try one's best to do sth 竭尽全力
make great efforts to do sth 竭尽全力
spare no effort to do sth 竭尽全力
do one's utmost to do sth 竭尽全力

off thecuff - 即兴地

I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts,so I just spoke off the cuff.

off-the-cuff remarks 即兴讲话
give someone a friendly cuff 友好地轻轻拍某人一下
at cuffs 在互殴
cuff someone on the side of the head 拍某人的头

on the rocks - 岌岌可危


The company is on the rocks these days following the disastrous release of their latest product.


Give me a scotch on the rocks,please.

be built/founded on the rock 基础牢固的
between the rock and the hard place 左右为难
as steady as a rock 稳妥可靠的
have/get rocks in one's head 神经不正常

shoot the breeze - 闲聊

Customers always want to shoot the breeze with me in the store before they but something.

shoot/throw the bull 闲聊
chew the fat 闲聊
chat around the water cooler 在办公室闲聊
engage in chitchat 闲聊

in a nut shell - 一言以蔽之

Let me put it in a nutshell for you — if you show up late again,you’re fired!

tie the knot - 结婚


We tied the knot in a little chapel on the Arkanasa border.


Mr.Bell tied the knot for Nona and Arlen last Monday.

get hitched 结婚
take the plunge 毅然结婚
walk down the aisle 结婚

the Midas touch - 点石成金

It seems that she has the Midas touch — she makes lots of money whatever she does.

be joined at the hip - 关系紧密


The couple who are almost joined at the hip in their 20s may have become quite distant in their 40s.


Trends in world trade and trends in the environment are supposed to be jonined at the hip.

smite hip and thigh 狠揍
shoot from the hip 仓促决定
have someone on the hip 抓住某人的要害
hip someone to the secrets 告诉某人内情

a pipe dream - 白日梦

My brother’s laziness is evidence that his dream of bceoming a successful entrepreneur is just a pipe dream.

somke the pipe of peace 言和
fill one's pipe 富起来
Put that in your pipe and smoke it 你好好琢磨吧
no longer pipe,no longer dance 时运不济

three sheets to the wind - 喝醉酒

On his 21st birthday,Jeff’s friends took him to every bar in town until he was three sheets to the wind.

cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
loose cannon 难以驾驭的危险人物
toe the line 听从命令
a square meal 正餐

cut the mustard - 符合条件

What I really need is a phone tha’s much more dependable.This one just does not cut the mustard.

meet the standard/criterion 符合条件
up to snuff 符合标准
up to specification 符合规格
up to the notch 符合标准

cut someone some slack - 劝某人网开一面

When you’re new at a job,colleagues and bosses cut you some slack.They forgive minor mistakes because you’re new.

give someone some slack = cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
pick up the slack = take up the slack 收拾残局
slack one's duty 逃避责任
slack up one's effort 懈怠

lead the life of Riley - 过着轻松舒适的生活

Pampered form a young age after his after his father came into sudden wealth,Jonathan led the life of Reilly compared to the hardships his older siblings faced.

leaed the life of the spirit 过着崇尚精神的生活
lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活
lead a bitter life 过着痛苦的生活
lead a dog's life 过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活

know the ropes - 知道内情

The moment she got to know the ropes,there was no stopping her.

whih a rope around one's neck 拼命地
work the ropes 暗中操作
throw someone a rope 支持某人
the end of one's rope 山穷水尽

put a bug in one’s ear - 委婉暗示

The boss put a bug in his ear about the importance of meeting this deadline.

be bitten by the travel/fishing/gardening bug 对旅游/钓鱼/园艺有强烈兴趣
catch/pick up/get a bug 生病
Don't bug me! 别烦我!
cute as a bug's ear 非常可爱

up the creek - 处于逆境

If you hadn’t helped us,we would have been up the creek.

be in adversity 处于逆境
Adversity Quotient 逆商
Compation in adversituy 患难之交
Adversity leads to prosperity 穷则思变

touch base with someone - 和某人联系

Will you please touch base with the marketing team and find out how they’re progressing?

hold all the aces - 占尽上风

They hold all the caes;they are the champions and the best team in the country and have a full-time manager.

hold all the trumps/cards = hold all the aces 占尽上风
play one's cards right 正确打出手中的牌
an ace in the hole 杀手锏
have/keep an ace up one's sleeve 有应急的妙计

soft soap - 奉承


Don’t cry to soft soap her.She’s an old battle-ax.


Don’t waste my time with soft soap.I know you don’t mean it.

soft pedal 缓和
soft touch 很好说话的人
have a soft spot for someone 喜欢某人
soft in the head 疯的

on a shoestring - 靠着极少量的资金

We were living on a shoestring for a while after our baby was bron,but,luckily,I got a promotion,and our situation has improved a bit.

on a shoestring budget = on a shoestring 靠着极少量的资金
shoestring potatoes 炸薯条
shoestring trading 小额交易
shoestring gambler 赌小钱的人

run a temperature - 发烧

my head is burning up 我的投好烫
I think I'm coming down with a bad clod 我想我是得了重感冒吧
I have a runny nose and my throat is itchy 喉咙也很痒
It feels like I'm knocking at death's door 我感觉自己要挂了

sock away - 储蓄

We’ve been socking little bits away for years in order to put down a deposit on a home.

someone get socked with something 某人因某事受到打击
blow one's socks off 把某人袜子都瞎掉了
put a sock in it 住嘴
pull one's socks up 奋力工作

get hitched - 结婚

Today’s boys may face a major problem when they become tommorrow’s mem they will find it very difficult to get thitched,simply because there won’t be enough women.

make a big commitment 结婚
walk down the aisle 走进婚姻的殿堂
make a match 使结婚
take the plunge 毅然结婚

have a chip on one’s shoulder - 动辄发火

He’s got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.

have one's finger on the pulse 对某事非常了解
have a finger in the pie 查收某人
have a face like thunder 看上去极为愤怒
have a face like the back end of a bus 某人非常丑陋

cat and dog life - 争吵不休的生活

They have led a cat and dog life almost since the day they were married.

let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚
every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
a dog's life 潦倒的生活

pizza face - 长满痘痘的脸

Wow,a pizza face like you will never get a date to the dance!

beaten by the ugly stick 像被丑杖打过
a face that only your mother would love 只有你妈才会喜欢你这张脸
I'm not good with faces that I never want to see again. 我不太记得不相见的人的长相
There's enough leftover skin from your surgeries to make a bed for my cat. 你整容去掉的皮都够我的猫做张床了

play it by ear - 见机行事

grin from ear to ear 咧嘴大笑
turn a deaf ear to something 对某事不加理睬
something fall on deaf ears 未被理睬
have big ears 耳朵尖

clutch at straws - 抓住救命稻草

She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was justclutching at straws.

a man of straw 稻草人
a straw in the wind 风中的稻草
the last/final straw 最后一根稻草
get the short straw 抽到了倒霉的签

out of the blue - 出人意料的

Mike has decided to quit his job out of the blue,and go travelling for a year!

pink slip 解雇通知书
born in the purple 出生在皇室
green hand 新手
green with envy 眼红的

brown-bag - 自带午餐

v. 自带午餐

People who brown-bag it each day eat healtheir foods than those who go out for lunch.

n. 自带的午餐

Bring a brown-bag,and we’ll talk and eat at the same time.

adj. 一边吃午餐一边进行

A brown-bag seminar or seesion is gnerally a training or information seesion during a lunch break.

hot pot 火锅
spicy hotchpotch 麻辣烫
oden 关东煮
braised pork rice 卤肉饭

hit the books - 用功学习

I gotta go home and hit the books.I have finals next week.

hit the streets 大量上市
when the shit hits the fan 做了坏事被发现
hit the sack 睡觉
hit the mark 打中目标

dressed to the nines - 衣冠楚楚

Every time she went to a dance,she would always be dressed to the nines.

dressed to the teeth = dressed to the nines 衣冠楚楚
dressed to kill 使颠倒
look like a million dollars 看上去好极了
not a hair out of place 精致考究

jump in at the deep end - 在未准备的情况下着手

The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end, making a complete change to their eating habits.

be jumping up and down 跳上跳下
jump the gun 枪跑
jump the lights 闯红灯
jump the queue 插队

have stars in one’s eye - 满怀憧憬

Thinking about their coming marriage,they both had stars in their eyes.

get stars in one's eye 洋洋得意
believe in one's star 相信自己的运气
see stars 两眼直冒金星
be born under a lucky star 生就有福

get one’s back up - 惹怒某人

Just ignore him - he’s only trying to get your back up.

be up in arms 满腔怒火
have a chip on one's shoulder 生气
have a cow 勃然大怒
in the heat of the moment 盛怒之下

red herring - 转移注意力的事

As Dr.Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.

as close as herring(in a barrel) 拥挤不堪
as salt as a herring 很咸
Every herring should hang by its own head 冤有头债有主
throw a sprat to catch a herring 抛砖引玉

the writing on the wall - 不祥之兆

The official saw the wirting on the wall and fled the country.

It's a plain in the butt! 这真是太痛苦了
That stinks! 那真是糟透了!
What a shame! 多可惜
It's absolutely atrocious! 这真是一塌糊涂!

butter-fingers - 笨手笨脚的人

All of us know you are such a butterfingers,so please don’t touch my chianware.

butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth 装出一副老实样
butter someone up 奉承某人
butterfly effect 蝴蝶效应
buttermilk 脱脂牛奶

have one over the eight - 喝高了

It seems like Jenny makes a point of having one over eight every time she goes out on the weekend.

go back to square one 从头再来
two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮
three sheets to the wind 喝醉
on all fours 爬行
give me five 击掌
at sixes and seven 凌乱的
in seventhe heaven 处于狂喜之中
one over the eight 酩酊大醉
on cloud nine 非常高兴
ten to one 很可能

nose out of joint - 心烦意乱

John’s nose was really put out of joint when Jane was promoted and he wasn’t.

blow one's top 大发雷霆
road rage 路怒症
drive someone mad 使某人生气
get on one's nerve 招惹某人

carry a torch for someone - 单恋某人

Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years,but she seems not to notice.

puppy love 年少不成熟的爱
hava/get a crush on someone 迷恋某人
one-sided love = unrequited love 单相思
oradle-snatcher love 老少恋

bring down the house - 博得满堂彩

The clown sang a duet with the talking hores,which brought down the house every night.

You have a good sense of humor 你真幽默
You have a very successful business 你的事业很成功
We are so proud of you 我们真为你骄傲
Everything tastes great 每样东西都很美味

take the plunge - 冒险尝试


If you have been thinking about buying mutual funds,now could be the time to take the plunge.


We’d been living together for three years and we already had a son together,so we decided it was time to take the plunge!

meet one's Waterloo 遭遇滑铁卢
risk one's health 拿健康冒险
run the hazard 冒险

in the heat of the moment - 盛怒之下

I was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.

if you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen 如果再抱怨就别干了
put the heat on someone 给某人施加压力
take the heat off someone 使某人少受批评
the heat is on 开始有一段忙碌又有压力的日子

in the bag - 十拿九稳

Don’t start to think we’ve got this game in the bag,gentlemen.I’ve seen teams make bigger comebacks than this,so we can’t let up.

a bag of bones 皮包骨
leave someone holding the bag 突然把重担推给某人
in the bottom of the bag 作为最后一招
give someone the bag 拒绝某人

in the pipeline - 在进行中

The theatre company has several new productions in the pipline for next season.
There’s $5 million more in the pipline for the city schools.

throw in the towel - 认输

You’re not the kind of man who throws in the towel.You’re a fighter and it’s your fighting spirit that is going to save you.

throw a party 举办一个派对
throw good money after bad 花冤枉钱
have / throw a fit = have / throw a temper tantrum 发脾气
within a stone's throw 扔一个石头的距离

be sitting pretty - 生活优裕

They bought their house while prices were low,so now they’re sitting pretty.

sit in the catbird seat 处于必胜无疑的地位
be in fat city 过上富裕优越的生活
live / be in clover 没有经济上的忧虑和压力

a straw in the wind - 预兆

She described the theatre’s colsure as “a straw in the wind” as companies afced up to the realities of life after the lottery.

A straw shows which way the wind blows 草动知风向
the last straw = the straw that breaks the camel's bcak 压死骆驼的最后一根稻草
clutch/grasp at straws 不放过任何微小的机会
man of straw = straw man 稻草人

forty winks - 打盹

I’m going to grab a quick forty winks before everyone starts arriving for the dinner party.

wink at something视而不见
not get/have a wink of sleep = not sleep a wink 不能入睡
(as)easy as winking 易如反掌
not be able to see a wink 什么都看不见

put someone in the picture - 告知某人内情

His lawyer put him in the picture about what had happened since his arrest.

pull the wool over one’s eyes - 蒙骗某人

He tried pulling the wool over our eyes bu hiding the profits in separate accounts,but we were quick to catch onto his scheme.

all cry and no wool = more cry than wool 喊叫
all wool and no shoddy = all wool and a yard wide 质量极好
dye in the wool 永久的

stick to one’s ribs - (实物)顶饱的

I’m sick of eatng nothing but fruit and vegetables-give me something that will stick to the ribs.

stick one's neck out 冒险一搏
stick in one's throat 另(某人)气愤
stick in one's mind/head/memory 粘在脑子里
stick to someone like glue 缠着某人不放

talk shop - 三句话不离本行

In many social setting, it is preferale to avoid talking shop.This is because many workers enjoy a respite from work matters while enjoying their free time.Also, if anyone in the group does not work in the same field,that person will be excluded from the shop talk.

talk some sense into someone 帮助某人理智考虑
talk one's head off 对某人喋喋不休
talk someone down 劝企图自杀者从高处下来
talk something out 通过协商消除分歧或解决问题

teething troubles - 初期困难

There were the usual teething troubles at the beginning of the project,but that’s to be expected.

fiscal difficulties/troubles 财政困难
borrow trouble 杞人忧天,用人自扰
buy trouble 自寻烦恼
troubled waters 混乱状态

at sixes and sevens - 乱七八糟

We’ve been at sixes and sevens in the office this week.

one-hours town 乡村小镇
two of a trade did never 同行相轻
three sheets in the wind 酩酊大醉
four-letter words 四字真言

out for the count - 失去知觉


It took medical staff several minutes to revive O’Neill in the dressing-rooms.He was out for the count for two to three minutes.
At 10.30 am he was still out for the count after another night disturbed by the baby.

keep one’t head above water - 勉强应付过去


This lifejacket will help Sally to keep her head above water in the pool.


The business is in trouble,but we are just about keeping our heads above water.

a fish out of water 不适应的人
be in hot water 遇到麻烦
blow out of the water 彻底击垮
carry water for(someone) 迫于压力去支持某人

hand to mouth - 仅够糊口的

It’s been pretty hand to mouth these days.If I don’t find work soon,I don’t know how we’ll get by.

After she lost her job,she was living from hand to mouth.

live paycheck by paycheck 每个月都必须等到老板发工资才能维持生活
live on a tight budget 资金紧张
I don't have a cent to my name 我现在一分钱都没有了
as poor as a church mouse 非常贫穷

win hands down - 赢得十分轻松

He predicted that the French would win hands down in the play-offs.

beat someone hands down = win hands down 赢得十分轻松
win by a hair/neck/nose 以毫厘之差取胜
win (one's) heart = win the heart of (someone) 获得某人的爱
win ugly 付出大量努力获胜

off the wall - 荒诞疯狂的

Her hypothesis is really off the wall,but the facts seem to support it.

a fly on the wall 不为人觉察的观察者
back to the wall 走投无路
climb the wall 坐立不安
drive someone up the wall 令某人发怒

fine kettle of fish - 尴尬的局面

Well,that’s fine kettle of fish.I thought I paid the credit card bill,but it turns out that I missed the due date by a week.

it's so cringeworthy/cringey. 这可太让人尴尬了!
it's absolutely toe-curling! 非常让人尴尬的!
it's painful to watch 尴尬到看不下去了。

fly in the face of - 公然违抗


This is an argument that seems to fly in the face of common sense.


Such claims by Japan fly in the face of facts and are totally unfounded.

fly high 成功
go fly your kite 走开
fly the nest 可以离巢
fly off the handle 大发雷霆

cut the thrust - 唇枪舌剑

She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.

cut and paste 东拼西凑的
cut and dried 老生常谈的
cut across 抄近路穿过
cut lunch 盒装午餐

on the blink - 出故障


Our wahser is on the blink,so I’m on my way to laundromat.
Do you remember last night at the bar at all?You were really on the blink!

before one can blink 很突然
in the blink of an eye 眨眼之间
blink back tears 试图阻止自己哭泣
without(even) blinking an eye 没有表现出任何正常应有的情绪反应

call of nature - 上厕所

Wait a minute,I have to answer the call of the nature.

cool one’s heels - 久等

Do not make your gusets cool their heels when you have appointments with them.

as cool as a cucumber 比喻一个人非常淡定和冷静、镇定自若
Cool bananas! = Cool beans! = Awesome!Great! 哇!太棒了!
Coll your jets! 冷静一下
blow one's cool 失去冷静

go places - 可能成功

Alice is definitely going to go places with that singing voice of hers.

lock horns - 开始争论

When I was younger,I always locked horns with my mother about eating spinach! I hated it,and she always insisted I finish it.

You asked for it 这是你自找的
Enough is enough! 够了!
you piss me off 气死爸爸了

up to one’s neck - 忙得不可开交

There’s no way I can take a vacation right now,I’m up to my neck in work at the moment!

a pain in the neck 讨厌的家伙
break one's neck 尽一切力量去做某件事
win(something) by a neck 以微小优势险胜
up to (one's) neck in alligators 被各种不切实际的忧虑、问题或者任务所压倒或占据,以致于失去了最终目标

irons in the fire - 同时要做的很多事情

I have many irons in the fire at work right now and it’s going to be tricky to balance all of them over the next few weeks.

hold one's life 忍着不讲
draw one's fire 吸引火力
play with fire 玩火
Whrer's the fire 急什么?

plum job - 美差

All students are eager to land a plum job after graduation.

a cushy job 美差
gravy train 美差
get the short straw 干最苦的差事
hold the baby 干苦差事

Sunday driver - 车开的太慢的司机

For the most part,I like the relaxed attitude down here.But I absolutely detest all the Sunday drivers on the road!

bakcseat driver 指手画脚的人
in the driver's seat 掌控局面
Saturday-to-Monday 周末的
Black Saturday 黑色星期六

shake a leg - 抓紧时间

Whenever there was music he was eager to shake a leg.

I want to get there before sundown,so let’s shake a leg.

shake down 调整就绪
shake out 变化
a fair shake 公平的机会
in a brace of shakes 立刻,马上

green around the gills - 脸色苍白

Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gills after the trip!

as pale as a ghost 面无人色
at death's door 生命危在但系
under the weather 心情不好
back on one's feet 痊愈

nose of wax - 没有主见的人

He’s just a nose of wax with her,and does just what she tells him.

wet-nose 初出茅庐的
turn up one's nose 厌恶
get up one's nose 使某人恼怒
nose out of joint 不愉快

dollars to doughnuts - 十拿九稳

Well,Alex,I’ll bet you almost dollars to doughnuts that I’ll wake up at 3 am,as I do every morning now.

It’s dollars to doughnuts that Kevin will be late tonight.

bet one's bottom/last dollar(on something) 确信
feel like a million dollars 精力充沛
look like a million dollars 开起来非常漂亮气派
more for your dollar 物美价廉的

wear many hats - 身兼数职

Both you editorial assistant and our copywriter left the company at the same time,so I’ve been wearing many hats ever since.

wear a different hat|wear another hat|wear two hats|wear more than one hat|wear several hats|wear too many hats
wear one's particular professioin's hat 职业病
I'll eat my hat! 这事要真发生,我就把我帽子吃了!

make the fur fly - 引发骚乱

He made the fur fly by demanding to see proof.

make the feathers/dust fly = make the fur fly 引起争吵
all fur coat and no knickers 金玉其内外败絮其中
rack one's brains 榨取
push the boat out 摆阔气

light a fire under someone - 激励某人

Whther you’re racing against the clock of competing with a co-worker,competition lights a fire under you.

come under fire 遭受批评
fire in your belly 动力
fire someone up 使某人发怒
go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

by the book - 照规矩办事

This is a private deal - we don’t have to do everything by the book.

hit the books 学习
in my book 就我的看法而言
be on the books 属于

rain on one’s parade - 给某人泼冷水

I’m sorry to rain on your parade but you’re not allowedd to have alcohol on the premises.

give someone a rain dance 盛宴
take a rain check 改期或推迟的约会或邀请
(as)right as rain = (as)right as a trivet 非常健康的
rain on shine 风雨无阻

dog and pony show - 盛大表演

To help draw attention to the company’s new line of products,the manager took their dog and pony show on the road for a nationwide promotion.

That's shwo business 人生多舛
show someone the door 把某人当即撵走
show a leg 起床;赶快
show and tell 盛大宣传

curry favour - 拍马屁

They have lowered taxes in an attempt to curry favour with the voters.

kiss one's ass 亲屁屁
lick one's boots/shoes 对某人溜须马屁
yes-man/yes-people 只会、只敢对老板说yes的人
brownnoser 马屁精

run circles around someone - 遥遥领先于某人

Her presentation on the way molecules bind together was so polished and well researched——she absolutely ran circles around the other students.

run a tempeature 发烧
run across 偶然遇到
run around like a headless chicken = rush around like a headless chicken 手忙脚乱
run after two hares 最后两手空空

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

Congress wants to use a carrot and stick approach to force both sides to negotiate an end to the war.

carrot on a stick 为激励某人完成某项任务的奖励
dangle a carrot in front of someone = offer someone a carrot 用奖励来激励某人
use something as a carrot 用某物作为奖励来说服某人做某事

flex one’s muscles - 展示实力

The parade is the first sign of the new flexing its military muscles.

get beer muscles 酒壮怂人胆
muscle in 强行参与
strain every nerve and muscle 竭尽全力
not move a muscle 一动不动

for a song - 廉价的

Because the shop’s closing down,most of the stock is going for a song.

a song is(one's) heart 一种强烈的、欣喜的幸福感和满足感
be on song 表现出色
song and dance 长篇唠叨
sing a different song 改变自己的看法或态度

smoke and mirrors - 障眼法

The new budget isn’t smoke and mirrors;it’s an honest attempt to reduce the deflicit.

(all)done by/with mirrors 通过欺骗或者诱导来实现
a friend's eye is a good mirrors 朋友可以提供诚实的意见
able to fog a mirror 活着

win by a nose - 险胜

I ran the fastest race I could,but I only won by a nose.

win by a hair/neck/whisker=win by a nose 险胜
win hands down 轻松取胜
win one's spurs 出名
win one's way 奋力前进

grease one’s plam - 向某人行贿

plam grease 小费
melt one's grease 精疲力竭
fry/stew in one's won grease 自作自受
Elbow grease gives the best polish 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针

green-eyed - 嫉妒的

I thought I’d got over my ex,but when I saw him with his new girlfriend,the green-eyed monster got me!

in the green(wood) 在青春旺盛的时代
keep the memory green 永远不忘
a green hand 生手

turn the tables - 反败为胜

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.

under the table 私下里地
come to the table 开会以谈判或讨论如何解决特定问题
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生计
wait on tables 在餐馆当服务员

in a pickle - 处于困境

Now we are in a pretty pickle.We are out of gas.

low-hanging fruit 可轻易实现的目标
pie in the sky 渺茫的希望
not a sausage 毫无
drop something/someone like a hot potato 摆脱某人

be up in arms - 满腔怒火

They’re up in arms about the new managemnet structure.

under the arm 质量低劣
twist someone's arm 给某人施加压力
a shot in the arm 领人鼓舞的影响或事件
an arm and a leg 价格昂贵

fly-by-night - 不可靠的

He struck me as a fly-by-night worker,so I was shocked when he came back the next day to finish the job.

fly a kite 放风筝
make the feathers/dust/fur fly 惹麻烦
go fly your kite = leave me alone 你好烦
fly off the handle 发飙

give somebody the hook - 炒某人鱿鱼

He has published a number of papers that are considered very valuable.I’m not going to give him the hook just because he made a minor mistake.

  • 名词
    someone gets off the hook 脱身
    take a phone off the hook (电话听筒)未接上
    phone is ringing off the hook (电话)响个不停

  • 动词
    be hooked into something = hook into something = get involved with something 涉足
    hook into the Internet 上网

spill the beans - 泄露秘密

There is a surprise party for Heidi on Wendnesday.please don’t spill the beans.

a bean head 傻瓜,呆子
old bean = old top 老兄,老朋友
full of beans 精力充沛
not have a bean 一文不名

hat in hand - 毕恭毕敬地

It’s amusing seeing the governor have to grovel hat in hand before the state senate in order to get his budget requests approved.

pull a rabbit out of a hat 做出惊人之举
at the drop of a hat 立刻
pass the hat round/around 募捐
wear many hats 身兼数职

go against the grain - 违反常理

These days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.

  • 颗粒
    a grain of mustard seed 一粒芥子,大有前途的微小事物
    take something with a grain of salt 将信将疑,持怀疑态度

  • 谷物
    separate the grain from the chaff 区分善恶

go pear-shaped - 事情搞砸

We’d planned to go away for the weekend,but it all went pear-shaped.

the apple of one's eye 至爱
a lemon 柠檬
top banana 上司
You're a peach 你是一个好人

get in one’s hair - 惹怒某人

The kids are totally getting in my hair today,so i need you to wathch them for a little bit.

let one's hair down 卸下包袱,彻底放松
tear one's hair 勃然大怒
Absalom's hair 特长反而带来致命伤

inside track - 有利形势

I hope i have the inside track on the competition,thanks to my extensive student teaching experience.

the inside dope 内部消息
inside job 内贼作案
on the inside 熟悉内幕的
inside baseball 有关棒球的专业知识;尤指专业知识

make no bones about - 对某人直言不讳

When training a new employee,I make no bones about my expections,so that they’re not surprised by anthing down the road.

close to the bones 太过直率
in one's bones 从骨子里
throw someone a bone 仅仅施以小恩小惠,却不满足其主要的要求
be cut to the bone 被削得只剩下骨头了

go to the dogs - 变糟糕

I never saw a man go o the dogs so fat.

a gay dog 快乐的人
a dog's breakfast 乱七八糟
a dog's life 悲惨的生活
a lucky dog 幸运儿

in the black - 盈利

I’m pleased to announce that our company is in the black for the fifth consecutive year.

a black look 恶狠狠地瞪一眼
black sheep 害群之马
call white black 指鹿为马

peter out - 逐渐减少

The fighting which started in the night had petered out by morning.

rob Peter to pay Paul 借债还债
Peter Principle 皮特定理(公司员工可升迁至不能胜任位置)
hoist the bule peter 离开或准备离开
Peter Pan syndrome 皮特综合征(不想长大)

go up in smoke - 化为乌有

  • 被烧光

    I can’t believe you left the oven on!Do you want the house to go up in smoke?

  • 化为乌有

    When the business went bankrupt,twenty years of hard work went ip in smoke.

the big smoke大城市
smoke screen 障眼法
smoke and mirrors 骗人的手段
(there is)no smoke without fire 无风不起浪

lovey-dovey - 情意绵绵

We had gone for lunch with our boss and his wife,but it was pretty awkward with a couple getting lovey-dovey a couple of tables away from us.

love affair 强烈爱好
love token 爱情纪念品
love apple 西红柿
love seat 双人座椅

water under the bridge - 陈年往事

Yes,we did have our disagreements but that’s water under the bridge now.

spend money like water 挥金如土
in hot/deep water 处于水深火热之中
pour/throw cold water on sth 泼冷水
like a duck to water 没有任何困难

under a cloud - 不被信任

The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.

on a cloud = on cloud nine 飘飘然的
could one's reputation 玷污某人的名声
be lost in the clouds 茫然不知所措
head in teh clouds 心不在焉

rub one’s nose in it - 揭某人疮疤

Sue failed her exam,so just to rub her nose in it,I put my certificate up on the wall.

poke/stick one's nose into = nose into 干涉
a nose of wax 没有主见的人
win by a nose 以毫厘之差取胜
follow one's nose 凭直觉或本能行事

at the drop of a hat - 毫不犹豫

I can always depend on my dad.Any time I need help,he’s there at the drop of a hat.

a drop in the ocean 九牛一毛
the penny drops 恍然大悟
drop into place 产生理想或者期望的结果
have the drop on someone/something 占优势

nest egg - 储蓄金

Regular investmnet of small amounts of money is an excellent way of building a nest egg.

put all your eggs in one basket 将所有经历或资源都投入到单一目标中
have egg on one's face 丢脸
egg someone on 鼓动、怂恿
butter-and-egg man 资助人

a square meal - 一顿饱饭

He looks as though he hasn’t had a square meal for weeks.

enjoy your meal 请享用
look like a whole meal 形容人的长相非常吸引人

high horse - 傲慢的态度

My sister was a troublemaker as a teenager,yet she’s always on her high horse lecturing me about my life choices.

a horse of a different color 另当别论
eat like a horse 食量很大
beat a dead horse 多此一举
talk horse 吹牛

long in the tooth - 年纪大

He’s a little long in the tooth to be wearing shorts,don’t you think?

You’d better buy some new pants——those ones are getting a bit long in the tooth.

in the prime of life 时值盛年
past one's prime 迟暮
look one's age 容貌和年龄想称
come of age 成熟

carry the ball - 承担责任

After I implemented that important initiative,the boss asked me to carry the ball on our next big project.

call someone on the carpet - 斥责某人

When our team lost that big client, the boss called us on the carpet.

be on the carpet 被训斥
blood on the carpet 地毯上的血
roll out the red carpet 对某人表示重大欢迎
laugh at the carpet 呕吐

brown study - 出神

She sat at her desk in a brown study,carefully planning how to word her thesis proposal.

He didn’t hear me at all.he was in a brown study.

brown-bag 自带酒食
be/get browned of 对…厌烦
brown-nose 马屁精

sink or swim - 成败全凭自己

My employer gave me no help when I started my new job —— I was just left ot sink or swim.

swim before(one's) eyes 实例模糊
swim for it 游泳逃生
in the swim of things 卷入某事
swim with sharks 与危险的人打交道

white elephant - 华而不实的东西

The stadium is likelyu to become a white elephant after the chanpionships are over.

white lie 善意的谎言
black and white 黑白分明的
white hope 被寄予厚望的人
big white chief 大人物

bring home the bacon - 养家糊口


My wife bring home the bacon,while I watch the kids.


George went to Washington and brought home the bacon——he got the funding we needed.

earn one's bread 养家糊口
bread winner 养家糊口的人
feed/raise one's family 养家糊口
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生机

have butterflies in stomach - 极其紧张

I had butterflies in my stomach before I gave that talk in Venice.

be all of a jump 心惊胆战
full-on 神经紧绷
on edge = edgy 烦躁不安
tense up 非常紧张

have a bun in the oven - 怀孕

You’re having a baby shower for Carla today?Wow,I didn’t even know she had a bun in the oven.

baby shower 准妈妈派对
start a family 成为真正的家庭
in the family way 怀孕了

be out of the woods - 脱离险境

The project has been given funding for another year,but it’s not out of the woods yet.

a babe in the woods 天真幼稚的人
neck of the woods 附近一带
set the woods on fire 某人成名

keep cards close to chest - 保守秘密

You never quite know what Barry’s going to do next - he keeps his cards very close to his chest.

play/hold cards close to chest = keep cards close to chest保守秘密
poker-faced 扑克脸、面无表情
play one's trump card 利用优势,尤其是别人不知道的优势
hold all the cards 占上风

speak with a forked tongue - 说谎

Please tend to believe Fred because he seems plausible,but we know he alwasy speaks with a forked tongue.

(one's)tongue hangs out 极其渴望,及其期待
give someone the rough side of your tongue 眼里批评某人,严厉谴责某人
I could have bitten my tongue off 希望自己没有说过
hold(one's) tongue 闭嘴

kick someone upstairs - 明升暗降

They couldn’t sack him,so they kicked him upstairs onto the board of directors,where he could do less damage.

kick in the teeth 恶劣待遇
kick one's ass 狠狠教训某人
kick the habit 戒除恶习

give a wide berthe to - 敬而远之


The dog is very mean.Better give it a wide berth.


We’re been giving a wide berthe to John ever since he dumped our good friend.

fall into a good/nice berthe 找到赚钱多的好工作
find a snug berth 找到轻松愉快的工作
on the berthe (船只)正停泊着待装卸的

fly off the handle - 勃然大怒

Sometimes he’ll just fly off the handle for no reason.

get a handle on something 完全理解某物
a handle to (one's) name 称号,昵称
too hot to handle 某事非常棘手
handle with gloves 仔细小心地对待

paint the town red - 大肆狂欢

Beacuse of graduation from college,Mary is going to paint the town red with her friends next week.

be in the red 亏空
be in red 穿着红色衣服
red in tooth and claw 残酷无情
a red rag to a bull 斗牛的红布

eat crow - 被迫认错

He wanted to make his critics eat crow.

eat dirt 吃泥土
eat humble pie 低头认错
eat one's hat 十分坚定
eat one's salt 在某人家里做客

keep body and soul together - 勉强维生

His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.

make both ends meet 收支相抵
from hand to mouth 勉强度日
keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿

a clean slate - 无污点的记录

You were very lazy last term,but we;ll start again with a clean slate this term.

a clean sheet = a clean slate 无污点的记录,重新开始
a clean break 一刀两断
clean(one's) clock 彻底击败某人
clean sweep 大获全胜

the acid test - 真正的考验

It looks good,but will people buy it?That’s the acid test.

babysitter test 信任度测试
duck test 通过常识来判断
test of time 时间的考验

born to the purple - 出身皇室

You were born to the purple,so you are destined to live in the public eye.

have a purple patch 过着顺风顺水称心如意的日子
purple prose 辞藻华丽的文章
purple state 摇摆州

a big cheese - 大人物

Jacob thinks he’s a big cheese now that he’s been promoted ot assistant manager.

be like chalk and cheese 截然不同
Say cheese! 说茄子

on cloud nine - 非常高兴

salt of the earth - 社会中坚

You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you.

Mrs.Jones is the salt of the earth.She never appropriates what is not hers.

Please sit above the salt 请上座
worth one's salt 称职的
salt away 存钱
rub salt in/onto the wound 雪上加霜

red-letter day - 值得纪念的日子

My college graduation was a real red-letter day for my whole family.

Spring Festival 春节
the Lantern Festival 元宵节
ChingMing Festival/Tomb-sweeoing Festival 清明节
Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节
Double-ninth Day 重阳节
New Year's Eve 除夕

have a sweet tooth - 爱吃甜食

If you’re looking for a snack,go talk to Jenny— she haa a reak sweet tooth,so she probably keeps candy bars in her desk.

sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食的人
I have a craving for sweets 我喜欢吃甜食
Tiranmisu 提拉米苏
Rum baba 朗姆酒蛋糕
Tutti Frutti 水果塔

a green old age - 老当益壮

From the appearance,we can see that the old man is still in a green old age.

in the green(wood) 在青春旺盛的时代
keep the memory green 永远不忘
a green hand 生手
the green-eyed monster 妒忌

be tickled pink - 开心极了

My family loves my boyfriend as much as I do,so they were just tickled pink to hear that we’re getting married.

in the pink 身体极好的
turn / go pink 因为害羞或尴尬而脸红
pink slip 解雇通知书
pink tea 午后茶会

keep one’s fingers crossed - 祈求好运

fat city - 生活优裕

He thinks he’s going to win the lottery,and be in fat city ever after.

a clean bill of health 身体健康
life is just a bowl of cherries 一切都很完美
life of Riley 安逸的生活,无忧无虑的日子
ride the gravy train 轻易赚大钱

full of beans - 精力充沛/胡说八道


I have never known anyone to be so full of beans before breakfast.


His explanation is totally full of beans and doesn’t answer the question at all.

a bean head 笨拙的人
old bean = old top 老兄,老朋友
spill the beans 说漏嘴
not have a bean 囊中羞涩

donkey’s years - 许多年

I haven’t been here in donkey’s years-I can’t believe how much the town has changed.

dog's years/age 很多年
one's autumn years 某人的暮年
golden/sunset years 退休时期
saled days/years 少不更事的时期

by the skin of one’s teeth - 侥幸成功

ming escaped from the burning building by the skin of his teeth.

(as)rare as hens' teeht 极为罕见
cut your teeth on sth 初次涉足
in the teeth of sth 尽管遇到
cast in(one's) teeth 强烈谴责

clear the air - 消除隔阂

Open some windows and clear the air.It’s stuffy in here.

Some groups in our community seem to suffer from discrimination.An independent inquiry could clear the air and sort the problem.

up in the air 悬而未决
dead air 尴尬的沉默
with(one's) nose in the air 趾高气昂
dance on air 非常开心

call a spade a spade - 实话实说

I know you like Jason,but he’s a jerk!I’m sorry,but I have to call a spade a spade.

have a card up one’s sleeve - 留一手

She has a card up her sleeve if they ever try to fire her,since she knows about the boss’s unscrupulous business practices.

wild card 万能牌
hold card 深藏不漏的优势
face card 有权势的人

a though cookie - 很有主见的人

Self-confident,ambitious and positive,Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to be a success.

a smart cookie 聪明人
a sharp cookie 超级聪明的人
cookie-cutter 千篇一律的
cookie pusher 不努力工作儿时一味拍马屁乞求升官的人,马屁精

bite the dust - 失败


A shot rang out,and the cowboy bit the dust.


His career bit the dust when he lost his job.

bite the bullet 咬紧牙关
bite one's tongue 保持沉默
bite one's nails 紧张

burn the midnight oil - 开夜车

I’ll need to burn the midnight oil to have any chance of finishing this paper before class tomorrow moring.

sit up 熬夜
stay up late 熬夜
stay up all night 通宵未睡
work/study deep into the night 工作/学习到深夜

beat about the bush - 说话兜圈子

Stop beating about the bush and answer my question.

a brid in the hand is worth two in the bush 已拥有的胜过未得到的
take the rag off the bush 超越任何人或任何事
good wine needs no bush 质量高的物品不需要大肆宣传

be in each other’s pockets - 形影不离

When I was in college,my best friend and I went everywhere together.We were basically in each other’s pockets for four years.

be on one's pocket 贿赂或者勒索
dip into one's pocket = pay out of one's own 自掏腰包,花自己的钱
pick one;s pocket 偷走某人的钱或其他贵重物品

dig one’s heels in - 一意孤行

Please let me let my side of the story before you dig your heels in on this,ok?

Achilles' heel 致命弱点
fall head over heels 爱某人爱到死心塌地
drag one's heels 消极怠工
cool one's heels 久等

Speak of the devil - 说曹操,曹操到

the devil and all 一切都糟透了
the devil to pay 今后的麻烦
as the devil 报复的;猛烈地;拼命地
play the devil with 使失败

turn the table - 反败为胜

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.

under the table 秘密地
come to the table 开会讨论如何解决特定问题
put food on the table 挣钱以维持生计
wait on tables 在餐厅当服务员

stick to one’s guns - 固执己见

If you want to succeed,you should stick to your guns and work hard.

stick to 坚持
gun down 枪杀
gun for 伺机伤害
under the gun 承受很大压力

make waves - 捣蛋

The merger is almost complete,so we’re all just holding our collective breath that someone doesn’t make waves at the last minute.

The startup made waves throughout the industry by releasing a device that never needs to be charged.

wave a red flag 做使人生气的事情
wave someone away 挥手示意某人离开
wave of the future 未来的潮流
wave the bloody shirt 挑唆冲突

French leave - 不辞而别

The official story is that he’s sick,but I think he’s just taking French leave.

French novels 低俗的小说
pardon/excuse my French 抱歉我口出秽言
English disease 英国式疾病(佝偻病、支气管炎)
the best of British(luck) 祝某人好运

an arm and a leg - 价格高昂

I’m sick of paying rent in this town.It’s costing me an arm and a leg!

a lie has no legs 谎言是站不住脚的
break a leg 祝你成功
babe in arms 缺乏经验的人
give one's right arm 付出极大的代价

cupboard love - 有所企图的爱

Ever since I won the lottery,I worry that any woman who expresses a romantic interest in me will just be a case of cupboard love.

Everyvody loves a lord. 有权有势的人会吸引爱慕和钦佩
first love 初恋
for love or money = under any circumstances 在任何情况下
God love a duck! 警告或者烦恼等的感叹词

throw the book at someone - 惩罚某人

He was formally charged with breaking ranks while in formation,felonious assault,indiscriminate behavior,mopery,high treason,provoking.. In short,they threw the book at him.

I made the police officer angry,so he took me to the station and threw the book at me.

colsed book 难以理解的东西
in my book 在我看来
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

Congress wants to use a carrot and stick approach to force both sides to negotiate and end to the war.

carrot on a stick 为激励某人完成某项任务的奖励
dangle a carrot in front of someone = offer someone a carrot 用奖励来激励某人
use something as a carrot 用某物作为奖励来说服某人做某事

chew the fat - 闲聊

Come into my office and chew the fat with me a little bit,David.I want to know how things are going with you.

have a chinwag 闲聊
have a natter 东拉西扯
make small talk 闲聊

steal one’s thunder - 抢某人风头


We had the idea for “digital paper” years ago,but I see they’ve stolen our thunder and have their own version of it on the market.


My brother is the star athlete of our high school,so no matter what I succeed in,he’s constantly stealing my thunder.

steal one's show/spotlight = stael one's thunder 抢某人风头
cut a dash 通过炫耀摆阔大出风头
cut a swath 炫耀、出风头
hold the limelight 抢走关注,抢风头

blow smoke - 蒙骗人

I think they’re blowing smoke about giving regular rasies to their employees—I couldn’t find any evidence to support that claim.

Holy smokes/cow! 表示惊讶
smoke and mirrors 骗局
there's no somke without fire 谣言背后必有真相
smoke eater 善于在浓烟和高热中工作的消防员

let the cat out of the bag - 泄密

How did Mom find out we were planning a surprise party for her?Who let the cat out of the bag?

buy a pig in a poke 未见实物而瞎买东西
Cat in gloves catches no mice 不愿吃苦的人成不了事业
put/set the cat among the pigeons 招惹是非
A cat can look at a king 小人物也有权利

bite one’s tongue - 缄口不言

I had to bite my tongue as my elder sister gushed about her new boyfriend yet again.

mother tongue 母语
have a bitter tongue 说话刻薄
lose one's tongue 说不出来话
hold one's tongue 保持沉默

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

Are you sure it doesn’t bother you how much older I am?I feel like people are judging me for robbing the cradle.

church mouse - 赤贫的人

She’s poor as a church mouse,so you can’t expect her to donate anything.

I don't have any money now.I'm broke 我破产了
live from hand to mouth 上顿不接下顿
on one's uppers 一贫如洗
(as)poor as a rat 穷到极点

sit on the fence - 保持中立

When Jane and Tom argue,it is best to sit on the fence and not make either of them angry.

be/stay on the fence = sit on the fence
adhere to / keep / maintain neutrality 中立
sit on the rail 围栏
take a wait-and-see attitude 持观望态度

kiss ass - 拍马屁

It’s no wonder you’re the teacher’s favorite from the way you kiss her ass!

You’re not going to get an A in math by being a kiss-ass to the teahcer.

bell the cat - 挺身而出

Someone has to bell the cat and tell the boss we aren’t going to come in to work on Saturdays anymore.

a cat nap 一个小盹
well,dog my cats 啊,见鬼
lead a cat-and-dog life 过着不和睦的、敌对的生活
cool cat 精明能干的人

New York minute - 很短的时间

Everything can change in a New York minute.

meet one's Waterloo 遭到惨败
set the Thames on fire 做出惊人之举
carry coals to Newcastle Newcastle 做徒劳多余的事
go to Reno 去离婚

a monkey on one’s back - 大难题

This project is such a monkey on my back right now - I can’t wait for it to be over.

Did you hear?Peter checked himself into rehab to deal with the on his back.

get the monkey off one's back 走出困境
Monkey see,monkey do. 有样学样
I'll be a monkey's uncle! 天呐!
monkey in the middle 左右为难

be all ears - 洗耳恭听

Go on,tell me what happened — I’m all ears.

an elephant in the room - 不愿提及的棘手问题

We all sat sipping our tea quietly,no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Jole’s expulsion from college.

have a memory like an elephant 记忆力超群
see the elephant = get a look at the elephant 见世面
white elephant 无用且累赘的东西

bad apple - 害群之马

It’s an opportunity for them to make clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate.

apples and oranges 天差地别的事情
The Big Apple 美国纽约的别称
polish the apple 拍马屁

talk turkey - 坦率的讲

We don’t have much time,so let’s dispense with the formalities and start talking turkey.

be stuffed like a turkey 吃的很多
go/quit cold turkey 戒掉原来上瘾的习惯
like turkeys voting for an early Christmas 像火鸡赞成提前过圣诞节一样

a bad hair day - 倒霉的一天

I’m sorry I am so glum.It’s been a real bad hair day—everything has gone wrong.

a hair's breadth 非常靠近
curl(one's) hair 令人惊恐
get gray hair from sb/sth 过于担心

cook the books - 做假账

My partner had been cooking the books for years,but because I was the CEO,I got the blame for our company’s collapse.

read someone like a book 对某人了如指掌
in my book 据我所知,在我看来
bring someone to book 处罚某人
by the book 依照惯例

jump the gun - 过早行动

They jumped the gun by buliding the garage before they got permission from the town council.

wide of the mark 毫不相关
take a shot at 试一下,尝试去做
sink or swim 成败全凭自己

feel under the weather - 感觉不舒服

I felt under the weather last week,but I’m feeling much better now.

We were out celebrating Valerie’s birthday last night—that’s why we’re all feeling under the weather today.

have a face like thunder 看上去极为愤怒的
fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友
not have a snowball's chance 希望渺茫
a strom in a teacup 大惊小怪

down to the wire - 直到最后一刻

With only a week ot go,the polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck.The race is still so close that it may go right down to the wire.

neck and neck 不相上下
under the wire 将将到的最后期限
live wire 升龙活虎的人

salad days - 少不更事的日子

Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night.

The global financial crisis has temporarily ended the salad days of 9 percent growth,enjoyed over the past three years.

egg someone on 不智的事
in a nutshell 简而言之
spill the beans 泄露秘密
chicken out 临阵退缩

hold all the cards - 掌控全局

Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.

wild card 万能牌
hole card 深藏不漏的优势
face card 有权势的人

cut to the chase - 开门见山

All right,let’s stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase.

a cut above average 稍高于平均水平
cut(one's)eyeteeth 变得懂事
Cut it out! 住手

a bed of roses - 顺遂的境况

Life is not a bed of roses.

bowl of cherries 美事
be all roses 十全十美

closed book - 一无所知的学科

I’m a scientist through and through,so art has always been a closed book to me.

in my book 我认为
have nose in a book 埋头苦读
throw the book at someone 重罚某人
by the book 照章办事

a rough diamond - 表面粗鲁但心地善良的人

Don’t be put off by your first impressions — he’s something of a rough diamond.

The young actor was a rough diamond.With some training,he’d become a suiperstar.

a diamond in the rough = a rough diamond 有潜力的人
diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手
have the makings of something 某人具备成就某件事的素质或潜力

have a cow - 勃然大怒

My mother will have a cow if we get a stain on the new sofa.

Holy cow! 我的老天鹅呀!
cash cow 摇钱树
(as)awkward as a cow on a crutch 形容非常笨拙或不协调

call it a day - 结束工作

When we still couldn’t find the source of the discrepancy,we decided to call it a day and revisit it timorrow.

He finally decided to call it a day and retire as manager.

call it a night 结束今晚一直在做的工作
call it quits 结束一段关系
call it square 两人扯平

let you hair down - 放松一下

It is only with friends that most people feel that they can let their hair down and be themselves.

bad hair day 诸事不顺的一天
keep your hair on 冷静点
not turn a hair 不动声色
hair of the dog 醒酒液

have a ball - 尽情狂欢

The kids really had a ball at the birthday party—they won’t stop talking about it!

a ball of fire 精力充沛的人
on the ball 反应快的
drop the ball 失球;犯错

bead and butter - 生活来源

I’m an artist on the weekends,but being a tutor is my bread and butter.

The mobile phone business is actually our aompany’s bread and butter.

fish or cut bait - 做出选择

Are you going to go back to medical school or not?It’s time to finsh or cut bait.

beef up - 增强

We need to beef up our services in order to rival our competitors’ more comprehensive offerings.

beef about 抱怨
have a beef with someone 与某人有未解决的分歧或争论
beef to the hoof 肥胖的
be/get beefed out 肌肉发达的

big talk - 吹牛

Lucy is always full of big talk,but she rarely follows through on it.

She likes to talk big about how great a tennis player she is,but I don’t think she’s even won a tourament.

pep talk 鼓舞士气的话
be all talk(and no action) 光说不做
double talk 故弄玄虚

break a leg - 祝你好运

You’d better leave now if you want to arrive early for the exam.Break a leg!

Here's mud in you eye! 祝你健康、干杯
Keep one's fingers crossed 祈求平安
Knock on wood 祈求好运,甩掉霉运
hit the jackpot 中大奖;交好运

an apple of love - 西红柿

He guarded an apple of love sent by his girlfriend like the apple of his eye.

a dog’s dinner - 一团糟

I really need to clean out my closet —— it’s starting to look like a dog’s dinner in there.

a dog's breakfast = a dog's dinner 一团糟
be done like a (dog's) dinner 做得一团糟,形容失败
dressed(up) like a dog's dinner 打扮得太显眼

black sheep - 害群之马

go bananas - 情绪失控

I’ll end up going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day!

Cool bananas! 太棒了!太酷了!
drive someone bananas = drive someone crazy 使某人发狂
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了!

an open book - 极坦率的人

Jane’s an open book.I always know what she is going to do next.

closed book 一无所知的东西
in my book 在我看来
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

go Dutch - AA制

You don’t have to treat me to dinner—let’s go Dutch.

dead meat - 倒大霉

If you or anyone else touches me,Bas,you’re dead meat.I mean it.Stay out of my life.

If he can’t get the votes,he’s dead meat.

fatty/lean meat 肥猪肉/瘦猪肉
lamb/mutton chop 羊排
leg beef 牛腱肉
fresh grade breast 鸡胸肉
scallop 扇贝

in clover - 养尊处优

If only I could win the lottery,then I would be in clover,instead of working three jobs to pay my bills.

rolling in clover 形容非常快乐或满足,没有经济压力
like a pig in clover = (as) happy as a pig in clover 形容对现状非常开心或满足
four-leaf clover 四叶草,幸运草;引申为可以带来好运的人或物

pull up one’s socks - 加油干

We expect our writers to contribute about 15 articles per week,so you’re going to have to pull your socks up if you want to stay a part of this team.

pull oneself together 振作起来
work (one's) socks off 形容工作非常努力
pull (one's) finger out 开始努力工作,赶紧行动起来

best man - 伴郎

Henry Joe,You are already the best bro,and my very best friend,so will you please say yes and be my best man?
Henry Joe,你已经是我最好的兄弟,也是我最好的朋友,所以请你答应做我的伴郎可以吗?

mall rat - 喜欢逛商场的年轻人

Sure,I am a typical mall rat hanging around wathcing the corwds,especially the handsome boys.

I'm just browsing 我只是随便看看
Is this the latest fashion? 这是最新款吗?
Does this color suit myu complexion? 这个颜色适合我的肤色吗?
It looks custom-made for you 看起来像是专门给你做的一样
How do you think this top goes with a miniskirt? 你觉得这件上衣搭配一条迷你裙子怎么样

face the music - 承担后果

I told you not to try to sneak in,and now that you’ve been caught,you’re just going to have to face the music.

take the consequence/consequences 承担后果
pay the fiddler 承担后果
stand the racket 承担后果

pencil in - 临时决定

I need to have a date in the system,so I’ll just pencil you in for the middle of July — just change it online once you’ve picked a date you’re happy with.

pen(someone/something) in 把…关进围栏
pencil/pen pusher 在办公室工作的人
in pencil/pen 用铅笔/钢笔写字

child’s play - 简单的事

The test was child’s play to those who took good notes.

a piece of cake 小菜一碟
as easy as ABC 形容某事非常简单
duck soup 容易打败的对手
as easy as rolling off a log 形容某事非常简单

no dice - 不行

Would you help me wash the dished?
Sorry,no dice.I’ve got somewhere I need to be.

no go = no soap = no dice 不行
dice with death 以性命做赌注,引申指冒巨大风险
roll the dice 孤注一掷
load the dice 骰子中灌铅,引申指使用不正当的手段

Greek gift - 害人的礼物

He is always buying you expensive clothes.I’m afraid they are Greek gifts for you.

It's all Greek to me. 我对此一窍不通
When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war. 两雄相遇,必有一争。

busybody - 爱多管闲事的人

This government is full of interfering busybodies.

lover 情人
bus body 餐馆工
confidence man 骗子

Where is the john - 厕所在哪

Could you please tell me where is the john?I need to answer the call of nature!

go to WC 上厕所
go to the john = hit the john 上厕所
answer the call of nature 上厕所
wash my hands 上厕所
take a dump 上大号
go pee 小便

Sunday best - 最好的衣服

Instead of some big party,let’s all get dressed up in our Sunday best and go for lunch at a fancy restaurant for my birthday!

Sunday punch 杀手锏
When two Sundays meet 绝无可能
Sunday dirver 开慢车的司机

quciksilver - 水银

Quicksilver,though a metal,is aliquid.

mercury 水银、水星

Dutch courage - 酒后之勇

It was Dutch courgae that made the football fan attack the policeman.

Dutch gold 假黄金
Dutch comfort 苟且偷安
Dutchman's land 海市蜃楼
in Duthc 失宠
Dutch treat 要自己掏钱的聚餐

a bag lady - 无家可归的女人

When the young boy noticed a bag lady rifling through the garbage can looking for something to eat,he immediately offered to give her his sandwich.

an old bag 脾气不好的女人
mixed bag 混合体
be one's bag 某人特别喜欢的、渴望拥有的、在意的东西。

Dear John letter - 分手信

Mike was clearly upset when he received a Dear John letter from his girlfrien,Caroline.He thought their relationship was going well and didn’t expect it to end so suddenly.

John Doe 某人
John Hancock 亲笔签名
John Bull 英国人

bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关应付

I don’t actually enjoy cleaning,but I bite the bullet and do it so that everything in my house isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust.

eleventh hour - 最后时刻

I was shocked that they reached an agreement at the eleventh hour after weeks of squabbling.

go back to square one 从头再来
two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮
three sheets to the wind 喝醉
on all fours 爬行
give me five 击掌
at sixs and sevens 乱七八糟
in seventh heaven 处于狂喜中
one over the eight 七歪八倒
on cloud nine 非常高兴
ten to one 十有八九

browned off - 厌烦的

By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

(as)brown as a berry 晒得黝黑的
in a brown study 沉思,默想,出神
brown sugar 红糖
brown bag 自带午饭

top brass - 高层

The top brass also received benefits not given to the average employee.

Chairman of the Board(Chairman) 董事长
president 总裁
Vice President(VP) 副总裁
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官
Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官
Chief Financial Officer(CFO) 首席财务官
Human Resource Director(HRD) 人力资源总监
Operations Director(OD) 运营总监
Product Manager(PM) 产品经理

knock on wood - 祈福好运

I’ve been driving for 36 years and have never been in an accident.Knock on wood!

corss one's fingers 祈求好运
break a leg 祝好运
hit the jackpot 中大奖

gravy train - 肥差

Financial services produce very high earnings,and a lot of people are trying to get onto the gravy train.

dining car 餐车
fast track 捷径
sleeper 卧铺

walk down the aisle - 结婚

I still can’t believe that Naomi and Steve walked down the aisle.

mad money - 应急的钱

She likes to set aside a little mad money when she’s doing errands each day.

cash cow - 摇钱树

The project they’re working on is this company’s cash cow.

green hand - 新手

A leader full of experience would be calmer and more objective than the green hand in dealing with problems.

old hand 老手,经验丰富的人
green girl 新手,黄毛丫头
green with envy = green eyed 嫉妒,眼红
have a green thumb/finger 擅长园艺

the coast is clear - 已无危险

She looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear,then ran as fast as she could down the corridor.

Watch Your Step 小心台阶
Caution 小心
Wet Paint 油漆未干
Wet Floor 小心地滑
No Thoroughfare 禁止通行
Under Construction 正在施工
Adult Only 未成年禁止入内

catch some Z’s - 小睡一会

We’ve got a pretty long layover before our next flight,so I’m going to try to catch some Z’s at the gate.

get/bag/cop/cut some Z's = catch some Z's 打盹
doze off 不知不觉地打起盹来
take a nap 打盹
take/have forty winks 打盹

have the last word - 最后说了算

Everyone started shouting,trying to have the last word,and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.

be the last word in(something) 最好的、最时尚的(事物)
one final word 针对某人或某事给出的最后一条建议/批评/评论
have words 拌嘴

talk of the town - 街谈巷议

My brother was the talk of the town after leading the high school team to a state championship.

One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is... 人们热烈讨论的话题之一就是……
Recently the issue/problem of .. has been brought into focus/brought to public attention/in the limelight/posed among the public 近来,……的问题已经成为人们关注的焦点
Nowdays,it is commonly/widely/generally believed/thought/held that,but I wonder/doubt that... 如今,人们普遍认为……,但是我怀疑……

silly season - 新闻淡季

It’s the political silly season,and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.

bread-and-butter letter - 感谢信

When I got back from the sales meeting,I took two days to wirte bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.

bread and butter 生计,主要收入来源
have(one's) bread buttered on both sides 左右逢源
bread always falls on the buttered side 倒霉的事都到一块了
know which side of the bread is buttered(on) 知道那种情况对自己有利

drop someone a line - 给某人写信

I know you’ll be busy enjoying yourself,but please,drop me a line on your trip.

I am wirting to you in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to…/I would appreciate it if I could have the chance of (doing)/to do…

I know you have trouble in … from your letter.I am writing to give you some suggestions/off you some advice.

Thank you for your kindness,and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated./I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon!/Your quick response will be highly appreciated!

a nod is as good as a wink - 心照不宣

No need to tell me what you were up to last night —— a nod is as good as a wink(to a blind horse)

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

Are you sure it doesn’t bother you how much older I am?I feel like people are judging me for robbing the cradle.

carry coals to Newcastle - 多此一举

We definitely don’t need to bring any toys when we go over their house — they have so many that bringing more would be like carrying coals to Newcastel.

take owls to Athens 将象征智慧的猫头鹰带去雅典,多此一举
sell snow to Eskimos 将雪卖给住在北极的爱斯基摩人,多此一举
sell sand to Arabs 将沙子卖给生活在沙漠的阿拉伯人,多此一举

rule of thumb - 经验法则

As a rule of thumb,I move my houseplants outside in May.

lay an egg - 完全失败

Long before they had finished making it,Stamp knew that the movie would lay an egg.

Go lay an egg! 别来烦我!
Never cackle before your egg is laid 在事情完成前别急着炫耀。
kill the goose that lays golden eggs 杀鸡取卵

rock the boat - 惹是生非

Look,Tom,everything is going fine here.Don’t rock the boat!

rain check - 改日再约


The game was canceled because of the strom,but we all got a rain check on it.


The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised,but I got a rain check.


We would love to come to your house, but we are busy next Saturday.Could we take a rain check on your kind invitataion?

see the light of day - 诞生问世

This book might never have seen the light of day without the enthusiasm and support of my editor.

see the light 明白过来,领悟过来
see the light at the end of the tunnel 看到希望的光

close to home - 戳到痛处

His comments struck unpleasantly close to home.

My mom’s lung cancer diagnosis is close to home for me because my dad recently died of the same thing.

make yourself at home 别客气
see you home 送你回家
bring home the bacon 养家糊口
home free 稳操胜券

blank cheque - 自由处理权


We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble through poor management.


He had,in a sense,been given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.

climb the wall - 焦躁不安

If she makes another foolish blunder like that,I’ll be ready to climb the wall.

The doctor hasn’t called me with the test results yet,so I’ve been climbing the wall.

up the wall 愤怒的
drive someone up the wall = drive someone bananas 使某人发狂
up against the wall 逼到绝境
go to the wall 失败

beat the drum for - 极力鼓吹

I spent a lot of time beating the drum for our plans for the future.

bang the drum for = beat the drum for 极力鼓吹(bang v.重击)
beat a retreat 迅速撤退,匆忙溜掉
alarmism 大惊小怪

turn tail - 逃之夭夭

As soon as they saw we had guns,they turned tail and ran away.

on one's tail 紧追某人
tail off 零散地落在后头
The Long Tail 长尾理论(原来不受到重视的销量小但种类多的产品或服务,由于总量巨大,累积起来的总收益可以超过主流产品)

pull one’s leg - 开某人玩笑

Don’t believe him.He’s just pulling your leg.

ride one's coattails 抱某人大腿
be a drag on someone 拖累某人
shake a leg 赶快
break a leg 祝好运

TV dinner - 冷冻快餐

I’m way too lazy to cook,so I’ll just nuke a TV dinner in the environment.

to have January chicks - 老来得子

This couple had January chicks when they were fifty-five,so this naughty boy is really the apple of their eye.

May and December 老夫少妻
a cold day in July 小概率事件
mad as a March hare 疯狂
April weather 喜怒无常

Hobson’s choice - 别无选择

pull the string - 幕后操纵

I want to know who’s pulling the string around here.

pull strings:to secretly use the influence that you have over important people to get something or to help somone(暗中利用自己的权势来获得某物或帮助某人)

pull the strings: to be in control of an organization ,often secretly;to have real or ultimate control of something(秘密地对某组织进行控制;对某物具有真正或最终的控制权)

out to lunch - 出去吃午饭/心不在焉/神志不清


Janet is out to lunch right now,but I can give her a message.


Did I just say that two plus two equals five?Wow,I’m really out to lunch today.


Don’t listen to a word he says,he’s out to lunch.

go out 出去吃饭
go out for lunch/dinner 出去吃午饭/晚饭
takeout 外卖食物,外卖饭菜
get some takeout = order takeout 点外卖
place an order 下单

be in the doghouse - 受冷漠

He’s been in the doghouse ever since he forgot his girlfriend’s birthday.

dog days 大热天
a dog's breakfast 一团混乱
a dog's life 悲惨的生活
a dog's age 很久
every dog has its day 风水轮流转

a stone’s throw - 一步之遥

Success lies a stone’s throw from failure.Why not advance a bit?

be carved/set/written in stone 一成不变
have a heart of stone 铁石心肠
hit two birds with one stone 一石二鸟

separate the sheep from the goats - 辨明好坏

It is getting harder and harder to separate the sheep from the goats among the 4000 or so tiltes for children that are published every year.

play/act the goat 做蠢事
get one's goat 惹某人发火
skin a goat 呕吐

a shot in the arm - 刺激因素

The chief’s unexpected prasie really gave my floundering project a shot in the arm.

push the boat out - 摆阔庆祝

They really pushed the boat out for their daughter’s wedding.

wait on hand and foot - 照顾得无微不至

I don’t know if Tom’s realtionship with Jeremy is healthy.It seems like Tom’s always waiting on Jeremy hand and foot.

put a foot wrong 说错话
be caught on the wrong foot 措手不及
put one's best foot forward 尽量快走
foot in the door 进门的第一步

spin one’s wheels - 白费力气

They kept me on to manage what’s left of thsi division,but to be honest,I’ve just been spinning my wheels here for the last couple of years.

at the wheel 领导
third wheel 累赘
a big wheel/cheese 一个有影响力的大人物

pinhead - 笨蛋

That pinhead couldn’t manage his own sock drawer,let alone a huge project like this!


be bananas for - 痴迷于某物

She is bananas for watching soap opera.

go bananas 激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒
to drive someone bananas 惹怒某人
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了!

ring a bell - 听起来耳熟

Your description rings a bell,but I don’t think I’ve ever been there myself.

alarm/waring bells start ringing 需要引起警觉
get(one's) bell rung (尤指头部)受到猛烈的打击或者伤害

rise and shine - 快起床

five more minutes! 再睡五分钟!
I don't wanna get up 我不想起床
I’m still drowsy 我还困着呢
Would you turn off the alarm clock 你能帮我关掉闹钟吗

touch a raw nerve - 触到痛处

I could tell he was touching a raw nerve when he brought up Jane’s former employer and Jane went silent for a moment.

a raw deal 不公平的待遇
in a raw 原原本本的
raw material 原料
raw fish 生鱼片

on the wrong foot - 出师不利

Make sure you’re on time and dressed professionally.You don’t want to start your first day of work on the wrong foot.

a black look - 恶狠狠地瞪一眼

I tried to apologize for what I said,but she gave me such a black look that I knew it wasn’t the right time to talk to her yet.

backseat driver - 爱多管闲事的人

Although Mary was capable of completing the project on her own,John couldn’t stop himself from being a backseat driver and telling her what to do.

Sunday driver 开车很慢的司机
in the driver's/driving seat 掌握领导权
slave driver 苛刻的上司
a key driver of the economy 促使经济增长的主要因素

salt away - 储蓄

I salted away money from my summer job to pay for college.

take something with a grain of salt 对某事有所怀疑
eat one's salt 在某人家里做客
worth one's salt = worth one's salary 有能力的
salt of the earth 诚实善良的人

go to seed - 不修边幅

wow,Tim’s really started going to seed ever since he had kids.

I want back to visit my old elementary school,and sadly,it has really gone to seed.

run to seed = go to seed 不修边幅
seed money 本金
good seed makes a good crop 善因结善果
sow the seeds of doubt 种下怀疑的种子

whistle in the dark - 虚张声势

He seems confident that we’ll get the money we need,but I think he’s just whistling in the dark.

as clean as a whistle (某人)没有任何前科或者污点
pay dear for one's whistle 由于一时兴趣而付出很大代价
bells and whistles 花里胡哨的装饰
dance after one's whistle 百依百顺地服从某人

be up in the air - 悬而未决

Because the whole town protested plans to build a new shopping center,that proposal is now up in the air.

float on air = walk on air 洋洋得意
on the air (计算机)在运行中
with one's nose in the air 目中无人的
go up in the air 突然忘记台词

take with a grain of salt - 半信半疑

Horoscope is fun,but it’s not necessarily accurate.I always take it with a grain of salt.

eat salt with someone 受到某人的款待
salt of the earth 社会中坚
be neither suger nor salt 不怕雨淋的
rub salt into someone's wounds 令某人雪上加霜

on the back burner - 搁置一旁

I’m going to bu putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.

put something on the back burner 将某事搁置一旁
put something on the front burner 重视某事
cook on the front burner = cook with gas 做的很棒
on the middle burner 处于一般地位

be wet behind the ears - 乳臭未干

You’ll never win the case with him as your lawyer—he’s just out of law school and still wet behind the ears!

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
the die is cast 大局已定,木已成舟
six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两
A timely heavy snow promises a good harvest 瑞雪兆丰年
love me,love my dog 爱屋及乌
rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙

mum’s the word - 保守秘密

below the belt - 暗中伤人

I know she really wants the promotion,but she hit below the belt when she told the boss about my personal problems.

belt up 住口、闭嘴
have sth under one's belt 掌握某技能
tighten(one's) belt 省吃俭用
give someone the belt 赶某人走开

carry the can - 背黑锅

The teachers who were criticized said that they would not carry the can for the faults in the school system.

a can of worms 难题;麻烦事
be in the can 录制完毕准备播放
open a can of beans 惹祸
live out of cans 靠罐头视频过活

go to Reno - 去离婚

We can’t tolerate each other anymore,so we decide to go to Reno.

tie the knot 结婚
bride and groom 新娘和新郎
end the marriage 离婚
ex-husband and ex-wife 前夫和前妻

gild the lily - 画蛇添足

You’re beautiful the way you are,and makeup would be gilding the lily.

lily-livered 懦弱的
lily-white 为人非常诚实的
as fair as a lily 纯洁的
liles and roses 花容玉貌

jump ship - 跳槽

None of the editors liked the new policies,so they all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.

in the same boat(as somneone) 与某人处境相同
don't give up the ship 不要放弃
like rats leaving a sinking ship 只顾自己不顾队友的人
ships that pass in the night 萍水相逢的人

climb on the bandwagon - 见风使舵

I can’t stand these people who just climb on the bandwagon after a win.Where were they last year when the team was terrible?

fence sitter/rider 骑在篱笆上的人->见风使舵的人,立场不坚定的人,墙头草

pedal to the metal - 全速前进

Pedal to the metal,boys——we need to get these packages shipped by the end of the day.

try one's best to do sth
make great efforts to do sth
spare no effort to do sth
do one's utmost to do sth

off the cuff - 即兴地

I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts,so I just spoke off the cuff.

off-the-cuff remarks 即席讲话;即兴讲话
give someone a friendly cuff 友好的轻轻拍某人一下
at cuffs 在打架
cuff someone on the side of the head 拍某人的头

on the rocks - 岌岌可危


The company is on the rocks these days following the disastrous release of their latest product.


Give me a scotch on the rocks,please.

be built/founded on the rock 建立在磐石上
between the rock and the hard place 左右为难,进退维谷
as steady as a rock 稳妥可靠的
hava/get rocks in one's head 神经不正常

shoot the breeze - 闲聊

Customers always want to shoot the breeze with me in the store before they buy something.

shoot/throw the bull 闲聊,吹牛
chew the fat 闲聊,闲扯
engage in chitchat 闲聊

cut the mustard - 符合条件

What I really need is a phone that’s much more dependable.This one just does not cut the muted.

meet the standard/cirterion 符合条件
up to snuff 到达要求
up to specification 符合规格
up to the notch 符合标准

in a nutshell - 一言以蔽之

Let me put it in a nutshell for you——if you show up late again,you’re fired!

a hard/tough nut to crack 棘手的问题
spill the beans 说漏嘴
have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做
the world is someone's oyster 你可以随心所欲

tie the knot - 结婚

We tied the knot in a little chapel on the Arkansas border,

Mr.Bell tied the knot for Nona and Arlen last Monday.

get hitched 结婚
take the plunge 毅然结婚
walk down the aisle 结婚

the Midas touch - 点石成金

It seems that she has the Midas touch — she makes lots of money whatever she does.

be joined at the hip - 关系紧密

The couple who are almost jointed at the hip in their 20s may have become qutie dsitant in their 40s.

Trends in world trade and trends in the environment are supposed to be joined at the hip.

smite hip and thigh 痛打,狠揍
shoot from the hip 鲁莽行动,仓促决定,信口开河
have someone on the hip 抓住某人的要害
hip someone to the secrets 使知晓,使了解,高速

three sheets to the wind - 喝醉酒

On the 21st birthday,Jeff’s friends took him to every bar in town until he was three sheets.

cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
loose cannon 难以驾驭的危险人物
toe the line 听从命令
a square meal 正餐

bury the hatchet - 重归于好

Can you please bury the hatchet and make up with your sister already?I can’t take the constant fighting.

take someone back 让某人回心转意
make up with someone 与某人和解
kiss and make up 原谅某人并与之重归于好
get back together 重归于好

cut someone some slack - 对某人网开一面

When you’re new at a job,colleagues and booses cut you some salck.They forgive minor mistakes because you’re new.

give someone some slack = cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
pick up the slack = take up the slack 收拾残局
slack one's duty 逃避责任
slack up one's effort 懈怠

lead the life of Riley - 过轻松舒适的生活

Pampered from a young age after his father came into sudden wealth,Jonathan led the life of Reality compared to the hardships his older siblings faced.

lead the life of the spirit 过着崇尚精神的生活
lead a happy life 过着幸福的生活
lead a bitter life 过着痛苦的生活、
lead a dog's life 过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活

loose cannon - 难以驾驭的危险人物

He’s seen as something of a loose cannon by other team members.

serve as cannon fodder 充当炮灰
water cannon 冒失鬼
on the loose 散漫
give(a) loose 自由发挥

know the ropes - 知道内情

The moment she got to know the ropes,there was no stopping her.

with a rope around one's neck 破釜沉舟地,拼命地
work the ropes 暗中操纵
throw someone a rope 援助某人
the end of one's rope 山穷水尽

put a bug in one’s ear - 委婉暗示

The boss put a bug in his ear about the importance of meeting this deadline.

be bitten by the travel/fishing/gardening bug 对旅游、钓鱼、园艺有强烈兴趣
catch/pick up/get a bug 生病
Don't bug me! 别烦我
cute as a bug's ear 非常可爱

up the creek - 处于困境

If you hadn’t helped us,we would have been up the creek.

be in adversity 处于逆境
Adversity Quotient(AQ)逆境商数
companion in adversity 患难朋友
Adversity leads to prosperity 困苦通向昌盛

touch base with someone - 和某人联系

Will you please touch base with the marketing team and find out how they’re progressing?

Bottom line:we have to turn into profit by 2022. 最重要的是:我们必须在2022年前转亏为盈
Can you just give me a ballpark figure? 能不能给我一个大概的数字?
in the middle of something? 正在忙吗?
What are you up to? 你正在做什么?

hold all the aces - 占尽上风

They hold all the aces;they are the champions and the best team in the country and have a full-time manager.

hold all the trupms/cards= hold all the aces 占尽上风,占尽优势
play one's card right 充分利用所拥有的的资源,办事高明
an ace in the hole 杀手锏
have/keep an ace up one's sleeve 手中留有王牌->有应急的妙计

soft soap - 奉承


Don’t try to soft soap her.She’s an old battle-ax.


Don’t waste my time with soft soap.I know you don’t mean it.

soft pedal 减弱,降低
soft touch 很好说话的人
have a soft spot for someone 对某人有好感
soft in the head 疯的

on a shoestring - 靠着极少量的资金

We were living on a shoestring for a while after our baby was born,but,luckily,I got a promotion,and our situatuon has imporved a bit.

on a shoestring budget = on a shoestring 靠着极少量的资金
shoestring potatoes 油炸土豆条
shoestring trading 小额交易
shoestring gambler 赌小钱的人

run a temperature - 发烧

My head is burning up 我的头好烫
I think I'm coming down with a bad cold 我想我是得了重感冒了吧
I have a runny nose and my throat is itchy 我流鼻涕,喉咙也很痒
It feels like I'm knocking at death's door 我感觉自己要挂了

sock away - 储蓄

We‘ve been socking little bits ayaw for years in order to put down a deposit on a home.

someone get socked with something 某人因某事受到打击
blow one's socks off 把某人袜子都吓掉了;使某人万分惊愕;给某人留下深刻印象
put a sock in it 把娃子塞进嘴里;让某人安静,住嘴,别出声
pull one's socks up 撸起袜子加油干;加紧努力,奋力工作

get hitched - 结婚

Today‘s boy may face a major problem when they become tomorrow’s men- they will find it very difficlut to get hitched,simply because there won’t be enough women.

make a big commitment 作出重大的承诺;结婚
walk down the aisle 走进婚姻的殿堂;结婚
make a match 使结婚
take the pluge 毅然结婚

have a chip on one’s shoulder - 动辄发火

He’s got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.

have one's finger on the pulse 对某事非常了解
have a finger in the pie 插手某人,掺和某事
have a face like thunder 看上去极为愤怒
have a face like the back end of a bus 某人非常丑陋

cat and dog life - 争吵不休的生活

They have led a cat and dog life almost since the day they were married.

let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚
every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
a dog's life 潦倒的生活

pizza face - 长满痘痘的脸

Wow,a pizza face like you will never get a date to the dance!

beaten by the ugly stick 像被丑杖打过
a face that only your mother would love 只有你妈妈才会喜欢你这张脸
I‘m not good with faces that I never want to see again 我不太记得不想见的人的长相
There's enough leftover skin from your surgeries to make a bed for my cat 你整容去掉的皮都够给我的猫做张床了

play it by ear - 见机行事

clutch at straws - 抓住救命稻草

She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job,but she was just clutching at straws.

a man of straw 稻草人
a straw in the wind 风中的稻草;事情发生前的预兆
the last/final straw 最后一根稻草;使人崩溃的最后一击
get the short straw 不得不做最无趣的事情

out of the blue - 出人意料地

Mike has decided to quit his job out of the blue,and go travelling for a year!
Milke 突然决定辞职,然后去旅行一年!

pink slip 解雇通知书
born in the purple 出生在皇室
green hand 新手
green with envy 嫉妒的

brown-bag - 自带午餐

People who brown-bag it each day eat healtheir foods than those who go out for lunch.

Bring a brown-bag,and we’ll talk and eat at the same time.

A brown-bag seminar or session is generally a training or information session during a lunch break.

hot pot 火锅
spicy hotchpotch 麻辣烫
oden 关东煮
braised pork rice 卤肉饭

hit the books - 用功学习

I gotta go home and hit the books.I have finals next week.

hit the streets 大量上市
when the shit hits the fan 做了坏事被发现
hits the sack 睡觉
hit the mark 达到目的

dressed to the nines - 衣冠楚楚

Every time she went to a dance,she would always be dressed up to the nines.

dressed to the teeth = dressed to the nines 衣冠楚楚
dressed to kill 打扮得花枝招展
look like a million dollors 看上去好极了
not a hair out of place 非常整洁,精致考究

jump in at the deep end - 在未准备的情况下着手

The reson many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end,making a complete change to their eating habits.

be jumping up and down 暴跳如雷
jump the gun 过早行动
jump the lights 闯红灯
jump the queue 插队

have stars in one’s eyes - 满怀憧憬

Thinking about their coming marriage,they both had stars in their eyes.

get stars in one's eyes 洋洋得意
believe in one's star 相信将自己的运气
see stars 两眼直冒金星
be bron under a lucky star 生就有福

get one’s back up - 惹怒某人

Just ignore him - he’s only trying to get your back up.

be up in arms 满腔怒火
have a chip on one's shoulder 生气,耿耿于怀
have a cow 勃然大怒
in the heat of the moment 盛怒之下

red herring - 转移注意力的事

the writing on the wall - 不祥之兆

The official saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.

butterfingers - 笨手笨脚的人

All of us know you are such a butterfingers,so please don’t touch my chinaware.

butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth 黄油都不会在他口中融化,装出一副老实相
butter someone up 奉承某人
butterfly effect 蝴蝶效应
buttermilk 脱脂牛奶

Achilles’ heel - 致命弱点

also-run - 失败者

In one generation,the place had gone from provincial also-run to economic lord of the world.

No matter what happens,I'll always be by your side 不管发生什么事情,我都会配在你身边
I‘m just a phone call away if you ever need me 需要我的话,随时打电话给我
Everyone will fail,failure is the beginning of success 失败是成功的开始
As long as you do your best,there is no need to blame yourself,no need to worry. 只要你尽力了,就不必自责,不必苦恼

have one over the eight - 喝高了

It seems like Jenny makes a point of having one over eight every time she goes out on the weekend.

nose out of jonit - 心烦意乱

John’s nose was really put out of joint when Jane was promoted and he wasn’t.

blow one's top 大发雷霆、勃然大怒
road rage 轮怒症
drive someone mad 惹恼某人
get on one's nerve 招惹某人

carry a torch for someone - 单恋某人

Terry has been carrying a torch for Liz for years,but she seems not to notice.

puppy love 少年不成熟的恋爱
hava/get a crush on someone 暗恋/迷恋某人
one-sided love 单相思
cradle-snatcher love 老少恋

bring down the house - 博得满堂彩

The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought down the house every night.

You have a good sense of humor 你真幽默
You have a very successful business 你的事业很成功
We are so pound of you 我们真为你骄傲
Everything tastes great 每样东西都很美味

take the plunge - 冒险尝试

If you have been thinking about buying mutual funds,now could be the time to take the plunge.

We’d been living together for three years and we already had a son together,so we decided it was time to take the plunge!

meet one's Waterloo 受到沉重打击
risk one's health 拿健康冒险
run the hazard 冒险

in the heat of the moment - 盛怒之下

It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake.

if you can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen 如果再抱怨就别干了
put the heat on someone 给某人施加压力
take the heat off someone 使某人少受批评
the heat is on 开始一段忙碌又有压力的日子

in the bag - 十拿九稳

Don’t start to thinke we’ve got this game in the bag,gentlemen.I’ve seen teams make bigger comebacks than this,so we can’t let up.

a bag of bones 皮包骨
leave someone holding the bag 突然把重担推给某人
in the bottom of the bag 作为最后一招
give someone the bag 拒绝某人

in the pipeline - 在进行中

The theatre company has serveral new productions in the pipeline for next season.

There’s $5 million more in the pipeline for the city schools.

put someone in the picture 使某人了解局面
pass the hat round 募捐
forty winks 白天小睡;
stick to one's ribs 实物顶饱的
a straw in the wind 苗头,迹象
be sitting pretty 生活优越
throw in the towel 承认失败

be sitting pretty - 生活优裕

They bought their house while prices were low,so now they’re sitting poretty.

sit in the catbird seat 处于必胜无疑的地位
be in fat city 过上富裕优越的生活
live/be in clover 生活或处境优越、安逸

a straw in the wind - 预兆

She described the theatre’s closure as “a straw in the wind” as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.

A strew shows which way the wind blows 草动知风向
the last straw = the straw that broke the camel's back 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草
clutch/grasp at straws 不放过任何微小的机会
man of straw = straw man 稻草人;挡箭牌

stick to one’ ribs - (食物)顶饱的

I’m sick of eating nothing but fruit and vegetables—give me something that will stick to the ribs.

stick one's neck out 冒险一搏
stick in one's throat 令某人气氛
stick in one's mind/head/memory 铭刻在(某人)的脑海里
stick to someone like glue 缠着某人不放

forty winks - 打盹

I’m going to go grab a quick forty winks before everyone starts arriving for the dinner party.

wink at something 睁一只眼闭一只眼
not get/have a wink of sleep = not sleep a wink 不能入睡
(as)easy as winking 易如反掌
not be able to see a wink 什么都看不见

pass the hat round - 募捐

Everyone passed the hat round to help the Jeffersons pay for the cost of their son’s treatment.

at the drop of a hat 立即
take A's hat off to B 向B脱帽致敬
pull a rabbit out of a hat 找到一个出人意料的解决难题的绝招
wear many hats 身兼数职

put someone is the picture - 告知某人内情

His lawyer put him in the picture about what had happened since his arrest.

pull the wool over one’s eyes - 蒙骗某人

He tried pulling the wool over our eyes by hiding the profits in separate accounts,but we were qucik to catch onto his scheme.

all cry and no wool = more cry than wool 大吵大闹
all wood and no shobby = all wool and a yard wide 诚实可靠
dye in the wool 永久的、牢固的

shake a leg - 跳舞/抓紧时间


Whenever there was music he was eager to shake a leg.


I want to get there before sundown,so let’s shake a leg.

shake down 安顿下来;调整就绪
shake out 变化,演变
a fair shake 公平的机会
in a brace of shakes 立刻,马上

talk shop - 三句话不离本行

talk some sense into sb 帮助某人理智思考
talk one's head off 对某人喋喋不休
talk someone down 劝企图自杀者从高处下来
talk something out 通过协商消除分歧或解决问题

mop the floor with someone - 把某人打的一败涂地

all mops and brooms 喝醉酒
Dame Partington and her mop 坚决反对进步或改革的人

teething troubles - 初期困难

There were the usual teething troubles at the beginning of the project,but that’s to be expected.

fiscal difficulties/troubles 财政困难
borrow trouble 杞人忧天
buy trouble 自寻烦恼
troubled waters 波涛汹涌的水域

at sixes and sevens - 乱七八糟

We’ve been at sixes and sevens in the office this week.

one-horse town 乡村小镇
two of a trade did never agree 同行相轻
three sheets in the wind 叮咛大醉
four-letter words 四字真言;骂人的脏话

out for the count - 失去知觉/睡得很熟

  • 失去知觉

It took medical staff several miunutes to revive O’Neil in the dressing-rooms.He was out for the count for tow to three minutes.
医护人员花了几分钟才使O’Neil 在更衣室苏醒。他昏迷了两三分钟。

  • 睡得很熟

At 10.30am he was still out for the count after another night disturbed by the baby.

keep one’s head above water - 勉强应付过去

This lifejacket will help Slly to keep her head above water in the pool.

The business is in trouble,but we are just about keeping our heads above water.

a fish out of water 在新环境中感到不舒服、不适应的人
be in hot water 遇到麻烦,处于水深火热之中
blow out of the water 彻底击垮
carry water for(someone) 迫于压力去支持某人/某团体,但实际内心并不赞同

hand to mouth - 仅够糊口的

It’s been pretty hand to mouth these days.If I don’t find work soon,I don’t know how we’ll get by.

After she lost her job she was living from hand to mouth.

live paycheck by paycheck 每个月都必须等老板发工资才能维持生活
live on a tight budget 生活拮据,资金紧张
I don't have a cent to my name 我现在一分钱都没有了
as poor as a church mouse 像教堂里找不到事物的老鼠一样非常贫穷

win hands down - 赢得十分轻松

go to the dogs - 山河日下,不复往昔

Adam’s apple - 喉结

off the wall - 荒诞疯狂的

Her hypothesis is really off the wall,but the facts seem to support it.

goose bumps had erupted up - 起鸡皮疙瘩

fine kettle of fish - 尴尬的局面

well,that’s a fine kettle of fish.I thought I paid the credit card bill,but it turns out that I missed the due date by a week.

it's so cringeworthy/cringey 这可太让人尴尬了
it's adsolutely toe-curling 尴尬到抠脚趾
it's painful to watch 尴尬到看不下去

fly in the face of - 公然违抗

They want ot change the entire direction of the project,completely flyingin the face of all the hard work we’ve done so far.

fall flat on your face 彻底失败
not just a pretty face 并非徒有其表
be written all over one's face 表现得十分明显

make a killing - 赚大钱

The boss of Britain’s top pizza company made a killing yesterday by selling off some of his shares.

pennies from heaven 好运,福从天至
kill a fly with an elephant gun 杀鸡用牛刀
kill or cure 孤注一掷
kill someone with kindness 宠坏某人

cut and thrust - 唇枪舌剑

She enjoys the cut and thrust of party politics.

She has spent the past two years carving out a career as a production assistant in the cut-and-thrust world of advertisiing.

cut and paste 复制粘贴
cut and dried 固定的;已成定局的;老生常谈的
cut across 抄近路穿过
cut lunch 盒装午餐

on the blink - 出故障

Our washer is on the blink,so I’m on my way to the laundromat.

Do you remember last night at the bar at all?You were really on the blink!

before(one) can blink 很快速;很突然
in the blink of an eye 眨眼之间
blink back tears 眨回眼泪
without(even) blinking an eye 眼睛都没眨一下

go belly up - 失败破产


Sorry,Mark,I’d love to give you a lift to the airport,but my car has gone belly up again.


The business went belly up after only six months.

bury one's head in the sand 像鸵鸟一样将头埋在沙子里,不敢正视现实
go in one ear and out the other 充耳不闻
right-hand man 得力助手
back on one's feet 病后痊愈,恢复健康

call of nature - 上厕所

Wait a minute,I have to go answer the call of nature.

go to the john = hit the john 上厕所
wash my hand 上厕所
take a dump 上大号
go pee 小便
I have to go. 失陪一下(去上厕所)

Sunday driver - 车开的太慢的司机

For the most part,I like the relaxed attitude down here.But I absolutely detest all the Sunday drivers on the road!

backseat driver 指手画脚的人
in the driver's seat 掌控局面
designatd driver party结束之后专门负责开车送大家回家的人

cool one’s heels - 久等

Do not make your guests cool their heels when you have appointments with them.

as cool as a cucumber 镇定自若
Cool bananas! = Cool beans! = Awesome!Great! 哇!太棒了!
blow one's cool 失态,沉不住气,失去冷静

go places - 可能成功

Alice is definitely going to go places with that singing voice of hers.

lock horns - 开始争论

When I was younger,I always locked horns with my mother about eating spinach!I heated it,and she always insisted I finish it.

Nonsense! 放屁!一派胡言!
You asked for it 这是你自找的。
Enough is enough! 狗了!
You piss me off. 气死爸爸了

up to one’s neck - 忙的不可开交

irons in the fire - 同时要做的很多事情

I have many irons int he fire at work right now and it’s going to be tricky to balance all of them over the next few weeks.

hold one's life 停止射击
draw someone's fire 吸引火力
play with fire 玩火

go belly up - 失败破产

Sorry,Mark,I’d love to give you a lift to the airport,but my car has gone belly up on me again.

The business went belly up after only six monthes.

bury one's head in the sand 不敢正视现实
go in one ear and out the other 充耳不闻
right-hand man 得力助手
back on one's feet 恢复健康

put on the dog - 装腔作势

During the economic boom,you had people from all walks of life putting on the dog.All that ended when the crash hit,though.

go to the dogs 彻底破落
push the boat out 讲排场
Hong Kong dog 拉肚子
cats and dogs 零星的

pay through the nose - 被敲竹杠

You can get pretty good meals on airplanes,but you’re going to pay through the nose.

green around the gills - 脸色苍白

Some of the passengers looked kind of green around the gils after the trip!

as pale as a ghost 面无人色
at death's door 病入膏肓,生命危在旦夕
under the weather 心情不好
back on one's feet 痊愈

dollars to doughnuts - 十拿九稳

Well,Alex,I’ll bet you almost dollars to doughnuts that I’ll wake up at 3am,as I do every morning now.

It’s dollars to doghnuts that Kevin will be late tonight-he’s never on time.

a hard/tough nut to crack 难以对付的人或事
spill the beans 说漏嘴
have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事情要做

nose of wax - 没有主见的人

He’s just a nose of wax with her,and does just what she tells him.

wet-nose 缺乏经验的,初出茅庐的
turn up one's nose at 鄙视
get up one's nose 惹某人发火,使某人生气
nose out of joint 不愉快,心烦意乱

wear many hats - 身兼数职

Both our editorial assistant and our copywriter left the company at the same time,so i’ve been wearing many hats ever since.

wear one's particular profession's hat 职业病
I‘ll eat my hat! 这事要是能发生,我就把我帽子吃了!

light a fire under someone - 激励某人

Whether you’re racing against the clock or competing with a co-worker,competition lights a fire under you.

come under life 遭受批评
fire in your belly 志向,热情;雄心壮志;动力
fire someone up 使某人发怒
go through fire and water 赴汤蹈火

make the fur fly - 引发骚乱

He made the fur flying by demanding to see prood.

make the feathers / dust fly = make the fur fly 引起争吵
all fur coat and no knickers 金玉其外败絮其中
rack one's brains 榨取脑细胞
push the boat out 把船推出去,摆阔气

by the book - 照规矩办事

This is a private deal - we don’t have to do everything by the book.

hit the books 学习,努力用功
in my book 就我的看法而言
be on the books 在名单上,属于

rain on one’s parade - 给某人泼冷水

I’m sorry to rain on your parade but you’re not allowed to have allcohol on the premises.

give someone a rain dance 设盛宴招待某人
take a rain check 改期或推迟约定的约会或邀请
right as rain = right as a trivet 非常健康的,毫无问题的,完全正确的

on cloud nine - 非常高兴

fat city - 生活优裕

He thinks he’s going to win the lottery,and be in fat city ever after.

a clean bill of health 身体健康
life is just a bowl of cherries 一切都很完美
life of Riley 安逸的生活,无忧无虑的日子
riding the gravy train 轻易地赚大钱

have a sweet tooth - 爱吃零食

If you’re looking for a snack,go talk to Jenny—— she has a real sweet tooth,so she probably keeps candy bars in her desk.

sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食的人
I have a craving for sweets 我喜欢吃甜食
Tiramisu 提拉米苏
Rum baba 朗姆酒蛋糕
Tutti Frutti 水果塔

dog and pony show - 盛大表演

To help draw attention to the company’s new line of products,the manager took their dog and pony show on the road for a nationwide promotion.

That's show business 世事难料,人生多舛
show somebody the door 把某人当即撵走
show a leg 起床;加快速度
show and tell 盛大宣传

curry favour - 拍马屁

They have lowered taxes in an attempt to curry favour with the voters.

run circles around someone - 遥遥领先于某人

Her presentation on the way molecules bind together was so polished and well researched-she absolutely ran circles around the other students.

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

Congress wants to use a carrot and stick approach to force both sides to negotiate an end to the war.

carrot on a stick 棒子上的胡萝卜
dangle a carrot in front of someone = offer someone a carrot 用奖励来激励某人
use something as a carrot 用某物作为奖励来说服某人做某事

an elephant in the room - 被刻意忽视的棘手问题

We all sat sipping our tea quietly,no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Joel’s expulsion from clooege.

have a memory like an elephant 记忆力超群
see the elephant = get a look at the elephant 见世面
white elephant 无用且累赘的东西

flex one’s muscles - 显示实力

The parade is the first sign of the new regime flexing its military muscles.

get beer muscles 酒壮怂人胆
muscle in 强行参与
strain every nerve and muscle 竭尽全力
not move a muscle 完全不动弹

for a song - 廉价的

smoke and mirrors - 障眼法

The new budget isn’t smoke and mirrors;it’s an honest attempt to reduce the deficit.

(all) done by/with mirrors 通过欺骗或误导来实现
a friend's eye is a good mirror 朋友可以提供诚实的意见
able to fog a mirror 活着(勉强证明某人还活着)

grease one’s palm - 向某人行贿

palm grease 小费,贿赂的钱
melt one's grease 精疲力竭
fry/stew in one's own grease 自作自受
Elbow grease gives the best polish 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针

green-dyed - 嫉妒的

I thought I’d got over my ex,but when I saw him with his new girlfriend,the green-eyed monster gto me!

turn the tables - 转败为胜

She turned the tables on her rival with allegations of corruption.

under the table 秘密地
come to the table 开会以谈判或讨论如何解决特定问题
put fodd on the table 挣钱以维持生技
wait on tables 在餐馆当服务员

in a pickle - 处于困境中

be up in arms - 满腔怒火

They’re up in arms about/over the new management structure.

under the arm 不好的
twist someone's arm 迫使他做你要他做的事
a shot in the arm 使人振奋的事情
an arm and a leg 价格昂贵

fly-by-night - 不可靠的

He struck me as a fly-by-night worker,so I was shocked when he came back the next day to finish the job.

fly a kite 只是说说而已
make the feathers/dust/fur fly 引起争吵
go fly your kite = leave me alone 别烦我
fly off the handle 情绪失控

give somebody the hook - 炒某人鱿鱼

He has published a number of papers that are considered very valuable.I’m not going to give him the hook just because he made a minor mistake.

someone gets off the hook 脱身
take a phone off the hool (电话听筒)未挂上
phone is ringing off the hook (电话)响个不停
be hooked into something = hook into something = get involved with something 涉足
hook into the Internet 上网

spill the beans - 泄露秘密

There is a surprise party for Heidi on Wednesday.Please don’t spill the beans.

a bean head 笨拙的人,傻瓜,呆子
old bean = old top 老朋友,老兄
full of beans 胡说八道;精力充沛
not have a bean 一文不名,囊中羞涩

hat in hand - 毕恭毕敬的

It’s amusing seeing the governor have to grove hat in hand bofore the state senate in order to get his budget requests approved.

go against the grain - 违反常理

These days it goes against the grain to show too much respect for authority.

a grain of mustard seed 打有前途的微小事物
take something with a grain of salt 半信半疑
separate the grain from the chaff 区分善恶

go pear-shaped - 事情搞砸

We’d planned to go away for the weekend,but it all went pear-shaped.

the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠
a lemon 没用的人
top banana 主要人物,上司
Your're peach. 你是一个好人

get in one’s hair - 惹怒某人

The kids are totally getting in my hair today,so I need you to watch them for a little bit.

let one's hair down 卸下包袱,彻底放松
tear one's hair 勃然大怒
Absalom's hair 美貌招来灾祸i,特长反带来致命伤

inside track - 有利形势

I hope I have the inside track on the competition,thanks to my extensive student teaching experience.

the inside dope 内部消息
inside job 监守自盗
on the inside 知内情的
inside baseball 有关棒球的专业知识

make no bones about - 对某事直言不讳

When training a new employee,I make no bones about my expectations,so that they’re not surprised by anything down the road.

troll / Internet troll 黑粉,喷子
hater / Internet hater 杠精,喜欢唱反调的人
You're nothing to me 你算老几
It's none of your business 管你屁事
So much spice,so much pain 嘴巴这么毒,心里一定很苦吧

go to the dogs - 变糟糕

If you read the English media or watch the television,you would think that the country is going to the dogs.

a gay dog 快乐的人
a dog's breakfast 乱七八糟
a dog's life 悲惨的生活
a lucky dog 幸运儿

in the black - 盈利

I’m pleased to announce that our company is in the black for the fifth consecutive year.

peter out - 逐渐减少

The fighting which started in the night had petered out by morning.

rob Peter to pay Paul 抢Peter的东西交给Paul,拆东墙补西墙,借债还债
hoist the blue peter 离开或准备离开
Peter Pan syndrome 彼得综合征(不愿意长大,渴望回到儿童世界,依赖他人,畏惧承担责任)

lovey-dovey - 情意绵绵的

We had gone for lunch with our boss and his wife,but it was pretty awkward with a couple getting lovely-dovery a couple of tables away from us.

love affair 风流韵事;强烈爱好
love token 爱情纪念品
love apple 番茄
love seat 双人沙发

go up in smoke - 化为乌有

I can’t believe you left the oven on!Do you want the house to go up in smoke?

When the business went bankrupt,twenty years of hard work went up in smoke,

the big smoke 大城市
smoke screen 障眼法
smoke and mirrors 骗人的手段或方法

win by nose - 险胜

I ran the fastest race I could,but I only won by nose.

win by a hair/neck/whisker = win by a nose 险胜
win hands down 轻松取胜
win one's spurs 立功成名
win one's way 奋力前进

toe the line - 循规蹈矩

From now on, I plan to toe the line and do exactly what Gram tells me,to avoid getting in any more trouble.

from top to toe 完完全全
step on one's toes 激怒某人
turn up one's toes 失败,破产
keep somebody on their toes 让某人时刻保持警觉

water under the bridge - 陈年往事

Yes,we did have our disagreements but that’s water under the bridge now.

spend money like water 挥金如土
in hot/deep water 出于水深火热之中
pour/throw cold water on sth 劝阻或阻止某人的行为
like a duck to water 能够自然做某事,没有任何困难

under a cloud - 不被信任

The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.

rub one’s nose in it - 揭某人伤疤

Sue failed her exam,so just to rub her nose in it,I put my certificate up on the wall.

poke/stick one's nose into = nose into 刺探;管闲事
win by nose 以毫厘只差取胜
follow one's nose 凭直觉或本能行事

a flash in the pan - 昙花一现

With only one hit song,it was obvious that the young pop star was going to be just another flash in the pan.

flash through one's mind (想法等)在脑海中闪现
flash a look/smile at someone 向某人投去一撇/一笑
in/like a flash 瞬间,片刻,一霎那
flash with anger 眼中冒着怒火,怒火中烧

salt of the earth - 社会中坚/诚实善良的人

You all the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you.

Mrs.Jones is the salt of the earth.She is the first to help anyone in trouble.

Please sit above the salt 请上座
worth one's salt 称职的
salt away 存钱
rub salt in/into the wound 雪上加霜

a pig in a poke - 盲目购买东西

at the drop of a hat - 毫不犹豫的

I can always depend on my dad.Any time I need help,he’s there at the drop of a hat.

a drop in the ocean 大海里的一滴水
the penny drops 恍然大悟
drop into place 放对位置
have the drop on someone/something 先发制人;占上风

twiddle your thumbs - 闲着无聊

I arrived early for the meetiing so I was twiddling my thumbs for half an hour.

rule of thumb 经验法则;粗略估算;经验之谈
be all fingers and thumbs 笨手笨脚
have a green thumb 有高超的园艺技能
under one's thumb 在某人支配下,听命于某人

a green old age - 老当益壮

From the appearance,we can see that the old man is still in a green old ege.

in the green(wood) 在青春旺盛的时代
keep the memory green 永远不忘
a green hand 生手
the green-eyed monster 妒忌

be tickled pink - 开心极了

My family loves my boyfriends as much as I do,so they were just tickled pink to hear that we’re getting married.

in the pink 身体极好的
turn/go pink 因为害羞或者尴尬而脸红
pink slip 解雇通知书
pinke tea 午后茶会

keep one’s fingers crossed - 祈求好运

I hope you pass the exam.I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.

keep cards close to chest 守口如瓶
knock on wood 祈求好运,甩到厄运
burn one's fingers 由于鲁莽或管闲事而吃苦头
have a/one's finger in every pie 参与很多事情,事事都要掺和一脚

red-letter day - 值得纪念的日子

My college graduation was a real red-letter day for my whole family.

Christmas Eve 平安夜(12月24日)
Christmas Day 圣诞节(12月25日)
Boxing Day 节礼日(12月26日)
New Year's Eve 新年前夕(12月31日)
Chinese New Year's Eve 中国农历除夕

have an axe to grind - 另有企图

I don’t have an axe to grind here —— I just want to know the truth.

get axed = get the axe 被解雇
take an axe to something 企图破坏某物
old battle-axe 专横的老女人

nest egg - 储蓄金

Regular investment of small amounts of money is an excellent way of buliding a nest egg.

pull all your eggs in one basket 将所有资源投入单一目标中
have egg on one's face 丢脸
egg someone on 鼓动
butter-and-egg man 边远地区的财主;资助人

a square meal - 一顿饱饭

high horse - 傲慢的态度

My sister was a troublemaker as a teenager,yet she’s always on her high horse lecturing me about my life choices.

long in the tooth - 年纪大

You’d better buy some new pants——those ones are getting a bit long in the tooth.

in the prime of life 年富力强;时值盛年
past one's prime 迟暮
look one's age 容貌和年龄相称
come of age 成熟

carry the ball - 承担责任

After I implemented that important initiative,the boss asked me to carry the ball on our next big project.

call someone on the carpet - 训斥某人

When our team lost that big client,the boss called us on the carpet.

be on the carpet 被考虑
blood on the carpet 形容组织内部有严重分歧或冲突
roll out the red carpet 对(某人)表示盛大欢迎
laugh at the carpet 呕吐

brown study - 沉思

Meredith sat at her desk in a brown study,carefully planning how to word her thesis personal.

He didn’t hear me at all.He was in a brown study.

brown-bag 自带午饭,自带酒食
be/get browned of 对…厌烦,对…恼怒
brown-nose 拍马屁

sink or swim - 自己去闯

My employer gave me no help when I started my new job - I was just left to sink or swim.

swim before (one's) eye 视力模糊,眼睛出现飞蚊
swim for it 游泳逃生
in the swim of things 卷入某事,参与某事
swim with sharks 和鲨鱼一起游泳;与危险的人打交道

white elephant - 昂贵而无用的东西

The stadium is likely to become a white elephant after the champisonships are over.

white lie 善意的谎言,无恶意的谎言
black and white 黑白分明的,容易判明的
white hope 被寄予厚望的人
big white chief 大人物

bring home the bacon - 养家糊口

  • 养家糊口,挣钱谋生

My wife brings home the bacon,while I watch the klds.

  • 成功做某事,完成预定目标或任务

George went to Washington and brought home the bacon — he got the funding we needed.

hava a bun in the oven - 怀孕

You’re having a baby shower for Carla toaday?Wow,I didn’t even know she had a bun in the oven.

baby shower 准妈妈派对
start a family 准备生孩子,成为真正的家庭
in the family way 怀孕了

be out of the woods - 脱离险境

The project has been given funding for another year,but it’s not out of the woods yet.

keep cards close to chest - 保守秘密

You nevet quite know what Barry’s going to do next — he keeps his cards very close to his chest.

play/hold cards close to chest = keep cards close to chest 保守秘密
poker-faced 扑克脸,面无表情
play one's trump card 利用优势,尤其是别人不知道的优势
hold all the cards 掌握整体局势,占上风

speak with a forked tongue - 说谎

People tend to believe Fred because he seeems plausible,but we know he always speaks with a forked tongue.

(one's)tongue hangs out 及其渴望
give someone the rough side of your tongue 严厉谴责某人
I could have bitten my tongue off 希望自己没有说过
hold (one's) tongue 闭嘴,保持沉默

If you only shine light on your flaws,all your perfects will dim.


give a wide berth to - 避开某事

That dog is very mean.Better give it a wide berth.

We’ve been giving a wide berth to John ever since he dumped our good friend.

fly off the handle - 大发雷霆

Sometimes she’ll just fly off the handle for no reason.

get a handle on something 完全理解某物
a handle to(one's) name 昵称
too hot to handle 棘手之事
handle with gloves 仔细小心对待

paint the town red - 尽情狂欢

Because of graduation from college. Mary is going to paint the town red with her friends next week.

be in the red 财政赤字
be in red 穿着红色衣服
red in tooth and claw 绝不宽容
a red rag to a bull 领人及其恼怒的事物

eat crow - 被迫做丢脸的事

When it bcrame clear that they had arrested the wrong person,the police had to eat crow.

eat dirt 忍气吞声
eat one's hat 十分坚定
eat one's salt 在某人家里做客

keep body and soul together - 勉强维生

His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul togeher.

make wages are barely enough to keep body and soul togehter 他的工作仅够勉强糊口
from hand ends meet 量入为出
keep the wolf from the door 免于饥饿,勉强度日

a cleann slate - 无污点的记录

You were very lazy last trem,but we’ll start again with a clean sheet this term.

a clean sheet = a clean slate 重新开始
a clean break 一刀两断
clean (one's) clock 彻底击败某人
clean sweep 大获全胜

the acid test - 真正的考验

It looks good,but will people buy it?That’s the acid test.

baby sitter test 信任度测试
duck test 通过常识来判断
test of time 时间的考验

full of beans - 精力充沛

I’ve never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.

born to the purple - 出身皇室

You were born to the purple,so you are destined to live in the public eye.

hava a purple patch 过着顺风水水称心如意的日子
purple prose 辞藻华丽的文章
purple state 摇摆州

a big cheese - 大人物

Jacob thinks he’s a big cheese now that he’s been promoted to assistant manager.

be like chalk and cheese 截然不同,迥然不同
Say cheese! 说茄子
more holes than Swiss cheese 论点、理论,计划、规章制度等处处都是漏洞

donkey’s years - 许多年

I haven’t been here in donkey’s years —— I can’t believe how much the town has changed.

dog's years/age 很多年
one's autumn years 某人的暮年
golden/sunset years 退休时期(通常是65岁之后)
salad days/years 少不更事的时期

by the skin of one’s teeth - 侥幸成功

Lloyd eascoed from the burning building by the skin of his teeth.

I got through calculus class by the skin of my teeth.

(as)rare as hens' teeth 极为罕见
arm to the teeth 全副武装
cast in (one's) teeth 强烈谴责

clear the air - 消除隔阂

Some groups in our community seem to suffer from discrimination.An indeoendent inquiry could clear the air and sort out the problem.

up in the air 悬而未决
dear air 尴尬的沉默
with(one's) nose in the air 趾高气昂
dance on air 非常开心

call a spade a spade - 实话实说

I know you like Jason,but he’s a jerk! I’m sorry,but I have to call a spade a spade.

tell it like it is 实话实说
don't beat around the bush 不要拐弯抹角

have a card up one’s sleeve - 留一手

She has a card up her sleeve if they try to fire her,since she knows about the boss’s unscrupulous business practices.

a tough cookie - 很有主见的人

Self-confident,ambitious and positive,Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to be a success.

a smart cookie 聪明人,总是能够提出好主意的人
a sharp cookie 超级聪明的人,超有智慧的人
cookie-cutter 千篇一律的,批量生产的
cookie pusher 马屁精

bite the dust - (人)死亡;(物)失败

A shot rang out,and the cowboy bit the dust.

His career bit the dust when he lost his job.

bite the bullet 咬紧牙关,忍受困难做某事
bite one's tongue 忍住不说,保持沉默
bite one's nails 紧张,焦虑

burn the midnight oil - 开夜车

I’ll need to burn the midnight oil to have any chance of finsihing this paper before class tomorrow morning.

sit up 迟睡,熬夜
stay up late 熬夜
work/study deep into the night 工作/学习到深夜
stay up all night 通宵未睡

beat about the bush - 说话兜圈子

Stop beating around the bush and answer my questiion.

a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 已拥有的胜过未得到的
take the rag off the bush 超越任何人或任何事
good wine needs no bush 质量高的物品不需要打广告

be in each other’s pockets - 形影不离

When I was in college,my best friend and I went everywhere together.We were basically in each other’s pockets for four years.

be in one's pocket 受某人控制或影响
dip into one's pocket 偷走某人的钱或其他贵重物品

dig one’s heels in - 一意孤行

Please let me tell my side of the story before you dig your heels in on this,OK?

Achilles' heel 致命弱点
fall head over heels 完全迷恋于某人
drag one's heels 消极怠工
cool one's heels 空等,久等

Speak of the devil - 说曹操,曹操到

turn the tables - 转败为胜

President will want to turn the tables on his competitor in the Democratic Party.

make a clean sweep 完胜,大胜
sweep the board 大获全胜
win by a nose 险胜
a narrow victory 险胜
nose out 比…略胜一筹

stick to one’s guns - 固执己见

I really admire Jess for sticking to her guns during college,and not submitting to the peer pressure fo those around her to drink or do drugs.

follow one's bigoted course 自行其是,只按照自己的想法行事。
sit tight 坚持主张;静待时态的发展
cling to / stick to / adhere to one's view / opinion 固执己见,坚守立场

make waves - 捣蛋

The maerger is almost complete,so we’re all just holding our collective breath that someone doesn’t make waves at the last minute.

The startup make waves throughout the industry by releasing a device that never needs to be charged.

wave a red flag 做使某人生气的事情
wave sth/sb away 挥手示意某物/某物离开
wave of the future 未来的潮流
wave the bloody shirt 挑唆冲突

French leave - 不辞而别

The official story is that he’s sick,but I think he’s just taking French leave.

French novels 低俗的小说
pardon/excuse my french 原谅我说脏话
English disease 英国式疾病(佝偻病,支气管炎等)
the best of British(luck) 祝某人成功

an arm and a leg - 价格昂贵

I’m sick of paying rent in this town.It’s costing me an arm and a leg!

a lie has no legs 谎言是容易被识破的
break a leg 祝你好运,祝你成功
babe in arms 缺乏经验的人
give one's right arm 付出极大代价

cupboard love - 有所企图的爱

Ever since I won the lottery,I worry that any woman who expresses a romantic interest in me will just be a case of cupboard love.

everybbody loves a lord 有权势的人会吸引爱慕和钦佩
first love 初恋
for love or money = under any circumstances 在任何情况下
God love a duck! 表示惊讶、沮丧、愤怒、警告或烦恼等感叹词

throw the book at someone - 惩罚某人

He was formally charged with breaking ranks while in formation,felonious assault,indiscriminate behavior,mopery,high treason,provoking…In short,they threw the book at him.

I made the police officer angry,so he took me to the station and threw the book at me.

carrot and stick - 软硬兼施

Congress also wants to use a carrot and stick approach to force both sides to negotiate an end to the war.

carrot on a stick 为激励某人完成某项任务的奖励
dangle a carrot in front of someone = offer someone a carrot 用奖励来激励某人
use something as a carror 用某物作为奖励来说服某人做某事

chew the fat - 闲聊

Come into my office and chew the fat with me a little bit,David. I want to know how things are going with you.

havaing a chinwag 闲聊(好友之间愉快而轻松的谈话)
have a natter 瞎聊;东拉西扯
make small talk 做简单交谈,闲聊

steal one’s thunder - 抢某人风头

  • 窃取某人的创意或想法

We had the idea for “digital paper” years ago,but I see they’ve stolen our thunder and have their own version of it on the market.

  • 抢某人风头

My brother is the star athlete of our high school,so no matter waht I succeed in,he’s constantly stealing my thunder.

stael the show/spotlight = steal the thunder 抢风头
cut a dash 通过炫耀摆阔大出风头
cut a swath 炫耀,出风头
hold the limelight 抢风头

blow smoke - 蒙骗人

I think they’re blowing smoke about giving regular raises to their employees —— I couldn’t find any evidence to support that claim.

Holy smokes/cow! 我的老天啊!表示惊讶
smoke and mirrors 欺骗行为,骗局
there's no smoke without fire 谣言背后必有真相
smoke eater 善于在浓烟和高热中工作的消防员

let the cat out of the bag - 泄密

How did Mom find out were planning a surprise party for her?Who let the cat out fo the bag?

buy a pig in a poke 未见实物二瞎买东西
Cat in gloves catches no mice 不远吃苦的人成不了大事业
put/set the cat among the pigeons 造成轩然大波,招惹是非
A cat can look at a king 小人物也有权利

bite one’s tongue - 缄口不言

I had to bite my tongue as my elder sisiter gushed about her new boyfriend yet again.

mother tongue 母语;本国语言
have a bitter tongue 嘴毒,说话刻薄
lose one's tongue (因害臊)说不出话来
hold one's tongue 保持沉默

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

Are you sure it doesn’t bother you how much older I am?I feel like people are judging me for robbing the cradle.

church mouse - 赤贫的人

She’s poor as a church mouse,so you can’t expect her to donate anything.

live from hand to mouth 生活勉强可以糊口,上顿不接下顿
on one's uppers 出境艰难,一贫如洗
(as) poor as a Job's turkey 一贫如洗

sit on the fence - 保持中立

When Jane and Tom argue,it is best to sit on the fence and not make either of them angry.

be/stay on the fence = sit on the fence
adhere to / keep / maintain neutralityneutrality是名词,指中立
sit on the rail rail指围栏
take a wait-and-see attitude 持观望态度

kiss ass - 拍马屁

It’s no wonder you’re the teacher’s favorite from the way you kiss her ass!

bell the cat-挺身而出

Someone has to bell the cat and tell the boss wa aren’t going to come in to work on Saturday anymore.

a cat nap 短暂但放松的睡眠,一个小盹
well,dog my cats 啊,见鬼(表示非常惊讶)
lead a cat-and-dog life 过着不和睦的、敌对的生活
cool cat 精明能干的人,有能力有才华的人(一般指男子)

New York minute - 很短的时间

Everything can change in a New York minute.

meet one's Waterloo 遭到惨败,惨遇失败
set the Thames on fire 做出惊人之举,取得非凡成就
carry coals to New castle 做徒劳多余的事情
go to Reno 去离婚

a monkey on one’s back - 大难题

  • 难以摆脱的问题、烦恼、负担等

This project is such a monkey on my back right now —— I can’t wait for it to be over.

  • 毒瘾

Did you hear? Pete checked himself into rehab to deal with the monkey on his back.

get the monkey off one's back 摆脱难题,走出困境
Monkey see,monkey do. 有样学样
monkey business 胡闹,骗人的把戏;欺骗;恶作剧
monkey around/about(with sb) 调皮捣蛋,胡闹

be all ears - 洗耳恭听

Go on,tell me what happened —— I’m all ears.

an elephant in the room - 不愿提及的棘手问题

We all sat sipping our tea quietly,no one wanting to bring up the elephant in the room about Joel’s expulsion from college.

bad apple- 害群之马

It’s an opportunity for them to make clear that they are not going to tolerate a bad apple in the United States Senate.

apples and oranges 风牛马不相及的事物,天差地别的事物
The Big Aplle 美国纽约的别称
polish the apple 拍马屁。讨好

talk turkey - 坦率地讲

We don’t have much time,so let’s dispense with the formalities and talking turkey.

be stuffed like a turkey 吃的很多,肚子都塞满了
go/quit cold turkey 一下子戒掉原来上瘾的习惯
like turkeys voting for an early christmas 做出了不符合自身利益的选择

salad days - 少不更事的日子

Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Satyrday night.

egg someone on 怂恿某人去做某事,通常是不智的事
in a nutshell 长话短说,简而言之
spill the beans 泄露秘密
chicken out 临阵退缩,因害怕而停止做某事

hold all the cards - 掌控全局

Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.

wild card 纸牌中的万能牌,未知因素,无法预测的人
hold card 深藏不漏的优势
face card 重要有权势的人

cut to the chase - 开门见山

All right,let’s stop the idle chatter and cut to the chase.

a cut above average 稍高于平均水平
cut(one's) eyeteeth 变得懂事;获得经验
Cut it out! 住手!住嘴!

a bed of roses - 顺遂的情况

Life is not a bed of roses.

bowl of cherries 美食,乐事
be all roses 十全十美,境况顺遂

closed book - 一无所知的学科

I’m a scientist through and through,so art has always been a closed book to me.

a rough diamond - 表面粗鲁但心地善良的人

a diamond in the rough = a rough diamond 外粗内秀的人;有潜力的人
diamond cut diamond 用钻石切钻石,引申为棋逢对手
have the makings of something 某人具备成就某件事的素质或潜力

have a cow - 勃然大怒

My mother will have a cow if we get a stain on the new sofa.

Holy cow! 表示震惊
cash cow 摇钱树;能为公司带来巨大收益的产品或部门
(as)awkward as a cow on a crutch 就像拄着拐杖的牛一样。形容非常笨拙

call it a day - 结束工作

When we still couldn’t find the source of the discrepancy,we decided to call it a day and revisit it tomorrow.

call it a night 结束今晚一直在做的工作,今晚先到这里
call it quits 结束一段关系
call it square 恩怨两清,两人扯平

let your hair down -放松一下

It is only with friends that most people feel they can let their hair down and be themselves.

bad hair day 诸事不顺的一天(头发坏掉的一天)
keep your hair on 保持镇定,别激动,冷静点(保持发型)
not turn a hair 面不改色,不动声色(不改变你的头发)
hair of the dog 解醉酒;醒酒液(狗的毛)

have a ball - 尽情狂欢

The kids really had a ball at the birthday party — they won’t stop talking about it!

a ball of fire 精力充沛的人,有抱负有热情的人
on the ball 全神贯注的;反应快的
drop the ball 失球;犯错,尤指因失察导致犯错

bread and butter - 生活来源

I’m an artisit on the weedends,but being a tutor is my bread and butter.

The moblie phone bussiness is actually our company’s bread and buteer.

fish or cut bait - 做出抉择

Are you going to go back to medical school or not?It’s time to fish or cut bait.

beef up - 增强

We need to beef up our services in order to rival our competitors’ more comprehensive offerings.

beef about 抱怨
have a beef with someone 与某人有未解决的分歧或争论
beef to the hoof 肥胖的,尤其是腿部(hoof指动物的蹄子或者是人的jio)
be/get beefed out 肌肉发达的;以强有力的方式进行加强或改进

big talk - 大话;吹牛

Lucy is always full of big talk,but she rarely follows through on it.

She likes to talk big about how great a tennis player she is,but I don’t think she’s even won a tournament.

pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话
be all talk(and no action) 光说不做
double talk 含糊其词地说;故弄玄虚地说

break a leg - 祝你好运

You‘d better leave now if you want to arrive early for the eamx.Break a leg!

Here's mud in your eye! 是一句祝酒辞,指”祝你健康”或”干杯”
keep one's fingers crossed 祈求好运,祈求成功,祈求平安
knock on wood 祈求好运,甩掉霉运
hit the jackpot 中大奖;交好运(‘jackpot’指”头彩,大奖”)

eat one’s words - 收回说过的话

take back one's words 收回说过的话

break one's word 说话不算数,不守信,不履行诺言

You think I cant’s get an A in this class,but I’ll make you eat your words when we get our report cards!

Tom said he’d help us move,but he broke his word and failed to show.

be as good as(one's) word 某人信守承诺,一诺千金
have a word(with someone) 与某人说话,与某人交谈
have words(with someone) 与某人吵架,与某人争吵

an apple of love - 西红柿

He guarded an apple of love sent by his girlfriend like the apple of his eye.

apple pie order 井然有序(在做苹果派时,将苹果切成均匀的小块,然后整整齐齐排好)
apple of discord 引起不和的整顿、祸根(来自于希腊神话中金苹果的故事)
a bad apple 害群之马,对整个群体产生负面影响的人(来自于’a bad apple spoils the bunch’(一个换苹果,坏一堆苹果))

a dog’s dinner - 一团糟

I really need to clean out my closet — it’s starting to look like a dog’s dinner in there.

a dog's breakfast = a dog's dinner 一团糟
be done like a (dog's) dinner 做的一团糟,指失败
dressed (up) like a dog's dinner 打扮得花枝招展,打扮得太显眼

black sheep - 害群之马

The studio is proving to be quite the black sheep of the movie industry,making big-budget films that fly in the face of Hollywood’s conventions.

go bananas - 情绪失控

I’ll end up going bananas if I have to work in this cubicle for one more day!

Cool bananas! 太棒了!太酷了!
drive someone bananas = drive someone crazy 使某人发狂,使某人癫狂
That is bananas! 那真是太疯狂了!

an open book - 极坦率的人

Jane’s an open book.I always know what she is going to do next.

closed book 一无所知的东西,难以理解的东西;sth is a closed book to sb 某人对某物一窍不通
in my book 据我所知,在我看来,我认为
have nose in a book 埋头苦读

go Dutch - AA制

You don’t have to treat me to dinner — let’s go Dutch

dead meat - 倒大霉


If you or anyone else touches me,Bas,you’re dead meat.I mean it.Stay out of my life.


If she can’t get the votes,she’s dead meat.

fatty/lean meat 肥猪肉/瘦猪肉
lamb/mutton chop 羊排
leg beef 牛腱肉
fresh grade breast 鸡胸肉
scallop 扇贝

in clover - 养尊处优

If only I could win the lottery,then I would be in clover,instead of working three jobs to pay my bills.

rolling in clover 像猪猪在三叶草中打滚一样,形容非常快乐或满足,通常是因为没有经济压力。
like a pig in clover = (as) happy as a pig in clover 像三叶草中的猪猪一样,形容对现状非常开心或满足
four-leaf clover 四叶草,幸运草;引申指可以带来好运的人或物

pull up one’s socks - 加油干

We expect our writers to contribute about 15 articles per week,so you’re going to have to pull your socks up if you want to stay a part of this team.

pull oneself together 振作起来,聚集力量应对要做的事情
work(one's) socks off 工作到袜子都掉了,形容工作非常努力
pull(one's) fingers out 开始努力工作,赶紧行动起来

best man - 伴郎

Henry Joe,you are already the best bro,and my very best friend,so will you please say yes and be my best man?
Henry Joe,你已经是我最好的兄弟,也是我最好的朋友,所以请你答应做我的伴郎可以吗?

bridesmaid 伴娘
maid of honor 未婚的主伴娘
matron of honor 已婚的主伴娘

mall rat - 喜欢逛商场的年轻人

Sure,I am a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds,especially the handsome boys.

I'm just browsing. 我只是随便看看。(用于委婉谢绝导购)
Is this the latest fashion? 找合适最新款吗?
Does this color suit my complexion? 这个颜色适合我的肤色吗?
It looks custom-made for you.看起来像是专门给你做的一样。
How do you think this top goes with a miniskirt? 你觉得这搭配一件迷你裙怎么样?

face the music - 承担后果

I told you not to try to sneak in,and now that you’ve been caught,you’re just going to have to face the music.

take the consequence 承担后果
pay the fiddler 付钱给小提琴手,指承担后果
stand the racket 经受住考验,堪负责任;承担后果

penci in - 临时安排

I need to have a date in the system,so I’ll just pencil you in for the middle of July — just change it online once you’ve picked a date you’re happy with.

pen(someone/something) in 把… …关进围栏
pencil/pen pusher 在办公室工作的人(尤指乏味无聊重复工作)
in pencil/pen 用铅笔/钢笔写… …

child’s play - 简单的事

The test was child’s play to those who took good notes.

a piece of cake 易如反掌的事情,小菜一碟
as easy as ABC 像字母表中ABC一样简单,形容某事非常简答
duck soup 容易处理的问题;容易打败的对手
as easy as rolling off a log 就像滚动原木一样简单,形容某事非常简单

no dice - 不行

Would you help me wash the dishes?
Sorry,no dice.I’ve got somewhere I need to be.

no go = no soap = no dice 不行
dice with death 以性命做赌注,引申指冒巨大风险
roll the dice 掷骰子,引申指孤注一掷
load the dice 在骰子中灌铅,引申指使用不正当的手段

Greek gift - 害人的礼物


He is always buying you expensive clothes.I’m afraid they are greek gifts for you.

It's all Greek to me 我对此一窍不通
When Greek meets Greek then comes the tug of war 两雄相遇,必有一争。

busybody - 爱管闲事的人

This government is full of interfering busybodies.

lover 情人
bus boy 餐厅工
confidence man 骗子

Where is the john - 厕所在哪

Could you please tell me where is the john?I need to answer the call of nature!

go to WC 上厕所
got to the john = hit the john 上厕所
answer the call of nature 上厕所
wash my hands 上厕所
take a dump 上大号
go pee 小便

Sunday best - 最好的衣服

Instead of some big party,let’s all get dressed up in our Sunday best and go for lunch at a fancy restaurant for my birthday!

Sunday punch 对付敌人最厉害的一击;杀手锏
When two Sundays meet 当两个星期天相遇,指绝无可能。
Sunday driver 新手司机;开慢车的司机

quicksilver - 水银

  • quicksilver


  • hydrargyrum


  • mercury


  • azoth


  • cinnabar


Dutch courage - 酒后之勇

It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman.

Dutch gold 假黄金
Dutch comfort 苟且偷安,贪图安逸
Dutchman's land 海市蜃楼、虚幻的景色
in Dutch 失宠
Dutch treat 要自己掏钱的聚餐

a bag lady - 无家可归的女人

When the young boy noticed a bag lady rifling through the garbage can looking for something to eat,he immediately offered to give her his sandwich.

an old bag 脾气不好的女人,每天不停抱怨的女人
mixed bag 杂集;混合体;各种人或物的杂烩
be one's bag 某人特别喜欢的、渴望拥有的、在意的东西

Dear John letter - 分手信

Mike was clearly upset when he received a Dear John letter from his girlfriend,Caroline.He thought their relationship was going well and didn’t expect it to end so suddenly.

John Doe 某人;普通人;无名氏(女性则为Jane Doe)
John Hancock 亲笔签名(源自美国政治家John Hancock在《独立宣言》上潇洒有力、引人注目的签名)
John Bull 代指英国或英国人,表现典型的英国人的形象或特征,如顽强刚毅,固执冷峻,气势汹汹,精力旺盛等。源自于英国作家John Arbuthnot的讽刺作品The History of John Bull。

bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关应付

I don’t actually enjoy cleaning,but I bite the bullet and do it so that everything in my house isn’t covered in a thick layer of dust.

eleventh hour - 最后时刻

I was shocked that they reached an agreement at the eleventh hour after weeks of squabbling.

go back to square one 退回起点;从头再来
two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮,人多智广
three sheets to the wind 喝醉
on all fours 四肢着地,爬行
give me five 击掌,表示庆祝胜利,加油
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟的、凌乱的
in seventh heaven 处于狂喜之中
one over the eight 七歪八倒;酩酊大醉
on cloud nine 非常高兴
ten to one 十之八九,很可能

browned off - 厌烦的

By now the passengers were getting browned off with the delay.

(as)brown as a berry 晒得黝黑的(‘verry’是”浆果”,比如葡萄树、树莓等)
in a brown study 沉思,沉默,出神
brown sugar 红糖
brown bag v.自带午饭 n自带的午饭

top brass - 高层

The top brass also received benefits not given to the average employee.

Chairman of the Board(Chairman) 董事长
pesident 总裁
Vice President(VP) 副总裁
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) 首席执行官
Chief Operations Officer(COO) 首席运营官
Chief Financial Officer(CFO) 首席财务官
Human Resource Director(HRD) 人力资源总监
Operations Director(DM) 运营总监
Product Manager(PM) 产品经理

knock on wood - 祈求好运

I’ve been driving for 36 years and have never been in an accident.Knock on wood!

cross one's fingers 祈求好运;说谎时祈求原谅(中指叠在食指上方,交叉形成类似十字架的形状)
break a leg 祝好运,祝演员演出成功,祝考试/面试顺利(演出成功结束,演员接受消费后,弯腿行“屈膝礼”)
hit the jackpot 中了头彩,中大奖;走运

gravy train - 美差

Financial services produce very high earning,and a lot of people are trying to get onto the gravy train.

dining car (火车上的)餐车
fast track 快速通道;捷径
sleeper (火车上的)卧铺(soft/hard sleeper是指”软卧/硬卧”)

walk down the aisle - 结婚

I never thought you’d be the first one to walk down the aisle - you used to say you’d never marry!

I take you to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part.

mad money - 应急钱

Whenever we travel,my wife and I keep a samll purse of mad money whih us just in case we find ourselves in a difficult situation.

dog days - 热成狗的日子,三伏天

In winter,keep exercising during the coldest days.In summer,do the same thing during the dog days.

It's blazing hot! 简直热到着火!
It's like a furnace outside! 外面就像火炉一样!
It's stifling! I can hardly breathe! 天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了!
I'm sweating like a pig. 热得我汗流浃背。
It's hot enough to melt hell! 现在热得足以吧地狱融化了!
Today is a thermometer breaker! 今天热得温度计都要爆了!
It is like being put into a hot oven. 就像是被扔进了火炉。

cash cow - 摇钱树

When Bob purchased stock in that software company 10 years ago,he never expected it to become such a cash cow.Now that is has quadrupled in value,he’ll be able to retire early.


波士顿矩阵法(Matrix: Boston Consulting Group)根据销售增长率与市场占有率将企业的产品划分为四种:
③问题产品(question marks):高销售增长率,低市场占有率的产品。增长率高说明产品的市场前景好,市场占有率低则说明在市场营销上存在问题;
④现金牛产品(cash cow):低销售增长率,高市场占有率的产品。低增长率是因为它已经进入了成熟期,企业不需要扩大投资就可以产生大量利润。

green hand - 新手

A leader full of experience would be calmer and more objective than the green hand in dealing with problems.

old hand 老手,经验丰富的人
green girl 新手,黄毛丫头
green with envy = green eyed 嫉妒,眼红
have a green thumb/finger 擅长园艺
green back 美钞

the coast is clear - 已无危险

She looked left and right to make sure the coast was clear,then ran as fast as she could down the corridor.

Watch Your Step 小心台阶
Caution! 小心!
Wet Paint 油漆未干
Wet Floor 小心地滑
No Throughfare 禁止通行
Under Construction 正在施工
Adult Only 未成年禁止入内

catch some Z’s - 小睡一会

We’ve got a pretty long layover before our next flight,so I’m going to try to catch some Z’s at the gate.

get/bag/cop/cut some Z's = catch some Z's 打盹,小睡一会
doze off 不知不觉地打起盹来
take a nap 打盹
take/have forty winks 打盹

hava the last word - 最后说了算

Everyone started shouting,trying to have the last word,and the whole meeting just descended into chaos.

be the last word in(something) 最好的、最时尚的(事物)
one final word 要对某人或某事说的最后一条建议/批评/评论
have words 拌嘴,争论,吵架

a fly in the ointment - 美中不足

It was a very good party.The only fly in the ointment was that the host got drunk and started abusing everybody!

take of the town - 街谈巷议

My brother was the talk of the town after leading the high school team to a state championship.


One of the hottest topics many people talk about now is…

Recently the issue/problem of…has been brought into focus/brought to public attention/in the limelight/posed among the public.

Nowdays,it it commonly/eidely/generally believed/thought/held that…,but I wonder/doubt that…

silly season - 新闻淡季

It’s the political silly season,and this policy is a very silly idea which seems more about public relations than solutions.

bread-and-butter letter -感谢信

When i got back from the sales meeting,i took two days to write bread-and-butter letter to the people i met.

bread and butter 生计,主要收入来源
have(one's) bread buttered on both sides 面包两侧都涂上黄油,指左右逢源。
bread always falls on the buttered side 面包掉了,而且还是涂了黄油的一面朝下,指”倒霉的事都到一块了,屋漏偏逢连夜雨”
know what/which side of the bread is butered(on) 知道面包的那一面有黄油,指”知道那种情况对自己有利”

drop someone a line - 给某人写信

I konw you’ll be busy enjoying yourself,but please,drop me a line on your trip.

faint of heart - 胆小鬼

This game can get rough sometime.It is definitely not for the faint of heart.

big girl's blouse 男生腼腆害羞得像大姑娘似的,缺乏自信和勇气。
a chicken guy 胆小鬼,懦弱的人
a scaredy cat 胆小鬼(容易被吓到的猫)

a nod is as good as a wink - 心照不宣

No need to tell me what you were up to last night — a nod is as good as a wink(to a blind horse).

rob the cradle - 老牛吃嫩草

Are you sure it doesn’t bother you how much older I am? I feel like people are judging me for robbing the cradle.

January and May也是“老牛吃嫩草”,但是专指“老夫少妻”
rob the cradle既可以指“老夫少妻”,也可以指“老妻少夫”

carry coals to Newcastle - 多此一举


We definitely don’t need to bring any toys when we go over their house — they have so many that bringing more would be like carrying coals to Newcastle.

take owls to Athens 雅典(Athens)的居民被认为已经有足够的智慧,将象征智慧的猫头鹰(owl)带去雅典是“多此一举”
Sell snow to Eskimos 将雪卖给住在北极的爱斯基摩人(Eskimos),指“多此一举”
sell sand to Arabs 将沙子卖给阿拉伯人(Arabs),指“多此一举”

rule of thumb - 经验法则

所以后来,人们用’rule of thumb’代指“经验法则”,指的是基于经验而非理论、在大多数情况下都正确的通用规则。

As a rule of thumb,I move my houseplants outside in May.

lay an egg - 完全失败

Long before they had finished making it,Stamp knew that the movie would lay an egg.

Go lay an egg! 滚一边去!别来烦我!
Never cackle before your egg is laid 在事情完成前别急着炫耀。
kill the goose that lays golden eggs 杀鸡取卵,涸泽而渔

rock the boat - 惹是生非

He is easy-going and won’t rock the boat unless absolutely necessary.

rain check - 改日再约

get/have/take a rain check
give someone a rain check

  • (体育比赛因雨改期再赛时)可延期使用的票:

The game was canceled because of the storm, but we all got a rain check on it.

  • (商店因促销商品无库存而发给顾客、允许日后以相同优惠价购买的)购物优惠券:

The store was all out of the shampoo they advertised, but I got a rain check.

  • 改日再约,延期招待:

We would love to come to your house, but we are busy next Saturday. Could we take a rain check on your kind invitation?

see the light of day - 诞生问世

These top-secret documents will probably never see the light of day.

This book might never have seen the light of day without the enthusiasm and support of my editor.

see the light (在长时间思考后)明白过来,领悟过来
see the light at the end of the tunnel 看到希望的曙光,苦尽甘来

close the home - 戳到痛处

His comments struck unpleasantly close to home.

make yourself at home 请自便,别客气
see you home 送你回家
bring home the bacon 养家糊口
home free 稳操胜券

blank cheque - 自由处理权


We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble through poor management.

give someone a blank cheque to do something-给予某人对某事的自由处理权
someone have a blank cheque to do something-某人拥有对某事的自由处理权

De Klerk had,in a sense,been given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.
从某种意义上说,De Klerk已被允许全权洽谈新南非问题。

climb the wall - 焦躁不安

If she makes another foolish blunder like that,I’ll be ready to climb the wall.

The doctor hasn’t called me with the test results yet,so I’ve been climbing the wall.

up the wall 愤怒的,焦虑的
drive sb up the wall = drive sb bananas 使某人愤怒,使某人发狂
up against the wall 走投无路,逼到绝境
go to the wall 破产,失败,竭尽全力

beat the drum for - 极力鼓吹

Some people are beating the drum online for the legislation.

I spent a lot of time beating the drum for our plans for the future.

bang the drum for = beat the drum for 极力鼓吹
beat a retreat 迅速撤退,匆忙溜掉
alarmism 危言耸听;大惊小怪

turn tail - 逃之夭夭

As soon as they saw we had guns,they turned tail and ran away.

pull one’s leg - 开某人玩笑

Don’t believe him.He’s just pulling your leg.

ride ones' coattails 借东风,抱某人大腿
be a drag on someone 拖某人后退,拖累某人
shake a leg 赶快(用于催促别人);跳舞
break a leg 祝好运;祝愿演员演出成功

TV dinner - 冷冻快餐

Having too many TV dinners is bad for your health.

1952年感恩节之后,美国最大的罐装食物品牌之一Swanson遇到了一个十分棘手的问题——260吨冰冻火鸡滞销,而Swanson冷藏库空间完全用完了,如果把260吨火鸡全部倒掉将会是一笔不小的损失。某天,一个机智的工人在看到铝制托盘时突发奇想:为什么不在一个大盘子上面加上几个隔间然后卖做好的速冻食物呢?病急乱投医的Swanson高层同意了这一想法。在50年代,最火爆的商品是电视机,为了提高销量,Swanson将餐盒隔间形状设计成当时电视机面板的形式——一边是一个大盘(类似于电视机屏幕),用于盛放切片火鸡和玉米面包调料;另一边是两个小隔间(类似于电视机右边的控制面板),盛放冷冻豌豆和红薯,并将此冷冻快餐命名为’TV dinner’,最初的主要目标客户是电视观众。TV dinner在没有时间或精力做饭的人群中迅速走红,后来人们就用’TV dinner’来代指“冷冻快餐”

to have January chicks - 老来得子

This couple had January chicks when they were fifty-five,so this naughty boy is really the apple of their eye.

短语来自英国作家乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》中”商人的故事”。故事中的男爵January在60岁时娶了年轻的过娘May,结婚后不就,May就有了孩子,所以”to have January chicks”就表示”老来得子”啦。

May and December 老夫少妻
a cold day in July 小概率事件
mad as a March hare 疯狂,暴躁
April weather 喜怒无常

Hobson’s choice - 别无选择

It’s a case of Hobson’s choice,because if I don’t accept this salary,I’ll lose this job.

在16世纪的英国,有一位名叫Tobias Hobson的商人,他的工作是驾着载人四轮大马车在伦敦和剑桥之间往返,并且把闲置的马匹出租出去,主要客户是剑桥大学的学生。Hobson将跑路最多最劳累的马拴在马厩最里头,而将最近没怎么“出工”的马儿拴在门口。Hobson总是对前来租马的顾客们说:“你们可以选择任何自己看中的马,只要它是离马厩门最近的那一匹”。Hobson的这一规定使得顾客没任何其他选择的余地。

pull the strings - 幕后操纵

I want to know exactly who is pulling the strings here.

pull strings:to secretly use the influence that you have over important people to get something or to help someone(暗中利用自己的权势来获得某物或帮助某人)
pull the strings:to be in control of an organization, often secretly;to have real or ultimate control of something(秘密地对某组织进行控制;对某物具有真正或最终的控制权)

out to lunch - 外出吃午饭/心不在焉/神志不清

Did I just say that two plus two equals five?Wow,I’m really out to lunch today.

Don’t listen wo a word he says,he’s out to lunch.

be in the doghouse - 受冷落

someone be in the doghouse (某人因做错了事)收到冷落,失宠。

He’s been in the doghouse ever since he forget his grilfriends’s brithday.

dog days 三伏天,大热天
a dog's breakfast 乱七八糟,一团混乱
a dog's life 悲惨的生活,艰难困苦的生活
a dog's age 很长的实践,很久
every dog has its day 凡人都有得意时,风水轮流转

a stone’s throw - 一步之遥

Success lies a stone’s throw from failure.Why not advance a bit?

be carved/set/written in stone 一成不变
have a heart of stone 铁石心肠
hit two birds with one stone 一石二鸟

separate the sheep from the goats - 明辨好坏

It is getting harder and harder to separate the sheep from the goats among the 4000 or so titles for children that are published every year.

play/act the goat 做蠢事
get one's goat 激怒某人,惹某人发火
skin a goat 呕吐

a shot in the arm - 刺激因素

The reform will provide a shot in the arm fro whousands of small businesses.

The chief’s unexpected praise really gave my floundering project a shot in the arm.

射门;扣篮 a dunk shot 一记扣篮
射击;射手 a good shot 高明的射手
尝试;努力 that's a long shot 成功的希望不大 give it my best shot 竭尽所能

push the boat out - 摆阔庆祝

buy a round of drinks 为所有人买酒,形容慷慨大方。

They really pushed the boat out for their daughter’s wedding.

push the boat out 狂欢庆祝,大肆狂欢

wait on hand and foot - 照顾得无微不至

I don’t want anyone to wait on me hand and foot.I can take care of myself.

I don’t know if Tom’s relationship with Jeremy is healthy.It seems like Tom’s always waiting on Jeremy hand and foot.

spin one’s wheels - 白费力气

After realizing we were just spinning our wheels,we quitted the project.

That kept me on to manage what’s left of this division,but to be honest,I’ve just been spinning my wheels here for last couple of years.

at the wheel 开车,掌舵;领导,控制,掌权
thrid wheel 电灯泡;累赘
a big wheel/cheese 一个有影响力的大人物

pinhead - 蠢蛋


Only that pinhead Pets has remained his loyal lackey.

That pinhead couldn’t manage his own sock drawer,let alone a huge project like this!


be bananas for - 痴迷于某物

She is bananas for watching soap opera.

go bananas 激动、疯狂、神魂颠倒
to drive someone bananas 使用某人疯狂,惹怒某人
That is bananas! 真是太疯狂了!

ring a bell - 听起来耳熟

The name rang a bell but I couldn’t remember where and when I had heard of it.

Your description rings a bell,but I don’t think I’ve ever been there myself.

alarm/warning bells start ringing 警钟开始响起,需要引起警觉
get(one's) bell rung (尤其指头部)收到猛烈的打击或伤害
set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟,提起警惕

rise and shine - 快起床

Five more minutes! 再睡五分钟!
I don't wanna get up 我不想起床
I'm still drowsy 我还困着呢

touch a raw nerve - 触到痛处

She touched a raw nerve when she mentioned his wife.
I could tell he was touching a raw nerve when he brought up Jane’s former employer and Jane went slient for a moment.

on the wrong foot - 出师不利

Their relationship started off on the wrong foot,but they got along better afterwards.

Make sure you’re on time and dressed professionally.You don’t want to start your first day of work on the wrong foot.

a black look - 恶狠狠地瞪一眼

He gave me a black look when I suggested he should clean his room.

I tried to apologize for what I said,but she gave me such a black look that I knew it wasn’t the right time to talk to her yet.

Black Friday 黑色星期五(耶稣在复活节前受难的日子)
black day 倒霉的一天
black future 暗淡的前途

backseat driver - 爱多管闲事的人

I cannot stand my relatives being backseat drivers to me.

Although Mary was capable of completing the project on her own,John couldn’t stop himself from being a backseat driver and telling her what to do.

Sunday driver 开车很慢的司机
in the driver's/driving seat 处于掌控地位,掌握领导权利

salt away - 储蓄

No one kenw that he salted away a fortune over the years.

I salted away money from my summer job to pay for college.

take ... with a grain of salt 对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑
eat(one's) salt 在某人家里做客
worth one's salt = worth one's salary 称职的,有能力的

go to seed - 不修边幅


He used to carry a lot of muscle but now he was gping to seed.

Wow,Tim’s really started going to seed ever since he had kids.

I went back to visit my old elementary school,and sadly,it has really gone to seed.

run to seed = go to seed
seed money 启动资金,本金
good seed makes a good crop 善因结善果

whistle in the dark - 虚张声势

whistle 吹口哨

To claim this as such a glorious record is whistling in the dark.

He seems confident we’ll get the money we need,but I think he’s just whistling in the dark.

as clean as a whistle (某物)非常干净;(某人)没有任何前科或污点
whistle in the wind 白费力气,徒劳无功
bells and whistles 花里胡哨的装饰,不必要的附件或附加功能

be up in the air - 悬而未决

My vacation plan is up in the air.

Because the whole town protested plans to build a new shopping center,that proposal is now up in the air.

take something with a grain of salt - 半信半疑

The man tends to exaggerate,so you have to take what he says with a grain of salt.
Horoscope is fun,but it’s not necessarily accurate.I always take it with a grain of salt.

on the back burner - 搁置一旁

This task is on the back burner because I want to focus on preparing for the finals.

I’m going to be putting work stuff on the back burner for a while after my son is born.

put something on the back burner 将某事搁置一旁
on the front burner 处于重要地位,受到重视
put something on the frint burner 重视某事
cook on the front burner = cook with gas 干的漂亮,做的很棒

be wet behind the ears - 乳臭未干

She has just graduated from school and is still wet behind the ears.

You’ll never win the case with him as your lawyer —— he’s just out of law school and still wet behind the ears!

put the cart before the horse 本末倒置(车在马前面)
the die is cast 大局已定,木已成舟(骰子已经掷出)
six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两(六个和半打)

mum’s the word - 保守秘密

Nobody must mention this project outside the office.I hope that’s clear.We understand!Mum’s the word!

Keep mum about it. 别声张
seal one's lips 保密
be tight-mouthed 守口如瓶

below the belt - 暗中伤人

belt 腰带

His remarks about her paper were a bit below the belt.

I know she really wants the promotion,but she hit below the belt when she told the boss about my personal problems.

belt up 住口、闭嘴
have sth under one's belt 吃掉/喝掉某物;获得某成就或名誉;掌握某技能
tighten(one's) belt 勒紧裤带,节衣缩食,省吃俭用

carry the can - 背黑锅

He broke the vase,but his brother was left to carry the can.

The teachers who were criticized said that they would not carry the can for the faults in the school system.

go to Reno - 离婚


We cant’t tolerate each other anymore,so we decide to go to Reno.

tie the knot 结婚
end the marriage 离婚
ex-husband/ex-wife 前夫/前妻

gild the lily - 画蛇添足

You’re beautiful the way you are,and makeup would be gilding the lily.

To gild refined gold,to paint the lily,to throw a perfume on the violet,to smoooth the ice,or add another hue unto the rainbow… …is wasteful and ridiculous excess.

Oh,sally.You’re beautiful the way you are.You don’t need makeup.You would be gilding the lily.

lily-livered 胆怯的,懦弱的
lily-white 颜色纯白的;为人非常诚实的

jump ship - 跳槽

Many workers decide to jump ship because their employer tries to dock their bonuses.

None of the editors liked the new policies, so they all jumped ship as soon as other jobs opened up.

in the same boat (as someone) 与某人处境相同
don't give up the ship 不要放弃,不要屈服
like rats leaving as sinking ship 船沉鼠先窜;不能共患难的人

climb on the bandwagon - 见风使舵

She climbed on the bandwagon when the team seemed to prevail.

I can’t stand these people who just climb on the bandwagon after a win.Where were they last year when the team terrible?

fence sitter/rider 骑在篱笆上的人;见风使舵的人,立场不坚定的人,墙头草。

pedal to the metal - 全速前进

Let’s put pedal to the metal and finish the work as fast as we can,

(Put the) Pedal to the metal,boys — we need to get these packages shipped by the end of the day.

  • 用尽全力做某事

try one's best to do sth
make great efforts to do sth
spare no effort to do sth
do one's utmost to do sth

off the cuff - 即兴地

I didn’t have time to organize my thoughts,so I just spoke off the cuff.

on the rocks - 岌岌可危/(在酒中)加冰块

Their marriage is on the rock because of domestic violence.

The company is on the rocks these days following the disastrous release of their latest product.

shoot the breeze - 闲聊

The girls sat out on the porch,just shooting the breeze.

Customers always want to shoot the breeze with me in the store before they buy something.

  • 同义短语

shoot/throw the bull
chew the fat

cut the mustard - 符合条件

can't cut the mustard 不如人意 = can't cut it
cut the muster - pass muster 达到标准,符合要求

If you can’t cut the mustard,then we’ll get someone else to do the job.

What I really need is a phone that’s much more dependable.This one just does nto cut the mustard.

meet/reach the standard 达到标准
meet a criterion 符合标准
up to specification 符合规格

in a nutshell - 一言以蔽之

He had put the whole situation in a nutshell.

Let me put it in a nutshell for you —— if you show up late again,you’re fired!

the lliad in a nutshell 荷马长史诗the lliad 可以放在坚果壳里

all in all 简单来说,总而言之
to sum up ~
in a word ~
in a short ~
in conclusion ~

tie the knot - 结婚

They are tying the knot this summer in Greece.

We tied the knot in a little chapel on the Arkansas border.

tie someone/oneself (up) in a knot (使)大惑不解,糊涂
tie something in a knot 把东西打个结

the Midas touch - 点石成金

He can make a lot of money no matter which profession he chooses.He must have the Midas touch.

Stephanie has the Midas touch —— she makes lots of money whateber she does.
Setphanie有点石成金的本领 —— 她不管做什么,都能挣到很多钱。

be joined at the hip - 关系紧密

hip 臀部

Those two guys are always joined at the hip.They are always together.

The couple who are almost joined at the hip in their 20s may have become quite distant in their 40s

a pipe dream - 白日梦

pipe 烟斗

His dream of becoming a billionaire is just a pipe dream.

three sheets to the wind - 喝醉酒

By the end of the night he was three sheets to the wind and we had to take him home in a cab.

cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
loose cannon 难以驾驭的危险人物
with flying colors 出色地

bury the hatchet - 重归于好

They finally decided to bury the hatchet after all these years.

Could you please bury the hatchet and make up with your sister already I can’t take the constant fighting.

take someone back 与某人重归于好(通常是情侣或配偶)
make up with someone 与某人和好
get back together 破镜重圆,重归与好(通常指分手后的符合)

cut someone some slack - 对某人网开一面

When you’re new at a job,colleagues and bosses cut you some slack.They forgive minor mistakes because you’re new.

He’s a kid.Cut him some slack and let him learn from this.

cut someone some slack 对某人网开一面
pick/take up the slack 接手某人做没做了的工作;为某人收拾烂摊子,收拾残局

lead the life of Riley - 过着轻松舒适的生活

It’s my dream to lead the life of Riley.

lead the life of the spirit 过着崇尚精神的生活
lead a happy/bitter life 过着幸福/痛苦的生活

loose cannon - 难以驾驭的危险人物

He’s seen as something of a loose cannon by other team members.

cannon fodder 炮灰
serve as cannon fodder 充当炮灰
water cannon 高压水枪;防爆水枪

know the ropes - 知道内情

learn the ropes 找到门路、学到窍门

She is new here and still doesn’t know the ropes,but she will soon get to learn the ropes.

He’s been working here for over 40 years.So he knows the ropes to get anything done here.

put a bug in one’s ear - 委婉暗示

The boss put a bug in his ear about the importance of meeting this deadline.

I know you want tio transferred to the sales department.I’ll put a bug in the boss’ear for you.

be bitten by the travel/fishing/garding bug 对旅游/钓鱼/园艺有强烈兴趣
catch/pick up/get a bug 生病
Don't bug me 别烦我
cute as a bug's ear 非常可爱,通常用来形容小玩意、小孩子等

up the creek - 处于困境

If the check doesn’t come today, I’ll be up a creek.

I’ll be up the creek if I don’t pass thsi math test.

adversity n. 逆境,不幸
be in adversity处于逆境,深处逆境
overcome adversity克服逆境
Adversity Quotient(AQ)逆境商数;逆境智商;逆商

touch base with someone - 和某人联系

Will you please touch base with the marketing team and find out how they’re progressing?

check with someone让某人帮忙把关,做出决定前请某人确认
check in with someone与某人进行快速的沟通,以获取最新的状态
check in to something关于某事进行快速沟通

hold all the aces - 占尽上风

In the battle between factory owners and environmentalists,the environmentalists seem to hold all the aces.

hold all the trumps/cards 占尽上风
play one's cards right 充分利用所拥有的资源,办事高明
the ace in (one's) hand 某人拥有的主要优势

soft soap - 奉承

His letter was full of soft soap.

soft pedal 低调处理
soft touch 很容易被被人说服的人

on a shoestring - 靠着极少量的资金

We were living on a shoestring for a while after our baby was born,but,luckily,I got a promotion,and our situation has improved a bit.

The film was made on a shoestring.

run a temperature - 发烧

Next moning she ran a temperature but insisted on getting up.

  • 同义词

have a fever
run a fever
have a temperature

sock away - 储蓄

She’s socked away hundreds of dollars in a saving account.

We’ve been socking little bits away for years in order to put down a deposit on a home.

  • sock v. 重击

sock sb/sth 重击,猛击
sb be/get socked with sth 某人因某事受到打击

get hitched - 结婚

When do you plan to get hitched?

make a big commitment 做出重大的承诺;结婚
walk down the aisle 走进婚姻的殿堂;结婚
make a match 使订婚,使结婚

have a chip on one’s shoulder - 动辄发火

He’s got a chip on his shoulder about not having been invited to the party.

He is not popular among his peers.He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.

have a finger in the pie 插手某人,掺和某事
have one's finger on the pulse 对某事非常了解

cat and dog life - 争吵不休的生活

This couple lived a cat and dog life.

They have led a cat and dog life almost since the day they were married.

let the cat out of the bag 无意中泄露秘密,露出马脚
every dog has his day 人人皆有得意时
rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨
a dog's life 潦倒的生活

pizza face - 长满痘痘的脸

How should I deal with my pizza face?

butterface 身材好,脸很丑;背影杀手
a face that only a mother could love 只有你妈才会喜欢你这张脸
I'm not good with faces that I never want to see again 我不太想记得不想见的人的长相

play it by ear - 见机行事

I can’t promise I can make it tonight.Let’s play it by ear.

clutch at straws - 抓住救命稻草

a man of straw 受人摆布或软弱不可靠的小人物
a straw in the wind 事情发生前的预兆
the last/final straw 最后一根稻草,使人崩溃的最后一击

Although there was little possibility that he would succeed,he didn’t give up.A downing man will even clutch at straws.

out of the blue - 出人意料的

He phoned me out of the blue yesterday and said he was feeling blue.

Mike has decided to quit his job out of the blue,and go traveling for a year!

green-eyed 嫉妒的
pink slip 解雇通知书
born in the purple 生在帝王之家/皇室;出生显贵
green hand 新手

brown-bag - 自带午餐

brown-bag v. 自带午餐上班或者上学
brown bag session 无参研讨会

hit the books - 用功学习

cram for (为考试)临时抱佛脚
pull an all-night 通宵学习,熬夜完成任务
burn the midnight oil 开夜车,挑灯夜战
bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,好高骛远,力不从心

dressed to the nines - 衣冠楚楚

Yesterday at her party,everyone was dressed to the nines.

I have to be dressed to the nines at this gala tonight —— a lot of important people will be there.

  • 同义短语
    dressed(up) to the nines
    dressed to the teeth
    done up to the nines

jump in at the deep end - 在未准备的情况下着手

start doing something new and difficult without help or preparation.

  • 同义短语
    be thrown in at the deep end

The reason you didn’t get the offer is that you jumped in at the deep end.

I‘m a little nervous about starting my graduate degree program,but I’m determined to jump in at the deep end and give it a go.

have stars in one’s eyes - 满怀憧憬

get/with stars in one's eyes 自鸣得意,洋洋得意

Many young people,all having stars in their eyes,come to Bejing.

Thinking about their coming marriage,they both had stars in their eyes.

get one’s back up - 惹恼某人

One thing really gets my back up —— the way my husband leaves his clothes on the bed or on the floor so I have to pick them up all the time.

Her boyfriends always says something silly regardless of occasions,getting her back up.

get back 回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台
get back up重新爬起来,重新站起来;重新振作起来

red herring - 转移注意力的事

herring 鲱鱼

The author is good at introducing a red herring into the plot to keep readers guessing.

The candidate used the minor issue as a red herring to distract voters from the corruption accusations against him.

dead as a herring 彻底死亡,完全死翘翘

the writing on the wall - 不祥之兆;凶兆

The increase in oil price is the writing on the wall for some small businesses.

The offficial saw the writing on the wall and fled the country.

  • 同义表达

the handwriting on the wall
a finger on the wall

butterfingers - 笨手笨脚的人

I dropped another plate!I’m such a butterfingers today.

butter(one's) bread on both sides 面包两面都涂上黄油,两头兼顾,两面讨好。

Achilles’ heel - 致命弱点

When exposed to a green rock from his home planet,Superman becomes powerless.That’s his Achilles’ heel.

also - ran - 失败者,落选者

Don’t ask me who the also-rans were.I can’t remember.

  • 冠军

championgold medalisttitlefirstkempfirst place

  • 亚军

runner-upsilver medal winnersilver medalistsecond place

  • 季军

third winner in contestbronze medalistthird place

have one over the eight - 喝高了

He stumbled so it was obvious he had one over the eight.

From the way he was walking it was obvious he’d had one over the eight.

at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻;在紧要关头
kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟,一箭双雕
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
on cloud nine 欣喜若狂,喜出望外

nose out of joint - 心烦意乱

out of joint 脱臼

His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party.

put/have one's nose out of joint 使某人嫉妒,使某人眼红

carry a torch for someone - 单恋某人

I‘ve carried the torch for het since high school,but I’ve never been able to tell her how I feel.

carry the/a torch for something 对某物非常支持,还想说服别人一起支持

bring down the house - 博得满堂彩

A clown with a monkey can bring down the house.

Don’t laugh so hard! You’ll bring the house down - it’s an old building,you know.

like a house on fire 引起轰动,迅速成名;爱情迅速发展(火力的房子)

take the plunge - 冒险尝试

They’re finally taking the plunge and getting married.

in the heat of the moment - 盛怒之下

I often do things in the heat of the moment and regret it later.
He didn’t mean it —— he said it in the heat of the moment.

in the heat of the action 处于风口浪尖
in the heat of the argument 在激烈辩论中
in the heat of anger 在气头上
in the heat of excitement 处于极度兴奋

in the bag - 十拿九稳

Even though the game is in the bag,the team still plays hard.

bags of 很多,大量
a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
a bag of wind 夸夸其谈的人

文章作者: HibisciDai
文章链接: http://hibiscidai.com/2020/05/30/扇贝-你问我答/
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 HibisciDai